
So I joined this group a week, week and a half ago, my weight loss was 8lbs, but since I have joined and started counting calories I am no longer getting results like I was . Anyone know why this is happening??? I started at 160lbs now I am at 152lbs, I am 5'2" and like I said nothing in the last week, week and a half :(


  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    So I joined this group a week, week and a half ago, my weight loss was 8lbs, but since I have joined and started counting calories I am no longer getting results like I was . Anyone know why this is happening??? I started at 160lbs now I am at 152lbs, I am 5'2" and like I said nothing in the last week, week and a half :(

    What's your cal intake and exercise through the day?
    And if your diary was visible, we could give you tips.
    Add me if you'd like. :happy:
  • not sure how to post that
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    It's normal for my weight to stay the same for weeks. I've lost a pound per week on average, but lots of weeks go by with no loss. Actually my weight today is the same as it was about 15 days ago.... It takes a lot of patience :)
  • khanna
    khanna Posts: 4 Member
    Don't be discouraged! There will be times when you won't see the numbers change on the scale, but just keep on keeping on. Don't let the numbers get you down. You got this!
  • Go to settings and make your diary public. That way, we can see it and see what you are eating and maybe give you some tips.
  • Try to not let the frustration get to you! I know it's difficult...I've been all over that scale! Now that you are counting calories, what are you eating that is different from when you were losing? If anything has changed, then change it back to what you were doing that was working for you. Just because you join a group does not mean that what the group does will work exactly for you. It's okay to tweak things to make it work for your body. You don't say how long or how quickly you lost the first 8 pounds...which congratulations...that's almost a dress size! With my body, if I loose a significant amount in a short time, it can sometimes stick for a couple of though it's trying to adjust. Then it starts to loose again. That could be the case for you. Also, you may want to shake up your exercise routine if you do the same thing. Adding more strength and backing off on cardio, can give your metabolism a kick. Doing intervals...alternating intensity of the workout...can also give your body an unexpected boost. Look at the bright didn't go up, so that's a good thing! Hang in there...we're all on this journey together!
  • It's absolutely normal. You will lose a LOT of weight on the first week. (I lost a whopping 12 POUNDS in the first 5 days alone!) It's all WATER WEIGHT, because your body was sent in shock mode.

    After the first 7-14 days, your weight loss will regulate and become a bit slower (but steadier)! You can expect to lose between 0.5-2 pounds a week.

    It's important to understand that you didn't gain that weight overnight, so you shouldn't expect to lose it overnight either.

    Good luck!
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member
    I am 5'3 SW 171 and over the past 4 weeks I lost 8.6 lbs which I am happy with but I have to admit having like 4.5 lbs gone the first week was awesome but it drastically slowed down but they say it is better to lose it slower - my goal is 36 lbs in 36 weeks
  • I lost 8lbs in 4 weeks. I have a bad back so I have to watch what I do exercise wise, otherwise I will throw my back out and not be able to hardly even walk for weeks. I just find it funny how I lost 2lbs a week before I started counting calories and now nothing, my next goal is 145 lbs, i am currently 152lbs. I am doing nothing different other then counting calories....
  • laurensmomma09
    laurensmomma09 Posts: 46 Member
    what food are you eating? hows you water intake and exercise? are you eating with in your bmr?
    if so then weight loss does slow down a bit after the first few weeks . good luck
  • berkra
    berkra Posts: 78 Member
    id did throw me off too, You did teh right thing and came and asked.
    It is what I heard normal, stick to it and you will see results
    I lost 12 pounds in teh first two weeks and then "gained" but now I am in week 5 and I am down 16lbs (have a lot more to loose then you
  • I am eating the best I have in my life, I am staying within my calorie range, I did 3 weeks of Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds, and the last almost 2 weeks all cardio, 40mins eliptical, and 25mins treadmill, I am drinking at least my 8 glasses a day of water I even measure that.. I also realized my portion sizes were way too much and thats where my journey began, I also drink green tea everyday..... but that being said I had a total complete hysterectomy 2 years ago last month, and I am now on estrace, I am only 33 years old, so i think the hormone meds may play a role in alot of things, thats when I put all my weight on
  • Counting Calories is not the entire thing, you must watch what you are eating and where you are getting those calories from, not to mention that just because you are under your calorie goal, you may be eating more of them from fat, sugars, and protein. Are you keeping those things in check as well? What was your method of losing the first 2lbs if you were not counting your calories then? Mostly stay focused and determined. You may not have seen the scale drop like you wanted, but is that worth not trying at all - Keep on keeping on, it will happen for you!
  • portion sizes, eating healthy and exercise, and better water intake, I never used to drink water period.. thats why i'm baffled about this past week and a half, but i will keep going, I never counted calories before, and I am confused why now that I am counting calories my weight is unchanged
  • maybe I need to up my calories, all I know is I'm not stopping now, I will get to my goal, when I set my mind to something I get it done!! Thanks everyone for your help!!
  • kbbeale
    kbbeale Posts: 77 Member
    Because you're simply not going to lose weight every single week. It just doesnt happen. If you feel you are doing everything right, keep on doing it. Its basic math - calories in, calories out. You will continue to lose if you are burning more calories than you are taking in. No reason to be baffled or frustrated over just a week of no loss. Keep doing what you are doing.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Plateaus and even small gains are perfectly normal in a weight loss program. You are not likely doing anything wrong! You body has hit a sticking point, and you just need to let it figure out what's going on and then you'll lose again. When you should start worrying is if you start gaining a lot.
    Hormone replacement does wreak havoc with your body. It sucks. It makes weird things happen. But your body will adjust again.
    I love walk-away-the-pounds. It's a great and easy on the body kind of workout. I do them alot when I am in need of a boost! Or a change.
  • I agree, I think I am going to rotate between walk away the pounds and elip/tread so do each every other day, your right my body is probably what the heck is going on here??? LOL
  • One more thing I need to realize that since the beginning of January I have lost a total of 8lbs and that is something to be proud of!!!
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