61 Down and 9 to go

I have been working on this for some time now. I will be honest and didn't think I would actually do it, I am a starter and not much of a finisher with most everything in my life not just this, if I do not get results now I eventually get bored and quit. Anyways, I have been able to see signs of improvement, I have bought pants I am not sure how many times. I started at 22W and 200 lbs, I am now in a 12 and 139 lbs, and thinking it is time to go shopping again. I was fortunate enough to have my dog pants me in my smallest pair of sweat pants on a casual day at home on Friday last week.

I can not see the difference in the mirror, I hate looking in the mirror, but I have been trying since this project started for me. Anyways, I think the first place I really noticed the weigh loss was actually in my wrists, is that strange or normal? My watch that i have worn at the same size and same watch for the last 20-25 years just spins around my wrist and I am going tomorrow to get it adjusted to fit! Yay! That makes me very happy. Annoys me lots when I try to look at it and it is not in the right place.

I also have bones! I knew I had them just didn't know I could feel them. I would rub a pain or itch on my shoulder and I noticed not only could I feel my shoulder bones, but I have a collar bone too! And back to the wrists, I was looking at my watch when I noticed a bone, I actually thought has that one been broken and I don't remember? Then I compare to the other and see that is the same!

I am 9 lbs away from my heaviest, healthy goal, will give me a bmi of 24.6 I think, I am 5' 1" so I was obese to say the least. My doctor challenged me without realizing it. She asked me to try to lose 5 lbs in 3 months! Really I though? 5 lbs? Oh that is a challenge lady, as I see it a healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week so that put me way short of what is possible, so I took her challenge and aimed for 12-24 and I made the 18 lbs, I call to schedule an appointment and she had moved on to a new job! I didn't even get to show her what I did, I was sad but went on working at it.. I didn't know why I continued, but maybe because I had already started and wanted to see how long I could last. I tend to be a perfectionist and a bit ok maybe a lot competitive.

I have started exercising, I am still in the closet when it comes to the exercise, and actually I have a walk in so I am literally in the closet with my machine. I have greatly decreased my portion sizes and actually weigh and measure everything. I do not feel deprived at all, I get to eat the exact same stuff except when we eat out, I usually base that on the budget I have created for my calories, and then I find nutritional information before I go and order what I find that fits my calorie budget. I have actually loved all of the effort I have put into this and my roommate who is older and disabled and really overweight has started the program 3 days ago.

I am very very new to MFP and haven't figured it all out but we are getting there. I still for some reason when I look in the mirror see absolutely no change, but I took a shower the other day and went to find clothes and stumbled across the largest pair of pants I have worn and I though, what the heck lets put them on and see what has happened. I had no clue what I had accomplished! The went on and I really had to hike them up and keep hands on them at all times! I had my roommate take a few pictures and when I saw them, that is when I saw what I had done. For some reason, maybe the mirror is broke, because I still can't see it there, but the pictures kinda excited me. I have 9 to go to my original goal but know I can be healthy and still do 15 more.

I would love to post pictures, but I still can't figure it out, some nice people on here tried to help me, but again I do not feel smart enough to figure it out, I am still working on it I think I have them ready, just don't know exactly how to send them but I will figure it out eventually and maybe be able to post them. I really look forward to learning how, I want to post my roommates pictures as he progresses and he is really motivated now (4 days in) but want to keep him motivated and that would be a great reward.

Thanks everyone! Oh and in the middle of all this, I continued losing weight and quit smoking on September 29 2011


  • pink09diamonds
    Wow congratulations!!!
    Cant wait to see your pictures when you have them up!! Im sure you look amazing.. Its hard to notice it yourself if your looking in the mirror everyday! Pictures will show you a huge change!
    MFP is great motivation, Everyone on here is great and especially if your having a bad day dont be afraid to say we are all hear to help eachother! I wish you all the best in your journey!!! :smile:
  • AngelsDream4Peace
    AngelsDream4Peace Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks! :happy:
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    really great story! congrats!
  • AngelsDream4Peace
    AngelsDream4Peace Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks, it feels really great and I put on the jeans this morning and I am noticing it is time to go shopping again. Not going to give up the baggy (very baggy) shirts at this time, I am extremely modest and really kind of like them still.
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