My biggest struggle is late night eating! i will eat fine in the day and good during dinner but if i am up till late i find myself eating non stop and too much, its uncontrollable! any advice?


  • katesgirl_50
    My biggest struggle is late night eating! i will eat fine in the day and good during dinner but if i am up till late i find myself eating non stop and too much, its uncontrollable! any advice?
  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    I do that sometimes too... I dont go to sleep untill 1 or 2 am . But I try to get a time when I stop eating completely. Also you cna try eating a later dinner. Say at like 8??? or something else you can do is divide your dinner into 5 mini portions. and have one every hour???
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I used to do that ALL the time... First I just started to go to sleep earlier to keep me from eating... but then after a week or so I wasn't hungry at night anymore. I was just thinking about that last night as I went to bed. i WASN'T hungry!! It was amazing! haha Maybe leave yourself a few extra cals in case you are REALLY REALLY hungry then eat an apple or something. But I had to tough it out until I wasn't hungry anymore...
  • wooch44085
    wooch44085 Posts: 115 Member
    I have the exact same problem. I am fine until that last hour before I go to bed!! I put my kids to bed by 9pm and then I usually go to bed aroun 10pm - that one hour just kills me!!! I actually have been saving calories for it cause I just cannot control myself!!!

    ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS???? I can't seem to make myself stop!!!:explode: What is wrong with me?
  • katesgirl_50
    Really good ideas thanks! ill so be trying them!
  • katesgirl_50
    Oh thats a good idea, i think it would be best for me to eliminate eating at night all together like you said, that way it rids temptation and possible failure!
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    I have always been an evening eater. I've tried eating more earlier in the day to fill up, but still feel SO hungry at night. I've tried not eating at all after 7pm. I've tried filling up on protein and fiber throughout the day, but my problem is that I don't feel hungry most of the day and don't really even want to eat untill afternoon. I always eat breakfast and lunch but they tend to be light meals. Therefore I do have most of my calories left for later eating. This is how I feel most satisfied and comfortable eating, so I've just accepted it and do what feels best for me.
    I think I'm more of a nocturnal person by nature. I've always struggled with waking up early in the morning, not mater what time I go to bed. Naturally my body and mind would like to go bed around 1-3am and get up at 10 am. I guess my hunger pangs follow my internal clock schedule even though the rest of my life doesn't!
  • Nuggets1
    Nuggets1 Posts: 6
    I am not really a late night eater unless I have been drinking. It is terrible, I wake up after a long night and find out that I ate a whole pizza or something the night before. I guess I should stop drinking so much :tongue:
  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    i get hungry right before bed too. my solution is to have a mug of decaf tea. it fills my tummy with something and helps me unwind. i used to have trouble falling asleep, and its really helped with that too.:flowerforyou:
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I am so with you!!! I have been eating a bigger lunch lately, and too been having tea in the evenings after dinner....i think it is helping!!