How Can I cut out Carbs



  • RonnieBigGunz
    This website has some cool recipes. Here's one for avocado fries:
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    This website has some cool recipes. Here's one for avocado fries:

    Thanks <3!
  • GA_Gyrl
    GA_Gyrl Posts: 25 Member
    grilled chicken breast and ANY beans is perfect! Eliminate those pastas and stuff! SUPER bad!
  • rosebushqt
    rosebushqt Posts: 3 Member
    A trick you can try that I've found really helpful is replacing breads entirely with a head of lettuce. Instead of putting your sandwich meat in between some bread, try wrapping it up in the lettuce! It still tastes great and cut out a ton of calories while avoiding the carbs all together!
  • ColleenB1980
    ColleenB1980 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks everyone, going to have a look at those websites when i get home from work tonight,

    I know it is unrealistic to cut out carbs completely I just want to cut back, I have already stated eating wholewheat pasta but think i need to eat more veg for def .
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm glad to read "cut down" in your message as opposed to "cut out" in the title.
    Cutting OUT any macronutrient group seems unwise to me, but I guess you already know that.

    My personal opinion is that the easiest way to go about change is not by cutting something out altogether, but looking at the ratios you are eating, and making some substitutions. Some examples of what I mean:
    - I make fried rice with lots and lots of stirfried veggies, a bit of meat, about 1/2 cup of rice per person and serve it with a poached egg on top. This works out to be a really balanced meal with some carbs, some protein, some fat and lots of goodness from all the veggies. It's yummy with brown rice or white, whichever you prefer.
    - I make pasta sauce with lots of veggies and some meat and serve a whole lot of sauce on top of about half the quantity of pasta I used to eat. We might have salad or avocado on the side which makes it more filling without so much pasta.
    - instead of a salad sandwich for lunch, I often have a salad with veggies, tuna or chicken, boiled egg and one piece of bread (usually with peanut butter or cheese and vegemite) on the side. Half the bread, twice as much flavour!

    I know that lots of people don't agree with my "moderation" approach, but it works for me - as you can see, I'm not a carbophobe!
  • 321payne
    There is nothing wrong with carbs. you just need too watch your serving size just like every thing else. your body needs carbs to function right completely removing carbs from your diet is not healthy. your body is designed to rum on carbs. these no carb diets work because they make your body obtain energy in a different way than is efficient. I think you need to eat what you want but in lesser amounts count calories not carbs because this will make you happier and more likely to stick to your plan. thats my plan anyway I am more happy doing this than anything else I have tried and I am losing weight . this is just one persons opinion.
  • sophsw
    sophsw Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for asking this question, i have been asking myself the same thing over the last couple of days. I have not lost any weight since i joined the site yet i exercise well, so i have been going over my food journal and i have notices i have been eating too many carbs. I thank all the people who have offered advice and i realise i need to make smarter choices and substitues in my food so hopfully the scales will start moving in the right direction for me.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I'm glad to read "cut down" in your message as opposed to "cut out" in the title.
    Cutting OUT any macronutrient group seems unwise to me, but I guess you already know that.

    My personal opinion is that the easiest way to go about change is not by cutting something out altogether, but looking at the ratios you are eating, and making some substitutions. Some examples of what I mean:
    - I make fried rice with lots and lots of stirfried veggies, a bit of meat, about 1/2 cup of rice per person and serve it with a poached egg on top. This works out to be a really balanced meal with some carbs, some protein, some fat and lots of goodness from all the veggies. It's yummy with brown rice or white, whichever you prefer.
    - I make pasta sauce with lots of veggies and some meat and serve a whole lot of sauce on top of about half the quantity of pasta I used to eat. We might have salad or avocado on the side which makes it more filling without so much pasta.
    - instead of a salad sandwich for lunch, I often have a salad with veggies, tuna or chicken, boiled egg and one piece of bread (usually with peanut butter or cheese and vegemite) on the side. Half the bread, twice as much flavour!

    I know that lots of people don't agree with my "moderation" approach, but it works for me - as you can see, I'm not a carbophobe!

    I have used your second suggestion when I go to an Italian restaurant. You'd be amazed how accomodating they are. I ask them to sautee up some tomatoes, mushrooms and onions and put that on 1/3-1/2 of their normal pasta serving size and add some meat sauce to the top. I end up barely touching the pasta.

    I'll have to try your fried rice trick! Sounds nummy num nums!
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    try whole grain pasta and use sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. Stay away from cheese and creamy sauces and try not to cook your veggies in them as well. Think whole grains. Rice, fruits, veggies, oats and kidney beans are real good sources.

    All pasta, even whole grain has lots of carbs. So do sweet potatoes, rice, most fruits, Cheese is usually lower in carbs. Most of your low carb foods are a bit higher in fat. Green veggies are a good place to get carbs. You could cook a meat and green veggies or carrots. My husband things he should have potatoes and bread for almost every meal! And he has quite a bit of belly fat. I've spent the past 10 months trying to take in all the low carb foods and avoid the high carb stuff. I recently started making things with flaxseed meal which is low in net carbs! I buy Healthy Life wheat bread which has 5 net carbs and is high in fiber. Most people don't go as low carb as I do but lowering yourcarbs is nota bad thing. Especially if you limit your sugar and white flour.