What is wrong with me! Have to eat when I study.

I have always been a bad snacker. I have done so much better in my first week but I find when I sit down to study for school I cannot keep my mind off food. I must be munching on something. I try to go through an assignment without but I just can't seem to. Am I really weird? I tried using gum in place but that just doesn't cut it for me. Any other ideas? I know I am not hungry.


  • skinnybd
    I have the same problem while I am woking. Try getting a bowl of dry cerial - something sweet and crunchy, but relatively low cal such as Fiber One Honey Squares, only 80 calorie in a 3/4 cup; munch on them slowly to make them last. Also sometimes I think theneed is for distraction, not food. When you feel the urge, get up and get a glass of icewater, thennext time get up and get your gum (from another room) so you are getting a momentary break. Then next time get up and make hot tea, or get up and do 25 sit-ups or do 30 jumping jacks. Thiese self made distractions can help you get through it.
    I hope this helps.
    Barb - skinnybd
  • wowamom87
    wowamom87 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, skinnybd and welcome to MFP! I think it is good for me to get up, I just must get something other than food.
  • emmaonamission
    I'm exactly the same, since moving for uni I've put on so much weight through having to eat while studying! I find that having almonds, slices of apple and dried mango helps - I'm still snacking but it's not quite as bad as all the biscuits and chocolate I used to eat. Oh, and drink loads of water! I found recently that if I get a big glass of water with a straw and sip on it while I'm studying I hardly notice what I'm doing in the same way those biscuits used to magically find their way into my mouth. Does mean that I need to pee loads but its worth it!
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    Its a habit that you formed a long time ago. It will take time to get rid of the habit again. Think of it like smoking :)

    Ive replaced my need for snacks whilst sitting behind the pc for drinking water or tea. It keeps your hands and mouth busy but without the calories :)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    When I get that way I grab some grapes
  • Living4Liz2012
    TRUST ME I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL IM A COLLEGE STUDENT AS WELL....Your not weird your eating not because your hungry but THE STRESS,WORRIES AND FUSTRATION of well being a student. Food especially sweets was kind of my calming medicine and with it piled on the weight...Yet theres nothing wrong with you snacking I do all the time just on healthy things

    fruit cottage cheese/fruit
    fiber one bars lowfat yogurt
    low fat turkey/cheese
    protein shakes jello
    wheat thins

    just make better choices when snacking...I hope I helped you out feel free to add me as a friend or advice...I willl try my best and know im here:)
  • christinezappella
    christinezappella Posts: 34 Member
    I used to snack, then I switched to coffee. Took a while, but now I can't study or do readings without a cup of coffee next to me. 0 calories!
  • bnewcomerRN
    bnewcomerRN Posts: 3 Member
    I eat when I study too because it distracts me from the stress I am under! Try grabbing something high in protein, low in fat. I like cottage cheese or greek yogurt. If you must eat, make those cals count! Drink lots and lots of water, too. Sometimes thirst makes us feel hungry, so you could try a glass of water first. Good luck!
  • Shyn6409
    Im am the EXACT same way! When I study, even when I'm not at all hungry I just have to snack, I guess my hands just get bored. Now I drink hot herbal tea. That has been the ticket for me. There are all sorts of fun flavors out there and theyre 0 calories! Otherwise I eat sliced fresh fruit, sometimes frozen.
  • MegMorrisonWilson
    I'm actually doing the same thing right now as I study for a midterm. Crackers with cheese and peppers, granola, yogurt and blueberries, dark chocolate chips (only a few). Then tea, coffee, water. Salad. About to grab some cheerios. I'll just have to workout this weekend or something after midterms week. Until I master the art of studying in college first I don't think I should change anything just yet. But I'm trying to curb the habit when I'm doing regular homework.