100 Day Challenge - Feb 6

In 100 days I will reach my 1 year anniversary with MFP!!

I started last May and have lost 39 lbs. I did 30 DS and then Supreme 90. Right before Thanksgiving, I was down with back pain for 2 weeks. During the holidays I didn't hit things so hard so I haven't lost much since then.

With that....I'm challenging myself to kick things into high gear for the next 100 days to finish my 1st year with MFP by reaching my goal. I have logged in every day since I started and in 100 days from tomorrow I will reach day 365. For the next 100 days, Im putting this journey #1 again!

If anyone else would like to join me for a 100 day challenge, I'd love some company and support! Your goal can be whatever you want! Maybe you are new and need to commit to 100 days to get into the swing of things, or maybe you need to focus on logging and water or have a specific weight, size or measurement in mind you'd like to reach by then. In any case, if you want to challenge yourself and not do it alone, I'm here!

I plan on starting Monday, February 6. Let's do this!

Good luck with your goals!


  • I would love to join you.
    Ok are we committing to working out for 100 days or just eating better. Trying to lose a certain amount? I'm in
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Your goal can be whatever you want to achieve in 100 days!

    For me...it's kicking it into high gear to reach goal. I need to get diligent about exercise and eating on track again. Water intake. EVERYTHING! It's time to hit goal!
  • OK great.
    I need to work out 5 days a week and eat better. I'm really ready to see a change. So now I'm going to take pictures every other week and work harder
  • UphillBattleAxe
    UphillBattleAxe Posts: 57 Member
    I'm with you Deana....thinking that mine will be:-

    1. to log every day
    2. exercise 5 times per week
    3. to be @ or under 140lb in 100 days

    Good luck x
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Here we go! Day 1!

    I have one goal...get to goal. To do that, I'm gonna work a few things:

    1) Work on water intake - try to eliminate soda completely
    2) Exercise at least 5x a week - working on upping weight training
    3) Good food choices!

    Looking forward to getting my sweat on later!!
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 253 Member
    Hey everyone! I would like to join this challenge.

    My goal at the end of the 100 day challenge is to weigh 165 lbs. If i counted correctly, 100 days will coincide with my next doctors appointment. Being 165 lbs would be great for that appt. since I have cholesterol issues.

    In order to reach this goal, I will:

    1) Drink 80 oz water daily
    2) Track my food and exercise everyday here.
    3) Plan my next days meals/exercise every evening before going to bed.
    4) Provide support to my fellow challengers.
    5) I will assess my plan of action weekly and make any necessary changes.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Here's to Day 1!!
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Welcome Sabrina! So far looks like everyone has great goals!! Let's do this!
  • Hi! I think your goal and your progress so far is great! I too have just started a 100 day challenge. My goal is to exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes a day doing anything, drink plenty of water and eat healthfully and log my food & exercise. I am studying to become a registered dietitian and want to set a good example for the people around me. I really admire your goal!
  • Melimoo2012
    Melimoo2012 Posts: 24 Member
    great idea

    1) log in for 100 days
    2) exercise 5 x a week
    3) reduce inches by 10 all over
    4) weight down to 140
    will take me to when i should see my boyfriend next
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    I am in too! So far I have lost 10 lbs. My 100 Day Goals are:

    * Reach the 30lb. Weight loss mark
    * Get more Water in daily
    * Get in 2 miles each day I get on the treadmill

    I am really starting to believe that I can do this! I have been able to push myself further each week. I really hope I can attain these goals. It is really only my first goal that is a little intimidating...lol! :ohwell:
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I am in too! So far I have lost 10 lbs. My 100 Day Goals are:
    * Reach the 30lb. Weight loss mark
    * Get more Water in daily
    * Get in 2 miles each day I get on the treadmill

    I am really starting to believe that I can do this! I have been able to push myself further each week. I really hope I can attain these goals. It is really only my first goal that is a little intimidating...lol! :ohwell:

    You CAN do this! And you will get there by doing the other 2 goals! Just take it day by day. I started walking on treadmill and couldn't run but a minute or 2 if I was lucky. Now I get on it and run 5 miles in an hr. You just have to start where you can and build from there! Bridges aren't up and running in a week and fitness levels are no different!
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    I will be joining you all as well. The 99th day of this challenge will be my birthday [May 15th], so what a better gift than to be at or near the goals that I set for myself on the challenge!

    My 100 Day Goals are:
    Goal 1: Drink 1 gallon of water daily. [Usually I am either over or slightly less than this amount, but I want to be consistent.]
    Goal 2: Log in my food and exercise on MFP.
    Goal 4: To be 20-25 lbs closer to my weight loss goal.
    Goal 5: Exercise at least 1 hour each day. [low impact aerobics and walking everyday, weights 3x per week]
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I really want to look nice in summer clothes, so this challange will be perfect. Let me think on realistic goals that I can set for myself and I will post again tonight or in the A.M. Thanks for starting this!!!
  • tropicalgirl34
    tropicalgirl34 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm in for the new challenge!


    * Drink at least 8 glasses of H2o daily.
    * Exercise 3-4 times a week (Cardio and weights)
    * Loss of 25-35 pounds by the 100th day.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Yay!!! We are growing...all the more support for each other! Commit to get fit!

    I just got my workout in...I feel so great once its done! Got a 5k in on treadmill in 35:47 (when I started it was closer to 45!) and worked my upper body with some free weights. I need to do more of this. After Supreme 90 I could really see muscles...I can really tell that 3 months off did just as much changes ;(

    I think I'm going to make myself a chart specific to my goals so I can checkoff when I hit my marks. This way I can track progress besides the scale/tape.

    Water intake is at 72 oz and I have had NO soda today! So far so good!

    I'm also measuring tonight so I can track my progress at Day 100.

    How's everyone else doing??
  • This challenge is great for me too! I really need the support & encouragement & would like to give the same to others!

    My fitness goals are to:
    1. Log everyday
    2. Workout at least 20 minutes 3 days a week. Finding the time & energy to work out has been a challenge in itself. I will
    Start small so that I can achieve this & feel accomplished.
    3. Eat more green vegetables
    4. Be 10 lbs lighter

    Good health & blessings to all! We CAN achieve our goals!
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 253 Member
    Day 1 was pretty good for me. I ended up under my calories and got 3 miles of walking in. I also finished my 80 oz of water and wasn't up all night because of it.

    Day 2 - today my goals are to walk 2 miles, finish my water, and be under my calorie goal.

    How are the rest of you doing?
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    Yesterday I did pretty well on my goals. I did 2 miles on the treadmill in 32 minutes. I was so proud of myself! I only drank 7 glasses of water, so I could have done better with that. My weekly weigh in is tomorrow. I am a little nervous about this one. I missed to days of working out Bc I had a stomach virus. I have done well so far today. Already got half my water in. I feel extremely tired today. Gotta get my booty up and get moving! :)
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Hello fellow challengers!!

    Day 1 was a success for me! Got some good exercise in, was under calories an acceptable amounnd got in about 10 glasses of H2O...and NO soda!!

    Today is ok. I had a meeting with lunch provided...and none of it was good. I'm not too worried as I time to get a good workout in tonight. Id like to run 45-60 mind tonight.

    hope everyone else is hitting their marks!!
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    Just finished getting in 2 miles for the day! It took me a few minutes longer today, at 35 minutes. I have shin splints in both of my legs, and they are really giving me trouble today. Gonna do my 30 Day Shred in a bit, so I can get close to an hour of exercise for the day. Just 3 more glasses to reach my 8, looks like I may go over my water goal! Hope everyone else is keeping to their goals today!