Help! I miss my fruit and milk



  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Depriving yourself of any one type of food may be a quick way to sabotage. Cravings are usually one of the things that can derail your fitness program. I have everything I want, just not every day and not in unlimited quantities. If your co-worker isn't a physician (etc.), thank her for her advice, but do what works for you. A banana and 8 ounces of 1% or skim milk in the morning with breakfast shouldn't make you gain as long as you are staying within your caloric goals.
  • hmcminton
    hmcminton Posts: 49 Member
    moderation! have a glass (8 oz.) of milk in the morning and then have berries, 1/2 banana, or an apple for either a snack or for dessert. natural sugar is still sugar, so just be smart about what other foods you are eating along with your fruit or milk. combine with a serving of protein and it is a healthy food choice. just don't drink 32 oz of milk a day ~ that is too much. 16 oz max... i am following South Beach diet guidelines and before joining MFP, i had already lost almost 70 pounds... my go-to snack is Chobani 0% fat, plain Greek Yogurt with 1/2 cup of blueberries and 1/2 cup of strawberries ~ delicious and keeps me satisfied for a few hours. Good luck adding your milk and fruit back in - just go slowly, assess how you are feeling along with tracking weight or inches lost and adjust as needed!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    First off, you did not get to where you are because you were watching sugar AND calories. You got there because you lowered your calorie intake. Of course, foods with low sugar are naturally low in calorie. But many fruits that are high in sugar are low in calorie. Natural sugars are relatively safe as long as you are not a diabetic. It is the refined sugars like the Honey Nut Cheerios that you had yesterday that are the culprit. Of course, I don't worry about either myself. I eat all the sugar I want. I have not and will never give up chocolate, and I have enjoyed it often in the course of my journey. I have lost close to 80 lbs. Sugar is not going to interfere in your weight loss if you keep your calories in check.

    Sugar is an instant energy release. Your body requires it to begin any activity. If you are go from a sitting position, to a standing position, and then to walking, then your body needs sugar. As you continue to walk, your activity becomes aerobic, and the body reverts to fat for energy. Sugar is actually really important. But its natural sugars that the body uses the fastest. Refined sugars that don't get used are converted to fat and stored.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I know the manner in which I am eating is something I cannot maintain forever; I need help to find the right balance.

    Saying that is setting yourself up for a tough road ahead and one that turns a lifestyle change into a "diet" that you can easily abandon.

    I watch my sugar too, but I eat fruit 2-3 times a day. And I actually took the sugar column out of my diary, I just watch my carbs column. I don't (or, try not to) consume added sugars - honey, sugar in my tea, sweets. I also drink Silk Unsweetend Almond milk as I have found that tastes the most similar to real milk than other brands. But almond milk can be an acquired taste, if you really want to cut out dairy then keep with it, and you might start enjoying it.

    Also for fruit, maybe look at fruits that have a lower Glycemic Index number. Apples and strawberries are both lower on the GI scale, bananas are mid-high. Pick and choose, and experiment.

    My advice would be to do some experimenting, try sticking to 2 fruits and one glass a day one week, 1 fruit and a 6 ounce glass of milk a day another week, etc. Don't get caught up on "slipping up", a lot of that 7.6 pound loss could be water weight as well since you seem to be at the beginning of your weight loss journey, so don't get hung up on the number.
  • floweringcurrant
    floweringcurrant Posts: 112 Member
    I eat fruit every single day. It is not something that I would be able to maintain a healthy eating style without. Fruit sugar is different than processed sugar, fruit sugar is good for you. I eat up to 3 or 4 fruits a day sometimes, and I eat a banana every morning. I'm still losing! I would take away your sugar tab on your food diary and just eat sugars that are healthy and not processed. You don't have to suffer through this!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Sugar from fruit is fine it is a natural sugar and the benefits from the fruit out way the sugar calories and drink your milk
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I eat a LOT of fruit. A typical day might include a large apple, a banana, several clementines, and quite a few berries. I still have lost 15 lbs since Jan 1. I love my fruit, and absolutely am not willing to cut it out. As long as your blood sugar is good, I say eat it!
  • KellyAnneH
    KellyAnneH Posts: 38 Member
    As long as you stay within your calorie allotment you will lose - it's about calories in, calories out. That said, the QUALITY of what you put in your mouth and how sustainable your diet is are what will make all the difference in how you feel and whether the weight STAYS off. Since you know you can't sustain a diet without fruit and milk, don't do it now. Read labels, record honestly, eat enough protein, healthy fats and fibre and stay within your calories.

    I find MFP suggests a rather low protein goal, so I've bumped mine up. Same with fibre. Protein and fibre are what keep you from wanting to rip someone's arm off and eat it. Fruit has fibre - you WANT that fibre. Eat it with some protein and you're golden - and what's not to like about a bowl of cut up fruit mixed with yogurt?

