How to get motivated

I am 57 yr.old and need to excercise, But i can't seem to get motivated.And i try to stick with my plan but slip ever once in awhile


  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    Most people just need someone to help push them
  • Find ways to make exercise enjoyable, don't think of it was something I have to do, think of it as something I want to do.
  • addictedtoglitter
    addictedtoglitter Posts: 29 Member
    Slipping up isn't the end of the world. Just get back on track! Much easier said than done, but keep moving forward!
  • Everyone (okay most people, or a lot of people anyway) slip up. The important thing is that you get back on track and refuse to let that one slip-up keep you down. I'm one of those people who lacks motivation. I just have to get my workout clothes on, shoes on and get my butt moving. I tell myself daily that food doesn't taste as good as healthy feels.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    My dear, let me share something with you that made it all come into focus for me. You have to remember it's not about motivation, it's about commitment. It's a promise to yourself to improve your health, and in turn your life. Make the promise and don't break it. You're so worth it. :flowerforyou:
  • Try new work outs or videos, CRANK the music! Put up posters in your work out space. We all have days where we don't want to work out or feel BLA! it's more common then you think. You just have to start moving and then it will come back and you will remember all the reasons that your working out.

    Good Luck and keep moving!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. Make a lot of friends on this site as it really helps with motivation. Log in everything, everyday and just do what exercise you can, when you can. I walk for 20 minutes about twice a week and ride a bike and I have been able to take off over 50 pounds so far. Good luck. :smile:
  • A new day, and a new week, i have started back eating on my salads , with chicken and lowfat dressing, I will try to exercise some this week,Lord help to do this.I pray moongazer 45