What new healthy food have you started eating and LOVE?

I decided I wanted to give my body a better chance at health by choosing nutrient dense food. So I am often looking up nutrient quantities and quality of foods I haven't tried before.

Along the way I am finding new foods for me that I love.

My snack packs are great .Cocoa nibs mixed with goldenberries, pepitas, almonds, goji berries and sesame seeds. Especially the dried goldenberries. I like goldenberries so much I am looking into how I can grow them so I always have a supply.

Green smoothies. They look weird but I really like the pinapple, mint, ginger, banana, and baby spinach ones. Taste just like pinapple juice and banana but you get a great energy jolt too. Better than coffee in the morning.

Using coconut oil on my salads.

So anyone else dicovered a new healthy food love?


  • ashley67203
    Quinoa. We started eating it about a year ago and now we have it at least once a week. It's a great substitute for white rice or when you don't have time to cook brown rice.
  • leanmachinedream
    Broccoli. I cook mine in the oven with garlic cloves and pepper until the little trees are slightly brown, then I add lemon. I eat it like this every day. It's so tasty.
  • lwalters5
    lwalters5 Posts: 37 Member
    Kale. Good cooked and in the chip variety.
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    Fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt. Every flavor is luscious and rich! (It also has more protein than most other yogurts.)
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Banana "ice cream." Ground flax goes in everything I bake.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
  • JVanDam77
    Bump for later. :)
  • jthroness
    jthroness Posts: 2 Member
    swiss chard. i sautee it with dried cranberries, some light feta and a generous splash of balsamic vinegar. i just love it.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,415 Member
    I love hummus! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • leanmachinedream
    Fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt. Every flavor is luscious and rich! (It also has more protein than most other yogurts.)

    Me too! I have 6 cups in my fridge right now. I even got my picky toddler to love them with cinnamon. She dips her apples in it :D
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    Spaghetti squash!!
    its my new pasta!
  • katkariann
    I've never been one to eat healthy ergo my need to lose weight. I have started eating things more low-cal, low-fat....I have fallen in love with quaker's chocolate crunch gluten free rice cakes with 10g of whole grain...maybe not the healthiest of foods, but its
    healthier than what I have been eating :happy:
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    ricotta cheese--I mix it with a variety of different things for dessert.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    Brussel sprouts. They get such a bad rap, WHY!? Parboil, drizzle with olive oil and fresh ginger or garlic, and roast. Mmm. :love:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Butternut squash, apple cider vinegar as salad dressing, almond and coconut milk,
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    Zucchini. And Cuties clementines. I've been eating the heck out of these two things lately. I could bake zucchini every night. So good. I've been doing this thing where I "fake" fry them by cutting them into little fry shapes, adding some EVOO and sprinkling them with whole wheat bread crumbs, garlic powder, and Parmesan cheese. They aren't coated with the bread crumbs and cheese, but when they bake they have just enough of this awesome crispy crunchiness that totally tastes better than the restaurant fried zucchini I'd enjoyed in the past. *love*

    I just started enjoying Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal too. It's awesome!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    also spagetti squash and shirtaki noodles
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    bumpity bump!
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    Kashi cereal and greek yogurt. Love it.
  • abigailm83
    I'm on a hummus kick right now, but I also like speghtti(whole wheat of course) with chicken, squash and zuccinni. YUMMY