    Things to avoid: refined sugars, fruit juice (as much sugar as pop but no fibre to fill you up - what a waste!), pop, white flour anything and fake food. A blog I follow says it well,"If it comes in a box it probably isn't food." I still buy boxes of frozen chicken breasts, turkey meatballs, WW pasta and the occasional frozen lasagne, but other than that we mostly eat freshly prepared real food.
  • I'm going to agree with all the others who've said that sugar in milk and fruit are worth the benefits that they provide your body, as long as you aren't overdoing it, or have some health issue (such as diabetes). I try to really stay away from processed sugars, mostly sweets, as I do eat whole wheat breads, pastas and brown rice. I have had steady weight loss all along, and I try to have at least one glass of milk each morning, and I really don't limit my fruit. I don't overdo it though. Good luck. You have to do what you know will work for you in the long run, and don't take anyone else in here's word as gospel. We're all on the same journey you are, my friend.
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    Just eat them in moderation
  • I am watching my sugars as well and have had amazing results, but I do allow myself two servings of fresh fruit a day. Usually an apple and an orange or some strawberries. I dont know about milk because I don't do milk personally so it's no big deal for me to go without, but everything in moderation. If you love milk dont completely deprive yourself, just have it in small doses.
  • mrsbarz
    mrsbarz Posts: 99 Member
    I've been watching my diet for the last 3 weeks & I've lost 14lbs so far. I can't have dairy food as it effects my arthritis, so I have soya milk instead, but I only have it on some of my cereal & in my drinks. As for fruit, I still eat 1 or 2 pieces of fruit each day. I count these as my snacks. They sometimes take me over my target for sugar but I'm not too concerned as they are natural sugars.

    Anyway, good luck with your weightloss journey. x
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Just like there are good 'fats' and bad 'fats'...and good carbs and bad carbs...well there is a difference between good sugars and bad ones....

    “Good” sugar is found in whole foods like fruits and veggies, because it’s bundled with fluid, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. “Bad” sugar, on the other hand, is the type not added by Mother Nature, the refined stuff that sweetens sodas, candy and baked goods.

    One cup of cherries contains about 17 grams of sugar and a cup of chopped carrots 6 grams, but both are so chock-full of good stuff that it would be practicing bad nutrition to banish them!!

    Cutting back on processed foods and sweets is the best way to reduce your intake of “bad” sugar. What I do is avoid eating any foods or drinks that lists sugar or a form of sugar as one of the first three ingredients.
  • I know your watching you sugar but think, you could be eating a bbowl of Coca Puffs or something. Just know that eating fruit and milk will still be good for you and even if you have to risk a little at least your not risking a lot.:flowerforyou:

    Does anyone have any SUPERBOWL tricks? They always say you gain more weight near the SUPERBOWL.:sad:
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Watching sugar intake is a good idea, but a little sugar in some healthy foods is not going to make you put weight back on if you stay within your calorie goal.

    My suggestion would be to keep watching artificial added sugar, and add an occasional piece of fruit or glass of milk and see what happens. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

    ^^ agreed, When watching our sugar it is to allow our liver the necessary time and energy needed to utilize the fat in our body instead of having it produce so much insulin to balance out the sugar in our body. Natural sugar however in fruits and vegetables include lots of fiber and much needed nutrition as well, that will slow down the digestion process and therefor don't cause those large spike in sugar levels or insulin production.
    Also the sugar in milk is balanced with some fat and other nutrients as well, and as the sugar in fruit it will not cause the sugar spike or crashes.
    I am not saying to OD on anything, but a fruit a day or a nice cup of milk a day will do your body a world of good :flowerforyou:
    I hope this helps
  • mlang1955
    mlang1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank-you everyone! I am overwhelmed by the response I have received… lots of good information and tips! Well, I think I will finish off my carton of Almond milk and then try going back to my 1%. Or maybe this week, I will acquire a taste for almond milk as someone suggested. And yes, I will gradually add back some of my favorite fruits to see what happens. OK. I got to where I am because I lowered my calorie intake, not my sugar grams. Those that made that comment are probably right; this is the first time in my life at counting calories. And my co-worker is not a physician. Again, thanks! MFP support is awesome!!! :smile:
  • itsablondething
    itsablondething Posts: 28 Member
    I've been doing MFP and combining it with the 17 Day Diet, which is a "lower carb" plan. It allows 2 fruit and 2 dairy (yogurt) servings a day, and the doc that wrote it suggests no high carb foods after 2 pm (which would be my fruit and yogurt).

    I did this because I personally do better and feel better if I cut out lots of carbs, but I can't say that when I cut out ALL carbs.

    Right now, 2 fruit servings and 2 milk servings are doing very well with me.
  • carlageek
    carlageek Posts: 32 Member
    Everyone's needs are different, of course, and I have heard that some people find they have to restrict sugars even from natural, unprocessed sources like fruit in order to curb cravings and have effective weight loss.

    But, I have to say that I've been quite happily losing weight for more than two years on a plan that includes plenty of fruit
    and dairy. Indeed, I'll go so far as to say that I could not have lost my weight without fruit and dairy - I just can't imagine what I would have eaten instead! They are that central to my plan.

    I eat 3-5 pieces of fruit every day, mostly apples, but also bananas and oranges. They are the perfect go-to snack - tasty, satisfying, portable, come in their own handy wrapper.

    Likewise for dairy - it's a great source of protein, and (especially combined with fruit!) a little bit of cheese or Greek yogurt is a snack that is delicious and can stave off the nibbles for several hours.

    So, as I said, if you find you can't fit these into your plan for some reason, I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong - everyone is different. But I would strongly consider trying, first, to see how you do with them, and not cut them out just because some random person told you to "cut sugar."