Starting again

Anyone out there like me who has been struggling the last week or month and feels they need to just wipe their slate clean and start again? Either you started bad and you haven't improved or if you've lost weight but suddenly lost sight of the goal and gained a bit back? Me too. But let's start this new lifestyle again together and let's follow through this time. Victory belongs to the perservering... let's conquer today, this week, february and be victims no longer.


  • Absolutely!!! This week is already starting off good for me. !! Good luck to you!!
  • Yes mam!!!
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Snazzy: I did just that very thing this morning. I went from 226 to 199 between September and November, then just maintained since then. Over the past week or two, I completely fell off the wagon. I reset my ticker and am treating today as a brand new "Day One." I think I needed a fresh mentality. You know...restarting instead of resuming. I'm hoping it works for me, and you, too! :)
  • I needed to start over again myself. I feel off but I am back on the wagon now since I'm walking for a cause. Just don't give up, you can do...
  • Agreed. Here too!! Thanks for the motivation!
  • Good to know I am not the only one. Christmas was not very good for me and now I can't get motivated and I am eating everything in sight. Today is the day I jump start myself. Double workouts and start charting again. Thanks!
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    wow, and this is why i love this MFP... i dont know what i would do without people who are in the same position as me. thanks everyone! u have inspired me.
  • I'm in the same boat-totally fell off the wagon for a couple weeks and haven't been to the gym. Have had too many over cal days too. I'm restarting today also, getting my butt in the gym tonight. Good luck to everyone!
  • I'm with you! I've been playing the yoyo game for too long. This morning I tore out my work out journals, deleted my wii profile and am starting fresh. So, count me in!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    I have been on a plateau for the last few weeks. Took a break over the weekend and ended up having 3 super high calorie days where i basically ate pizza and fast food. i know, gross, i ended up being sick all weekend and feeling like crap. but anyways i am starting again today - and i am trying zig zagging my calories this week. i hope i lose something this week! you can do it! friend me if you want :)
  • MarleeRayne
    MarleeRayne Posts: 32 Member
    Yes Sis! I, also, began a restart this morning. I'm trying a new technique. I typed out my meal plan for the week and posted it on the fridge. I'm hoping this will help me kick things back into high gear ! Let's keep the ball in motion! I'm with you, 100%!:bigsmile:
  • Snazzy, you have inspired me to "get back on the wagon." I havent logged in for awhile and I decided to try again today. Seeing you post just gave me a little boost. Starting over with a fresh start insteadof thinking about failure.
  • FoxxC
    FoxxC Posts: 54 Member
    I'm with you girl. I've been at this for 4 weeks and I am right back where I started. I've been exercising but eatin all the wrong stuff. I feel you this morning LETS DO IT!
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    Yes Sis! I, also, began a restart this morning. I'm trying a new technique. I typed out my meal plan for the week and posted it on the fridge. I'm hoping this will help me kick things back into high gear ! Let's keep the ball in motion! I'm with you, 100%!:bigsmile:

    hey thats a great idea!!! let me know how it works for u! we can do it ;)
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    Let's do it!!
  • kayteesb
    kayteesb Posts: 34 Member
    Well, I have only gained. Just lost my way over the holidays. I started over last week. I met with my trainer and had a long discussion about what I needed to do. So this is week 2 of starting over...and I happen to have a cold and no appetite. Any suggestions?
  • JaymeLS
    JaymeLS Posts: 47 Member
    I'm starting over this week. A tornado came through Arkansas a few weeks ago. Finally moved back into my house and they are supposed to start repairs this week. I eat when i'm upset or stressed out. I have gained a 3 of the pounds I have lost.. We have no family here so we had to stay in a motel for a week and been eating out a lot. I know I should have ate healthier meals but I just wanted something to make me feel better. I am ready to get everything back to normal.
  • I'm in!!! I need a clean slate too! Really struggling!
  • newomac
    newomac Posts: 5 Member's been like starting again and again for years, but today doesn't feel like any of those other re-starts. Something feels quite different. When I weighed in today, I was reminded that 12 years ago I was this heavy when I gave birth to my daughter. At least then I could semi-justify the weight because I was pregnant.

    My oldest will be graduating in June from high school. As I reflect back on pictures from the last 12-17 years, I am so tired of seeing the heavy me. I have no desire to be skinny or thin, my husband and I both love my curves but just not so many in so many places! I envision being svelte, strong and heart healthy as marvelous alternative. I want to look back on those graduation pictures and be able to say, "girl you look incredibly good!" I say look vs. looked, because I am forward thinking that I will still look "incredibly good!"

    Snazzy, count me in!:tongue:
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I am so with you, girl!

    I've been half-a$$ing EVERYTHING! I haven't ran in over 3 weeks so I'll most likely have to start C25K all over again, I've been logging my food, but it's admittedly not been the best food choices! Ooops!

    I don't feel like I quit so I can't really say I'm starting again, more like took a detour and now it's time to get back on the correct route! :smile: