What else are you adding to your weight loss journey?



  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    I added 1 hour to my sleep. I used to sleep 6 hours a night, now 7 to 7.5 hours, i feel so more aware
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    I'm doing a total refocus on taking better care of myself. Weight loss is only part of it. I have 3 young children and my basic needs keep getting pushed to the side. I started a new skin care program to clear my acne and and head off further skin damage. Regular exercise 5-6 times a week. Go to bed earlier is on the list, but now successful with yet. I also bought my self some new clothes so I had decent things to wear to cover up my big self. Hair color is next. I see improvements in more ways than just weight loss. It helps to keep me focused on my goals and feeling good about what I'm doing.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Getting more sleep.
  • I am making time for me, even if it is just time for me to work out, it gives me half an hour to myself. Ive also increased my water in take greatly and cut back on diet coke, strangely enough i have also allowed my self to have the odd chocolate or dessert as long as its with in my calorie allowance where as before I avoided them altogether.
  • Edjeep
    Edjeep Posts: 65 Member
    Diet Related :
    -More water, way more water.
    -Used to drink a lot of diet coke also. None for me now.
    -I also used to drink a lot of milk with dinner every night.
    - taking the time to try new foods and recipes with the family.

    Exercise Related:
    -More excercise leads to more time outdoors; finding fun ways to spend time with the family outdoors.
    -Less TV.

    As I started to get back on the wagon, I also redid my desk at work after an ergo assesment pointed out some areas for improvement.
  • sexyagainbysummer
    sexyagainbysummer Posts: 47 Member
    I quit smoking when I started to improve my overall health. I've been quit for almost a year.
    good job! any tips on quitting?

    I used Chantix for 9 weeks and it worked. When I tried it a little over 2 years ago, I bombed at it, but i think that's because I wasn't fully committed to quitting at that time and last year I was. It really just clicked and once I started working out and once I really smelled what my clothes smelled like, I don't want to start back. Not that I don't have the occasional, odd, out of the blue craving, because that does happen, but not that often. I can be around friends and family that smoke or in a bar with smokers and not feel inclined to light up.
    i was thinking of trying chantix but i know a few people that tried it and had to get off. it made them crazy! i was thinkin about getting an electronic cig. have u tried?
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    I quit smoking when I started to improve my overall health. I've been quit for almost a year.
    good job! any tips on quitting?

    I used Chantix for 9 weeks and it worked. When I tried it a little over 2 years ago, I bombed at it, but i think that's because I wasn't fully committed to quitting at that time and last year I was. It really just clicked and once I started working out and once I really smelled what my clothes smelled like, I don't want to start back. Not that I don't have the occasional, odd, out of the blue craving, because that does happen, but not that often. I can be around friends and family that smoke or in a bar with smokers and not feel inclined to light up.
    i was thinking of trying chantix but i know a few people that tried it and had to get off. it made them crazy! i was thinkin about getting an electronic cig. have u tried?

    Before you spend big bucks, get the Allen Carr book first. I'm sure you'll be able to pick it up second hand. Awesome.... My husband stopped smoking after 33 years!!!! Couldn't recommend it more!!!
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    Seeing a therapist for my diet / food obsession. She instructed me to read the book, “Intuitive Eating”. It has made a profound impact on my life. Anytime you have an obsession with diet - you have an obsession with food. I had been dieting my whole entire life. Decided enough is enough and went to see a therapist.

