1 month of Efforts .....No Results yet!!

Its been long 1 month now on serious Workout program and Diet. I have nt lost any kilo nor inches. But I feel better. Nothing else... Totally Confused what more to do... I have always maintained below 1500 KCals. I am 45 Kgs overweight and still I dont loose weight despite the effort..... I do 6 days work out. Both cardio and light weights..... What more now.... I am stuck...!!! Help....


  • Just make sure you hit your marcos everyday and keep it up. The hardest part is in the begining. If you are following your diet like you said then you should start to see results. Make sure you keep your protein intake high. It will help with muscle recovery from lifiting weights.
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    I'm no expert, and I can't see your diary, but these are some things to consider:

    * Have you used the MFP default settings to determine the number of calories to eat each day?
    * Are you eating all the calories set?
    * Are you logging all your exercise?
    * Are you drinking 8 glasses of water each day? Or something close to it?
    * Are you eating most, if not all, of your exercise calories?
    * Are you using your "calories" to eat "healthy" food (eg not using your calories to eat chocolate bars)
    * Are you varying your exercise?
    * Are you having a rest day from your exercise each week?
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Obvious question but got to be asked... are you eating back your exercise cals?
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    There is a wealth of advice on these forums about ways you can tweak your diet and exercise plan. I suggest you spend a lot of time reading through the sticky post at the top of this forum. I learned tons just from reading that. I really suggest you start there.

    What works for me may not work for you. Some people might come in here to tell you to do this or that because it worked for them. You might try what they recommend and see no results or it could be the exact thing you need. It can be frustrating trying different things to find what works but you must do some experimenting. And then, just a warning, what worked for a few months may quit working and then you'll have to start tweaking again.

    Some things you might consider:
    * water intake - are you properly hydrated?
    * macro-nutrient composition - protein, carb, fat, sugar, etc. You may need to tweak these and lower or raise some of them.
    * exercise - are you exercising consistently? You may need to shake it up and increase your intensity and/or add weight training or just add more days of what you're doing.
    * meal timing - some do better with intermittent fasting and some do better on 3 meals and 2-3 snacks and some with 5-6 mini meals
    * types of foods you're eating - some need to eat very clean (little to no processed foods) to see results while some eat more and do fine
    * shaking up your calorie intake - some people do spike days, some zig-zag their calories throughout the week looking at their weekly total instead of their daily, and some people need to eat to a consistent calorie level each day
    * are you eating enough - some people actually need to raise their calorie intake in order to lose weight
    * exercise calories - are you eating some or all of them?

    I'm sure I've missed a few but these are probably the most common things to consider. Again, read those sticky posts, read other posts here where people talk about how to get through plateaus or stalls, and try some of the different ideas. If you try something, give it at least a couple of weeks before your evaluate if it's working or not. If not, try something else. It might take you awhile to find the best combination of things for you but, once you find it you're golden.

    Best wishes!
  • ranjithr82
    ranjithr82 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi All,
    Yes, I am used to writing my food Intake in MFP, but I missed a few days.
    I have to been drinking water sufficiently.
    I eat 1500KCal a day and I dont mostly eat back my work out calories.
    Still, I dont find much progress..

    I guess, I have to be selective in food that I eat and do a little strained diet. My diet is okay and I am not stressed with it.
    Do I need to feel very stressed and hungry by dieting to lose...

    I do burn 500Cals on Cardio machines and 20-30 min of Wt training for toning muscles.

    Waiting to see what happens in the next month..... FingersCrossed...!
  • lmacl05
    lmacl05 Posts: 1 Member
    I am slightly confused, are you supposed to eat back your exercise calories?........
  • samand25
    samand25 Posts: 30 Member
    I tend to find that my results come in clumps - a big change all at once, then tends to stagnate for a while before cycling again.
  • johnericp
    johnericp Posts: 2 Member
    I bet you are actually eating more calories than 1500. Your food must have more fat or sugar in it than the foods we log in here and you think you are eating a certain amount of calories but actually you are eating much more.
  • ranjithr82
    ranjithr82 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, I do feel the same now.... It could be. Since the foods are not actual ones that are depicted in MFP database, it could have more.

    Sure, I am gonna check this in this month and lets see... what I lose.....
  • You must be eating more than you realise! You diet to lose fat and you exercise to build up muscle and burn more fat! You must stick to a low calorie diet ( stemed veg... lean protein, brown rice...) to start seeing results! I actually find the list available very good! I have little weight to lose and I always thought ...oh... that is much harder than when you lose lots of weight... maybe I just have to accept my weight... lots of excuses!! I stuck riggidly to the low diet and I lost 1.1kg in the last 10 days.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You said you aren't haning "much" results, are you having any? Some people are just slower losers, like me.

    Also if you miss days of tracking like you said you did, those days can derail you. If you don't track every day then expect to not lose weight that week.
  • use your measuring tape. Not all results can be found on the scale. You could be losing inches
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member

    I eat 1500KCal a day and I dont mostly eat back my work out calories.

    I do burn 500Cals on Cardio machines and 20-30 min of Wt training for toning muscles.

    So you are eating NET 1000 cals (1500 - 500). That's probably too little. I recommend eating more and read up on starvation mode.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    My guess is if you are only eating 1500 calories and burning 500 a day that you are not eating enough. What does MFP set for your calorie allowance, because I bet it should be more than 1500. Also, try eating back at least some of your exercise calories. Right now, your net is only 1000, which is low. Play around with the amount of calories you're eating. Maybe try calorie cycling.