What else are you adding to your weight loss journey?



  • mamasasa
    mamasasa Posts: 90 Member
    Cut out soda 2 months ago, and am also trying to take better care of myself by taking better care of my home. I've never been a natural housekeeper, but when my home is clean and pleasant I feel more relaxed and happier. I've been trying to incorporate the FLYlady system (http://flylady.com/) of using babysteps to develop good housekeeping habits.

    Flylady is awesome! I am trying to teach myself that, like exercise, cleaning has to be part of the daily routine. A shining sink is a shining spirit!

  • sexyagainbysummer
    sexyagainbysummer Posts: 47 Member
    I used to drink a bottle of wine a night! no joke every single night for about a year! i have not had a drink in 25 days since i started my journey to a healthy lifestyle! i have also not had any caffine, soda, or fast food! water water water! i have also been planning out my familys weekly dinner meals and that helps me stay organized in the kitchen and not trying to figure out whats for dinner and ending up at a restraunt! hopefully in the near future i can eliminate my smoking all together!
  • Vegan_Runner
    Vegan_Runner Posts: 133 Member
    I am taking care of my body as a whole. I am ensuring I wear my retainer every night. I am not drinking caffeine. I am wearing sunscreen everyday. I am moisturizing my face and body. I am doing yoga and meditation. I am going to my UU Church every Sunday. I don't just want to be physically healthy on the inside, I want all of me to be healthy and it starts with my mind and how I treat myself.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I quit smoking when I started to improve my overall health. I've been quit for almost a year.
  • Making me time and appreciating myself! This, for me, has been the hardest part of my journey. It is well worth it though!
  • Jess7170
    Jess7170 Posts: 62 Member
    I love reading all the positive changes people have made in their lives, thanks for asking the question! I, like others, have started to really pay attention to the quality of food I am feeding myself and my family. I'm working on getting more rest and being 'fully present' during my daily activities. But I have to say one of the most important changes I have made is cutting myself some slack and learning to LIVE my life, not just hurry through it to the next thing that's coming. Good luck to everyone on the journey of self-improvement!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I am trying to take better care of my teeth by flossing and rinsing more regularly. I have also decided that I can accomplish pretty much what I want. I have applied for my Master's program too.
  • Now drinking 1.5- 2 litres of water a day ... which i never did before.... and no longer drink diet coke etc... its made a massive difference in 3 weeks to me
  • siobhanhannon
    siobhanhannon Posts: 12 Member
    Working less so have a better work life balance
    Cut out alcohol completely
    Switched to Soy Milk for my porridge etc. - now only have cow's milk in my tea (small drop)
    Am back doing pilates and yoga to have more relaxation time and switch my mind off
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 124 Member
    drinking lots of water and not drinking any sodas

    this. ^^

    neither of these things I did on a regular basis.
  • sexyagainbysummer
    sexyagainbysummer Posts: 47 Member
    I quit smoking when I started to improve my overall health. I've been quit for almost a year.
    good job! any tips on quitting?
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    Aside from increasing my water increase and avoiding sodas and limiting my alcohol intake, I don't sweat the small stuff. I don't let people get to me like they used to before. If something is out of my control, that's exactly what it is- out of my control and there is nothing that any amount of worrying is going to change. I leave it then in God's hands, therefore living in much tranquility and inner peace.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Lots of stuff! But it's happened so naturally I didin't notice until I thought about it.. I almost immediately said goodbye to my beloved gooey white bread and only want nice seedy whole grains now. I don't miss soda a bit! Drinking lots of water. Lots more 'me' time doing things I never did before like:
    a) applying moisturizer to my body
    b) really looking after my fingernails - I'm treating my self to a french manicure every 25 pounds for motivation!
    c) actually paying attention to what I wear and how it makes me look
    d)standing up for myself more often and not thinking that my opinion isn't worth anything.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Living focused and driven toward good health. I try to find out what I enjoy doing that brings me closer to my goal and I try to remain aware and in control of the things that may distract and deter me. I like myself better, by this I mean I am being a BFF to myself and I notice that I deal with stress much better because the important issues in my life are in better control.
  • I have been walking to and from work because my car broke down. However; I've decided when the car is fixed next week I will buy a bike to ride back and forth to work. Also, I am getting a membership at Curves, which is only a 10 minute walk from my apartment.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    I want to start to drink green tea( supposed to be awesome for you) and I stopped drinking soda-pop =)
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    I want to start to drink green tea( supposed to be awesome for you) and I stopped drinking soda-pop =)

    It is one thing I can't drink. Having said that, I'm going to try and make ice tea with it. You can also buy green tea tablets which are more concentrate.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I quit smoking when I started to improve my overall health. I've been quit for almost a year.
    good job! any tips on quitting?

    I used Chantix for 9 weeks and it worked. When I tried it a little over 2 years ago, I bombed at it, but i think that's because I wasn't fully committed to quitting at that time and last year I was. It really just clicked and once I started working out and once I really smelled what my clothes smelled like, I don't want to start back. Not that I don't have the occasional, odd, out of the blue craving, because that does happen, but not that often. I can be around friends and family that smoke or in a bar with smokers and not feel inclined to light up.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Positive self-talk and surrounding myself with people who are also on a journey toward health and fitness. By being around others whom I aspire to be like, I feel more motivated. As for the positive self-talk, being proud of all my hard work and patting myself on the back when I've made good decisions helps me to do better each day.
  • luckygirl007
    luckygirl007 Posts: 68 Member
    I quit smoking when I started to improve my overall health. I've been quit for almost a year.
    good job! any tips on quitting?

    Allen Car has a great book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking"....It really works!