Newbie Alert

Hi All,

I'm kind of new here, I've been on here for a while, but I tend to just log food for a week, go away, eat like a mad person and then come back here, but everytime I come back I have to add on to my weight!!

I started a new health kick just before xmas, I go to the gym twice a week, zumba on tuesday and pilates on fridays. I don't seem to be shifting anything though and being honest, the reason i'm not loosing is because I know I have burnt loads of calaories, so I seem to think that I can just eat them again and nothing will happen. and that's just it, nothing does happen.

I guess i'm just trying to get rid of some bad habits and get some tips from other fellow user.

so...... hello everyone I'm Nikki and I'm a nightmare :-D



  • madlou
    madlou Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Nikkie,

    Welcome back to MFP :)))

    Firstly you are not a nightmare, I think you are just caught up in a viscious circle, you can add me as a friend if you like and I will help and motivate you best I can


  • Hi nikki!!! My boyfriend and I just started using this app too, Its amazing!! You can add me as your friend also, so we can support each other anytime!! Let myfitnesspal be your viscious circle from now on!! I cant finish eating something when im already adding it in my meals!!!

  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Best way to lose weight is become involved with the forums, make some friends, and gain some accountability
  • I'm new too. I just joined MFP a few days ago, & so did my wife. I'm 47, & she's 35. I used to work out a lot, & was in good shape. I am now overweight, out of shape, weak, & soft. I have decided to start working out again, & getting control of my eating habits. I'm not terribly overweight, but too much of my weight is fat, & not enough muscle!
    My beautiful wife just gave birth to our twin baby girls in October. She looks great for just having had twins, but she isn't happy with her weight, & wants to get back to her pre-baby weight.

    We have several friends that have been doing P90X, and have gotten great results. We did the Chest & Back, & Ab Ripper dvd's on Friday, and the Plyometrics on Sat. We took yesterday off. We were not able to complete any of the dvd's, (as expected). Even after a day of rest, we're both still very sore today! I don't think we will do another one today either. I think we need one more day to recover. I don't want either one of us to get an injury from trying to go too fast. We'll probably take the babies for a walk later, & that'll do it for today. Hopefully we'll be ready to go tomorrow.

    At this point our plan is to try to get over the initial shock of working all of these muscles again, & get prepared to begin the P90X program at the first of March. We're also changing our eating habits, tracking what we eat, and learning better habits. I know that doing this with Marisa will help to keep me motivated, and I thought joining this group might help as well. Wish us luck, and feel free to harass us & keep us going! :)

  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    You have found the perfect place! You'll love it here. I had stalled out after only 8 lbs and after joining the site and logging my calories for the first time I started losing again. By the way you should be exercising 3 to 5 days a week. The classes you are taking are great but you need more workouts through out the week. Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • nixnax
    nixnax Posts: 42
    Wow thank you all for the quick replies.

    Mike.. Massive congrats on the twins. They should keep your on your toes :)

    Dianna.. I work out 4 times a week, 2 gym session plus zumba and pilates (i didn't write that properly in the first post).

    My boyfriend is a massive health freak and helps me loads, but when i'm in work, the vending machine calls. I need to start leaving my purse at home again I think and if i need to buy anything, bring the right money with me so that I cant spend it on chocolate.

    I'm addicted to chocolate of the white creamy variety :D
  • Also new here. So if anyone wants to become my friend feel free to add or request me :)

    All new to this but finding it very interesting!!!

    Used to be a keen cyclist till I lost my job last July, then lost all motivation. Now new job, great girlfriend and now for the new me, so any help always welcomed.
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    I've been using this site for a week and a half, and I'm also Nikki's Zumba and Pilates buddy! My weight went a bit mad over the last year as I was diagnosed with PCOS so I'm struggling to get it down using a low calory and low GI diet at the moment, with exercise 3-4 times a week. Finding the calorie counter and exercise tracker really useful though, it stops me having an extra portion at dinner or swapping something unhealthy for a fewer calorie alternative!