Zumba Success

Hi everyone,

I wanted to see if there are people out there who have lost weight doing Zumba. I have already lost 85 pounds and I need something more challenging to keep losing. I have ordered the DVD's because I am too shy to go to a class. Please let me know if you have been successful in losing weight or inches using this. Thank you SO much!


  • i started doin zumba about a week ago and i love it. im super shy and not comfortable with my body yet so i download vids on youtube. i have started seeing some results, especially in my belly area. but i also mix it up with gazelle, freestyle dancing and jillian michael 30 day shred. :)
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    I haven't tried it yet (I want to get the DVDs too!) but I have a friend who swears by it. It seems like a lot of fun, and if you can find something you like to do that gets your heart rate up, then awesome.
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    I love Zumba. I have lost almost 45 lbs with Zumba and other things. The classes are the best. Don't feel embarrassed no one else can dance either. I have Zumba for the wii and like that but class is so much better. I burn about 550-700 calories in an hour class. I'm 5'4" and 189 lbs. I go 2-3 times a week.
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    Hi there,

    I've been taking Zumba classes for about a month. In that time, I've lost nearly twenty pounds and 5 inches off of my waist... in a month. I highly recommend it! A LOT!

    Also, the videos are great... but if you find yourself feeling a little less motivated I would encourage you to try a class in person. I'm shy too... but everyone is having such a great time and too busy focusing on themselves to be worried about anyone else! I'm now addicted to Zumba classes and go, religiously, three times a week.

    Good luck! :)
  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    Don't be afraid to go to class!! I have lost 30lbs with Zumba, and I have actually become an instructor. If you are in the Detroit area ( I know it is a long shot), you can come to any of my classes free of charge. I love it! I have about 50lbs to lose and I remember that scared feeling when I was thinking about going to a class. I went and I promise you will lose faster. People tend to work harder in class, I think it is the great energy that you get from the others. I hope you enjoy the DVDs. They are fun too.
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    i can relate my success to Zumba. I've always struggled with my weight, and have always known I need to do something about it. I can lose it by walking and not eating very much, but then life happens and it creeps up again. In May 2010 a local lady started up Zumba lessons. I went the first time - couldn't see anything (cause I'm short), went again, but this time I was up the front. I WAS HOOKED. I went to every single class she ran, and I dropped 7 kilos. I then started watching what I ate and dropped another 3kgs. I then became an instructor and still run classes three times a week. I stopped watching what I ate and I crept up a couple of kgs (which isn't too bad considering all the crap I ate over the winter) - but the point is that I only gained 2 or 3 kgs because I kept up the exercise - the Zumba helped me pretty much maintain my weight.

    I love it - can't spout on about it enough! My classes are filled with mostly middle-aged ladies who just do their own thing. I hear the DVD's are good, but I would actually recommend attending a class - don't worry, they'll be all busy watching the instructor, not watching you to see how many left feet you have or if you can move in time to music! I think a lot of people work harder in a class - but they aren't for everyone I guess.

    My recommendation?? - If you go to a class, even if you feel a little out of place, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go back for a second class! You'll find that you'll pick it up heaps quicker the second time around.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    I love Zumba. I go to classes and it has definitely helped me lose weight and inches. Unfortunately I went a little overboard by adding wrist weights and totally screwed up my shoulder. But I highly recommend trying a class because you work harder when around others and will burn a lot more calories.
  • Zumba has changed my life! It is the best exercise I have ever done - bc it's a huge calorie burner and it is FUN! I used to be a runner, but it always got to be so boring and I'd lose interest and fall out of it. But people are right -- go to a class. No one cares about you, they are all worried about themselves and just having fun. Every time I go to a Zumba class it's the same - lots of people, all different ages, all different sizes, and all different abilities! Plus a lot of Zumba classes turn down the lights and put on disco lights. It is a BLAST! I go 5-6 days a week bc it's so fun and I have lost 30 pounds and have a lot of endurance now. I'd bet money that once you try it for a few times, you won't be sorry you went to the class!!
  • laceyslady
    laceyslady Posts: 88 Member
    Zumba is great! so much Fun! Go to the classes, it really keeps you movated. don't worry about you body type or keeping up with the instructor. everyone goes at their own pace. the more you go the better you get, it all takes time. Go and Enjoy!
  • Thank you guys! I feel confident that I should have some success. I plan to get comfortable with the DVDs and then venture to an actual class! Yall are amazing
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