Weight loss help- I've been on a diet for a month and no cha

Hi Everyone,

So I'm a bit confused- I'm a 5'7" female, weight of 160 pounds, 25 years old, trying to lose 20 pounds. i used to weight around 150 consistently, about 1.5- 2 years ago, and it has then fluctuated between 155- 161 ever since. I've been very strict about eating less than 1600 calories everyday since about a month ago, with my diet mainly consisting of whole foods such as oatmeal, wild rice, vegetables, almonds, etc. I count the calories in EVERYTHING. The days that I go spinning, workout, or do zumba, I eat extra according to what the website says. I almost never feel hungry. I expected at least a slight weight loss, but my body has been very steadily staying at 160-161. What's up with that? Any ideas? I'm stumped. I seem to gain weight *really* easily, lightening fast, and then can never work it off.

thank you !



  • sadessa
    sadessa Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe try eating a little bit more than 1600 calories a day? that seems like a little low to me. Such a drastic change could be causing your body to hold onto it's reserves (if it's used to a lot more calories). It will also help in maintaining your weight once you lose it.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    How many pounds a week did you set yourself to lose? If it's 2 per week, it may not be a realistic goal. Set your loss to .5-1 a week and see if that will help.
  • VerenaNelson
    I only set myself to lose .5 pounds per week. People have also told me to try going lower. I'm afraid If I eat more then I will gain! I'm starting to wonder if I need to feel hungry more to lose weight. The days that I do really intense exercise I will eat as much as 2000.
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    First off, at 5'7" and 160 lbs you're at a BMI of 25.1, which is only a fraction above your normal weight range. That always makes things more difficult, and if you're this close to normal, you will lose more slowly.
    Secondly, if you're not losing at all, there may be other issues, such as an underactive thyroid. Do some research on hypothyroidism, and if you're showing any symptoms in addition to inexplicable weight gain/inability to lose weight, go see your doctor.