Gained weight!



  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    I feel like I'm doing everything right (staying under 1200, working out at least 30-60 minutes each day)...

    this is debatable. you might want to do a bit of research or playing around with your calories to see if this is the best method for you. in many cases (not all, but many) such a drastic decrease of calories can have just the opposite effect of what you want. best of luck to you!

    Yeah, I've done a bit of research because I thought 1200 seemed a bit high, actually. I'm 5'0...I've gone through about 10 different calculators online and they all tell me to eat between 1000-1200 to have a 500 calorie deficit a day. :/ They all say maintenance is around 1600 a day. I don't generally trust those online calculators, but if they're all saying the same thing...well, I'm not sure what to believe now.
  • wendyd18
    my sodium level is low and to be honest i do not drink much water.
    i DONT intend to give in just yet its just frustrating that when i eat crap i lose weight.
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    I feel like I'm doing everything right (staying under 1200, working out at least 30-60 minutes each day)...

    this is debatable. you might want to do a bit of research or playing around with your calories to see if this is the best method for you. in many cases (not all, but many) such a drastic decrease of calories can have just the opposite effect of what you want. best of luck to you!

    I agree with this. Eating too little is just as detrimental as overeating.
  • lisaprett
    I had exactly the same - lost a couple of pounds first two weeks - then nothing for two weeks, but my clothes were definitely looser, so I think i've lost inches. keep it up - it's early days and everyone's different.
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    Drink Water and then drink more water.
  • BOC57
    BOC57 Posts: 44 Member
    Since I've increased my activity the last couple of weeks the scales have gone up, down, stayed the same and gone back up again. But I don't care, I feel Incredibly good. I actually crave the movement which is a nice change from craving chocolate or chips. If the scale never moved again I don't think I'd want to give up the exercise. Find something you love to do, because you love to do it, not just because it burns calories. I started with water aerobics, and have now moved into circuit training too. Love them both. Absolutely hate long tedious aerobic session on a treadmill. Do what you love to feel good and only good things will happen. Our bodies need good food, good exercise and less even stressing over pounds lost can work against you....
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    Maybe the fat is turning to muscle and muscle weighs more so you are actually losing fat and gaining muscle.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Maybe the fat is turning to muscle and muscle weighs more so you are actually losing fat and gaining muscle.

    Fat doesn't turning muscle and you can't gain muscle
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Probably because you're doing too much exercise. Too much exercise will stress the body. Cortisol levels will rise and your body will hold onto fat rather than giving it up. Exercise consists of breaking the body down. You must give it enough recovery time to "repair". I can do 2 sets of pushups until failure (meaning my arms won't push me up anymore). The next day I can't do the same number. Because I have broken down the muscle and it needs to repair itself so it can get stronger.

    Here's some search results regarding chronic cardio and overtraining. The first few are the most informative (also search his site for "context of calories" and "how many calories does muscle really burn?" (you can enter these words in the top right corner of the home screen)

    This is Mark's Daily Apple. Even if you don't follow the lifestyle (I do and it was the best experiment I ever did. I got my health back and got to a weight I haven't seen since before puberty - I'm 41) the articles are very insightful.

    And you aren't gaining muscle. It's next to impossible for a woman to gain muscle. We don't have the necessary amounts of testosterone to do it. It's even very hard for men to gain muscle in a calorie deficit.

    And one pound? It could just be water. Exercise will cause a bit of fluid retention, too, especially if you are over-doing it.
  • wendyd18
    I would not say i have overdone the exercise because i have just done lots of fast walking! But then again its more than i have done for a long time.
    Thanks for all the support and advice i will tske it all on board :)
  • irishbabe_78
    irishbabe_78 Posts: 60 Member
    You can all relax. The numbers on the scale fluctuate. You retain water and yada yada, it's ok. Drink plenty of water, enjoy the good numbers and don't let the bad ones get you down. Shoot I've seen the scale go up nearly two pounds in a day after a great day of eating right and working out. It's temporary. Just stick with it and you'll get there.

    Thanks! I needed to hear this today, because I also had a slight increase.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Well, I wanted to lose 4 lbs when I came here so I could fit in my clothes (gained the weight after eating bad and not exercising in November and December) I was 118 when I started, lost down to 117 after 2 weeks and now I am 118.8 today and fit in my clothes.

    I posted a pic of myself after I put my clothes on last night to go out, this is proof that the scale does not matter. Feel free to look at the pic in my profile.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I feel like I'm doing everything right (staying under 1200, working out at least 30-60 minutes each day)...

    this is debatable. you might want to do a bit of research or playing around with your calories to see if this is the best method for you. in many cases (not all, but many) such a drastic decrease of calories can have just the opposite effect of what you want. best of luck to you!

    My wife is the same size as you and eat more than you. I have a feeling your BMR is more than 1200 and eating below that for long periods of time will slow your metabolism. So if you workout, then you want to make sure you are eating back your exercise calories as I have a feeling you didn't include exercise into your calculations.

    So since 1200 calories hasn't worked for you, why don't you try 1500 for one month and see if that helps. Large deficits with little weight to lose can cause a big issue. Your body will fight to keep the fat as it's the first place to get energy.
    Yeah, I've done a bit of research because I thought 1200 seemed a bit high, actually. I'm 5'0...I've gone through about 10 different calculators online and they all tell me to eat between 1000-1200 to have a 500 calorie deficit a day. :/ They all say maintenance is around 1600 a day. I don't generally trust those online calculators, but if they're all saying the same thing...well, I'm not sure what to believe now.