Whats the most you ever weighed?



  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    260 Last year when I really decided to get serious about losing weight. I've been up and down for years and overweight since middle school.
  • bound4glory2
    bound4glory2 Posts: 29 Member
    241, 43 years old 2 years ago....i weigh 228 now.
  • at 6'5" the most I have ever weighed would be 457 in '10. I got down to 415 through exercise and then got sidetracked by a schedule change and way more stress for about a year. In October of '11 I started working out again, weighing in at 430 pounds. By the time I joined MFP, which was about a week ago, I had gotten down to 391. I am now weighing in at 386. My goal is to be down to 360 by my birthday in the beginning of May (which would be the lightest I have been since probably college)
  • ruzic
    ruzic Posts: 5 Member
    283 on New Year's Day this year. The first day of the rest of my life.
  • efranz12
    efranz12 Posts: 46 Member
    184 when I was 23. Terrible.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    230 pounds a year ago when I joined a gym, today i stand under 200 and vowed never to go down that road again!
  • MoLove2025
    MoLove2025 Posts: 135 Member
    Starting college in 2004 (18 yrs old) i was at my heaviest at 270.....lost some and gained back.......at the beginning of the year i was 260 (25 yrs old).
    Seeing that number on the scale made me want a life change so i joined MFP and now i am on my way to a healthy weight.
  • access2003
    access2003 Posts: 12 Member
    2007- 440 lbs
  • ruzic
    ruzic Posts: 5 Member
    283 this New Year's Day...the first day of the rest of my life.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member

    cw 165

    hoping to hit 150-155
  • 186 ...
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    240 - 245 lbs. Will never be that again ever.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    At the end of my second pregnancy I weighed a little over 210. My highest non-pregnant weight was 195. I just had baby #3 almost 5 weeks ago and I'm about 12 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. I now weigh less than I have in about 4 years. I'm at 160 right now and I've got about 30 pounds to go until I meet my goal.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    When I signed up last March, I was 665lbs:blushing: :sad: Closing in on a year here, I'm down to 405(haven't weighed in a week). I hope to see the 200's by the end of the year(299 @ least).
  • 220, I'm 208 now but just started and going for 170. I'm 5'9
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    turning point 249lbs
  • jrenaldo
    jrenaldo Posts: 10 Member
    207, 3 1/2 years ago. I'm now 137.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    In Oct 2002, I was at 207 after having my daughter in May 1999. By July 203, I was down to 134 by changing what I ate & treadmilling for four hours, five days a week (before work and after my daughter went to bed). Kept it off until 2008 and in three years, I went back to 206 when I went for my physical this past October. I'd like to use the excuse I quit smoking in 2009 and some other health problems, but no more excuses. I'm down to between 190-192 and under my doctor's care. Been stuck for all but the first two weeks. I go up and down sometimes 5 lbs a day which is impossible, but clothes are fitting me I haven't worn in a year so I'm ignoring the scale. My goal is 118 by the end of the year. I'm 5'1", 45 years old.
  • I was 212 last March at the good ol' age of 20. Now it's almost a year later, and I'm down to 193. I plan on never being above 200 again, and if by mistake I do get up there, you can bet your *kitten* mine's going to be on a treadmill for 2 weeks straight in any spare time I have.
  • sweetqui23
    sweetqui23 Posts: 18 Member