Do people notice?

Jayberian Posts: 60
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I've lost 13 pounds in the past month and a half and NO ONE ever says anything. I'm down a size, yet no one notices or says anything. Not that I expect everyone to, but I wish someone would at least notice or acknowledge it. It's so discouraging. My family is very non-supportive as well. Anytime I tell my mom my progress, I get no reaction. Just a "hmm" or "cool". I've lost a total of 23 since I gave birth, I'm below my pre-pregnancy weight now. Still no motivation from anyone.

Sorry, just a little pity party. Surely I'm not alone? Am I the only one surrounded by such negative people? :angry:


  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Dont feel bad ive lost 33lbs and Im just starting to get some opinions from a few people
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I have LOTS of experience losing - then gaining back - losing then gaining back...
    I have wondered about this too. I've given it a lot of thought.
    Sometimes people don't truly understand how emotional it is to lose.
    Sometimes people don't know how hard it is to lose.
    Some are so wrapped up in themselves they really don't notice or care.
    Some are jealous.
    Some are so controlling they want you to tell them! :noway: I think this happens a lot. They want you to bring it up & then they are very fake about gushing over your loss - or they can top your accomplishment with one of theirs.
    Sometimes people you don't know really well are embarrassed to mention it - as if you'll think they thought you needed to lose before.
    Sometimes they aren't sure, so they err on the side of caution, just in case & say nothing.
    Then, sometimes (I have a friend like this) people might lose 30-50 pounds before it's noticeable in their clothes.
    I know someone else who lost 30 pounds & was still wearing the same clothes because she'd worn them so tight before. They looked better, but she still didn't need a smaller size.
    Hang in there.
    Don't be discouraged.
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    Try meeting up with someone you haven't seen in a month or two!
    Also, sometimes it's considered rude to say, "you've lost weight" - listen for more polite comments like "You look great!" or "You look healthy"
  • People didn't notice on me, aside from family and close friends, no one said anything til I was down about 35 pounds, and more and more people are noticing now that I am down 50 pounds. The heavier you are, the more you need to lose to see a real difference. Keep at it-- when people start saying about your new body, it is so rewarding!
  • MeLee
    MeLee Posts: 8
    I've lost 20 pounds and no one notices me either, or at least they dont say I have actually had someone ask me if I've gained weight! Mind you she doesn't matter to me anyway. Just remember that your the important one in the situation. Feel good about your weight loss 23 pounds as a big accomplishment! Most people give up before they hit 10 pounds.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    People didn't notice I'd lost weight until I hit about the 40 pound mark. Then all at once it seemed like the whole world noticed.... 5 more pounds and they all thought I was sickly and kept asking if I was Okay. :tongue:

    I think part of it depends on how big you are... smaller people tend to show the weight loss quicker, larger people have to lose a lot before anyone notices.

    Someone once explained it to me like this and it made complete sense: Think of yourself as a roll of paper towels and each towel is one pound. When the roll is big and fat you barely notice when you remove one. But once the roll gets small and the towels are wrapped around further, each towel that is removed makes the roll look MUCH smaller, even though it's still only one towel being removed.

    Unfortunately, the same holds true for gaining weight.... it's much more noticeable when smaller person gains a few pounds as compared to a larger person. :ohwell:
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Here's my deal with people losing weight:

    Saw a girl in work about 3 months ago, mentioned to her how well she looked. (She'd lost weight and her hair looked different.)

    Well, she's being buried tomorrow. Cancer. Lost weight and her hair looked different because of the wig.

    People lose weight for all kinds of reasons.

    You're doing this for you.

    Hang in there girl. :flowerforyou:

    Edited 'cos I may not have been clear: I won't be so quick to refer to someones weight loss in the future 'cos it ain't always a good thing.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I had lost about 30 pounds before people started saying anything...
  • mrucci
    mrucci Posts: 8
    Don't feel badly; you are not alone... I have lost 83 lbs in the last 16 months. It wasn't until I had lost 50 before anyone said a word. I think sometimes people are uncomfortable commenting on weight. Now, I am shocked when people ask me, "how much have you lost"? That always throws me for a loop! ;)

    Congratulations on your loss. You are doing really well and should be proud of yourself.
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    Congratulations on losing 23 pounds! Everyone is right.... people have their reasons for not mentioning it, good. bad or otherwise - sometimes they're just so wrapped up in themselves they are all they think about. That's okay. Keep up the good work - this is for YOU!
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Buy a new top or jeans that show off your achievements. I find that the people who I see on a daily basis don't tend to notice until I wear something new. People who haven't seen you in a while will more than likely notice though :smile: Congrats on your loss so far!!
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member sucks ...i haven;'t heard it either.:grumble: and no matter how much people say "as long you YOU notice" sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else.

    Keep going....and when you do hear it...It will feel GREAT!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    you know what...good for you!! people can be insensitive and often don't recognize others efforts through their self centredness...unless they just don't notice
    when i put on a little weight everyone makes comments about my butt
    when i lose a little compliments
    you know your own power to blow yourself out of the water, and they are blown away too, theyre just too wrapped up to say anything. bask in your own glory!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I wouldn't sweat it too much, sometimes it takes losing several pounds before someone notices.

    You've accomplished losing 23 pounds, you should be proud of your acomplishments. Keep up the awesome work :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    Thanks so much guys! It is frustrating, but you're right. I know I'm losing, I feel/see a difference, that's all that should matter. ...well and my husband notices, I guess that should be extremely important! :happy: He seems to be the only supportive one, though!
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