Help! I'm a mess!

I have gained a significant amount of weight since December! I was eating like total crap and and currently living on a different continent that is pretty far from home, so I'm finding it hard to eat healthy on a tight budget here.

The climate here is super warm, I'm outside a lot. I work out WAAAYYY more here than I ever have before (both at the gym and just walking to all my destinations, etc) but I just can't get my weight to drop. I weighed myself about two weeks ago then lost about 4lbs over the next 14 days, then just weighed myself again and I'm 2 heavier again! I just can't seem to make a dent.

I count calories all day, but it seems like at night I'm just ravenous. Does anyone have any ideas for helping to fill me up at night, so I'm not looking through the cupboards for anything edible? I am always starving come 7pm and I'm going insane here! How am I being way more active than ever before, yet still gaining weight? I run about 15kms every week, probably walk 30. Bike 50. And I'm gaining weight! Ahhhh!

Keep in mind, my current weight is now 8lbs higher than I was at this time in December. I'm a hot mess, please help!


  • AngelJordan
    AngelJordan Posts: 46 Member
    Are you drinking plenty? And not mistaking your hunger for thirst? Specially since its warmer where you are.