What to Eat?

So, I just started this site and I have no idea what to eat! I understand you must drink water which I already do. BUT, I'm not too sure what I should eat on a daily basis. I've tried the whole salads every day thing but it's SO BORING! I need easy, simple meals.

If you can help, PLEASE don't hesitate! =)


  • go_fast
    go_fast Posts: 17 Member
    For me, & maybe you too, its more important to control portions than to avoid eating things. Most of us know what to eat, but usually mess up by eating too much. The Food tracker on this site is a wonderful place to start. After a few days of tracking your food & using the recommended amounts off the side of the package, you will start to get a good idea on what are the best foods that fill you up but keep within the calorie limits.

    Good luck, Paul
  • EhRiKuh
    Thank you so much!

    I agree, the daily log on this site looks awesome and easy to use.

    What do you personally eat on a daily basis if I might ask?
    I'm not much of a breakfast person, but my doctor hasn't stressed enough how important it is!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Breakfasts: choose from porridge, eggs, yoghurt with nuts and seeds, toast with peanut butter, smoked fish.
    Lunches: crunchy salads with protein (ham, chicken, tuna, egg, cheese), crunchy veg (peppers, tomatoes, cucmber) and something special (capers, black olives, marinated artichokes). Or homemade soups or stews.
    Dinner: Grilled or poached steak, chicken, fish with vegetables.
  • EhRiKuh

    I'm heading to the kitchen for my yogurt! Hehe =) Thank you! <3
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    For me it is more important that I know what and how much I am eating. I haven't completely cut out anything from my diet but have found that after a while I don't want that stuff anymore.

    For example, my family just had a big get together for a birthday with cake, ice cream, the whole bit. Instead of declining cake a had a really small piece and a small scoop of ice cream. I logged it and didn't bad about eating it. Before I would have had a big piece as everyone else and totally blown it. My small piece was just enough for me.

    I usually don't indulge everyday but it really depends on what your diet was before. If you drink several cokes a day, you might cut if back to 1 a day, then every other day, etc. You can do that with anything that you really like to eat.

    On the breakfast note, I do think it is important. It sets up your body to the day. I like more of a protein rich breakfast, with a small amount of carbs. My current favorite is 1 large egg, 1 cup milk, 1 piece whole wheat toast. I am usually full till 10 or 11 with this.

    Hope this helps. My food diary is open to friends so feel free to look if you would like. It is still a work in progress and there are days were I completely blow it.
  • estjames
    Look the through the recipe thread since there are a lot of options there. Another good place to go is SparkPeople.com. They are a free website and you can search through member posted websites.

    The great thing about MFP is that there are no restrictions, but this site teaches moderation. As a general rule, I stick to leaner meats and increase veggie uptake. I think the most important first step to weight loss is to invest in some measuring cups and spoons (I have 2 sets so I always have the right tool at hand) and a food scale that allows you to measure in ounces (digital are best, but I use a small spring one that I found at Salvation Army). Knowing what foods to eat will come to you with time.

    A few ideas to get you started is that I like to freeze balled or cut melon or grapes for a sweet treat. I also like to have cauliflower mashed potatoes (cook the cauliflower for like 12 min in the microwave until it starts to mush) because it tastes good and is lower calories.

    Lastly, I have found it helpful to prep food on the weekend. For me this means making meals ahead for lunches (this week I will be having sauerkraut and sausage with celery and barley), making large batches of things you like on hand (such as soups, spaghetti sauce, etc.), or chopping fruits and veggies. This allows you to have healthy grab and go snacks and meals ready all week when you are busy.

    Good luck, you can do it.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    You don't have to eat salads every day to lose weight! I've never been a big salad person. I do like a nice pile of fresh baby spinach dressed with olive oil and a little vinegar or lemon juice, but that's the extent of it. I watch my portions and try to eat lots of other veggies. I LOVE steamed broccoli so I eat it a lot.

    I never ate breakfast before. Now I eat it every day, even though some days I don't 'feel' hungry in the morning, because I know my body needs the fuel. You can start light - some yogurt and fruit or a bowl of low sugar whole grain cereal with milk. Lately I've been eating more substantial breakfasts and I feel a lot better! I also don't feel the temptation to overestimated later in the day. I like steel cut oats with fruit and a boiled or scrambled egg on the side. Also omelettes with veggies and ham, egg salad on toast and a live of fruit, etc.

    My advice is make some friends, look around some other food diaries for ideas (mine isn't perfect, but it's public anyway.) Make a small change for the better, and when that becomes a habit, make another small change. I've heard it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. No need to change everything all at once!
  • EhRiKuh
    This is great! Thank you all for the suggestions! <3

    I don't suffer from soda-itis hehe =) I have managed to cut my soda and juice intake recently. I stick to water and I have a "cheat day" weekly in which I drink a cup of soda or a cup of juice.

    What juice would be healthy to drink if I do crave something aside water?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    This is great! Thank you all for the suggestions! <3

    I don't suffer from soda-itis hehe =) I have managed to cut my soda and juice intake recently. I stick to water and I have a "cheat day" weekly in which I drink a cup of soda or a cup of juice.

    What juice would be healthy to drink if I do crave something aside water?

    I like the Ocean Spray juice sparklers! They come in small cans, usually in the juice aisle. They are fizzy juice, I think 70 calories each. They satisfy that soda craving I get sometimes nicely. I haven't bought any in a while as they are a bit dear ($3 for 4 small cans) but great for a treat! Wish I had some today, lol. As far as which juices are best, I don't really know. I'm not a juice drinker. Water with fruit (oranges, lemons, limes, even cucumber) is really yummy though!