Best time to work out?

So I've been told that the best time to work out is in the morning, afternoon, and night.
I used to work out in the morning before breakfast, but my doctor said I should eat breakfast first to get my metabolism going. Does anyone agree or know different?


  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    In my opinion, the best time is whenever you can get your butt in motion. I happen to be an awful morning person, so I work out in the evenings after dinner. This just works for me with my current schedule. Some people find working out before bed keeps them awake, to each their own. As long as you are working out, you're doing your body good.
  • BigDaddy822
    It really doesn't matter. As long as you do it. I run 2 miles in the morning on an empty stomach and it seems to work good for me.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    There are all kinds of schools of thought.. It depends on what my goal is as to what time I run/do cardio.. if it's just fatburning, I do it on an empty stomach first thing. If it's long distance, I eat first. Find what works for you. Try it each way for a couple of weeks and see.
  • Luthorcrow
    The best time is whatever time you will do consistently. As for me, I hate morning workouts. The only time I will do them is if my schedule necessitates it. Otherwise my preference is an early lunch workout or early afternoon. I find that if I workout instead of taking the time for a lunch it works out great. One because you kind feel like you are being paid to workout. Two because if you schedule it during your workday, it is hard to skip.
  • sarabirdcanfly
    sarabirdcanfly Posts: 34 Member
    I love working out really really late at night. Like you could find me at the gym at 1 am. I can't do that anymore because I have classes early in the morning now and it often energizes me so much that I can't sleep.
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    I work 12 hour nights. So I do it whenever the time/mood hits me. For instance, in honor of the Superbowl, I partook of 3 Heineken Lites. As soon as the Bowl goes off, I'm gonna dance to Zumba on XBOX Kinect and burn the beer off. :)