workout dvds

Hi everyone! Hope you are having a good Sunday!

I have been eating well and trying to stay in my calorie goal, but I haven't made time for exercise. I have been religiously taking the stairs at work and school instead of the elevator, but that is it. At work I do climb 100 stairs to my office 2X a day and at school I climb 50 2X a day, but this is not devoted exercise. I just thought it would be better for me and my booty. I was looking for dvds that were short workouts that packed a puch (so I wouldn't make excuses like, "I don't have enough time") so I bought Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, 6 week 6 pack, and No More Trouble Zones. Any suggestions on which dvd I should start first? Hopefully she can turn my flab into fab and I can stick to it!


  • LisaWixom
    LisaWixom Posts: 30 Member
    I love her 30 day shred! Now if only the kids will let me do it! It's great for beginners though and you can go at your pace.
  • we_egg
    we_egg Posts: 2 Member
    I have Jillians 30 day shred and its awesome. All up 27minutes. There are 3 workouts with the idea being you spend 10days on each workout. I am on Level 2. Wearing my HRM I burn around 180cals. Workout 1 its about 160cal. I like that its a quick workout and you totally sweat hard out. When you first start level 1, your muscles ache for days and getting up and down stairs is a mission. :o) Fully recommend it.
  • I have several of the Jillian dvds too, and I don't think it matters what you choose to start with, as long as you DO one! I get bored easily and I'm trying to lose some in the hips, so I usually alternate between 30ds and her killer buns and thighs. If I have more than a half-hour then i do a p90x video!
  • jshorr
    jshorr Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks everyone! As soon as they come I will begin!