Sweating at the gym

This is just out of curiosity, I recently started going back to the gym and I noticed that I really sweat a lot and no one else seems to be at all. As soon as I get warmed up I start sweating and my face turns bright red, lol. Everyone else looks normal, and I am getting really self concious about it. Has anyone else ever noticed this? I was at the gym for an hour, when I left my shirt was soaked, how does everyone else look so cool even the people really running on the treadmill? Just wondering, hope I'm not alone in this!! LOL


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am always dripping when I leave the gym. Some people sweat a lot, some people a little and some people don't. No one is looking at your sweat and thinking ewww. Most don't notices but if they do see you they know you are working out. Well unless dripping sweat and not cleaning your machine then people think your nasty.

    I also think people will judge more if you aren't sweating then if you are sweating.
  • Tracie65
    Eww, no I ALWAYS clean the machine, that's just gross not to!! :)
  • crystaldkelley
    I wouldn't think eww if i seen a sweaty person leaving the gym, id think dang they got their workout on!! I have seen people workout way longer than me and they talk and laugh and carry on while i winded and having trouble breathing, im thinking WTF??? Don't let this discourage you from working out, im almos 100% positive your motivating someone there :)
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Sweat and be proud! If you're not sweating, you're not working hard enough. As long as you clean the equipment, no one will care.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    This is just out of curiosity, I recently started going back to the gym and I noticed that I really sweat a lot and no one else seems to be at all. As soon as I get warmed up I start sweating and my face turns bright red, lol. Everyone else looks normal, and I am getting really self concious about it. Has anyone else ever noticed this? I was at the gym for an hour, when I left my shirt was soaked, how does everyone else look so cool even the people really running on the treadmill? Just wondering, hope I'm not alone in this!! LOL

    When I used to go to the gym, I would sweat like a pig! Now I just do my training indoors and I still sweat like a pig :laugh:
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    No sweat at the gym is wasted money.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    I was at the gym for an hour, when I left my shirt was soaked, how does everyone else look so cool even the people really running on the treadmill? Just wondering, hope I'm not alone in this!! LOL

    I leave the gym with my moisture wickening under armour shirt DRENCHED and I could give a flying f*** kuz I know I worked my *kitten* off. if you are out of shape, sure you will sweat a lot more and it won't take much, but SWEAT IS GOOD.
  • so_long_blubber
    so_long_blubber Posts: 16 Member
    Yip I sweat real bad!! I wear a tennis sweat band to stop it running down my face......yummy!! If I don't I get embarrassed and want to give up. Silly though because I know that it means my body is working and I'm kicking my fat *kitten* into positive action. As everyone else says though as long as us sweaty bettys clean the machines down once we are finished then no one is bothered. It's a sign of a great workout :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My shirt, pants, socks, under things all are sweaty unless I have a fan blowing on me the whole time. I do, however, sometimes have a fan blowing on me throughout my workout when I'm teaching classes. I find I can push harder with a fan and bring more to my participants.
  • atadley
    atadley Posts: 18 Member
    I love the sweat! My uncle always says to soak a shirt each day! Keep it up!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I sweat like crazy at the gym! That's part of the reasons I would rather run outside actually, the breeze helps keep me dry :smile:
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Even running outside in 20 degree temps.... If I'm not wringing sweat out of my bra at the end of a workout, I've not worked hard enough! :wink:
  • BoxingCoachMo
    For some reason i don't drip with sweat... and it boggles my mind as well as others.. i work as hard if not harder than most people in my classes yet don't drip, i never have and never will... must be genetic.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    This is just out of curiosity, I recently started going back to the gym and I noticed that I really sweat a lot and no one else seems to be at all. As soon as I get warmed up I start sweating and my face turns bright red, lol. Everyone else looks normal, and I am getting really self concious about it. Has anyone else ever noticed this? I was at the gym for an hour, when I left my shirt was soaked, how does everyone else look so cool even the people really running on the treadmill? Just wondering, hope I'm not alone in this!! LOL

    If you are looking good/pretty when leaving the GYM you truly haven't worked out in my book. :wink:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Sweat is hot if you ask me ;)

    Nah, but in all seriousness dw about it. Some ppl do, some don't.
  • Kristiehaines
    Kristiehaines Posts: 11 Member
    I sweat profusely at the gym, turn red, and leave in need of a shower...but, I LOVE that feeling! I guess I haven't noticed others watching me because they're usually tied up in their own routines, so I don't fret too much about it. I just make sure to give all the machines a good wipe down once I'm finished. I wouldn't worry about it...happy sweating!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I sweat like crazy at the gym. I am the sweatiest woman there by the time I leave, I swear. LOL. It just takes me a lot longer to start sweating now that I am in good shape, but once I do, I am soaked. It used to be 2-3 minutes in I'd start, now it takes me 10-15 minutes to start sweating.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    I sweat a lot too, and I hate it that no matter what type of exercise (even when I was at my fittest- and that meant 100 minutes of cardio plus some strength and then a 4k run with ease), I get REALLY red faced :blushing: . Everybody makes fun of me :embarassed: I dont mind though, its my body, and while I can change the way i look I cant change my color... and I dont want to!:huh:
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    When I am done, I look like I went bobbing for apples. My husband barely gets a drop on his forehead. Some people sweat, some don't.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    This is just out of curiosity, I recently started going back to the gym and I noticed that I really sweat a lot and no one else seems to be at all. As soon as I get warmed up I start sweating and my face turns bright red, lol. Everyone else looks normal, and I am getting really self concious about it. Has anyone else ever noticed this? I was at the gym for an hour, when I left my shirt was soaked, how does everyone else look so cool even the people really running on the treadmill? Just wondering, hope I'm not alone in this!! LOL

    Also, I never thought "oh my, look at that guy, she's sweating like a f****ing maniac!"...its more like, damn she's working out like crazy, what workout is she doing (usually some kind of HIIT)

    But I do have more of these thoughts, "oh jeez, why the hell is she wearing so much of that perfume at the gym" and its usually the person that is not sweating, not working out, and is at the gym trying to look pretty.