super bowl left overs

efox02 Posts: 5
edited November 2024 in Food and Nutrition

I have a HUGE problem! We just had a huge superbowl party yesterday and we have A LOT of food left over... chips, chili, guacamole, onion dip, buffalo wings, blue cheese dressing and sweets....while last night i indulged a little i dont know what to do with the leftovers! my roommates insisted on making everything full fat so the boys would like it but now the boys are gone and its just us girls. I have been eating so well and none of these foods... as they are... are on my diet plan but i hate hate hate throwing out food... esp if it is still good! any recommendations? anybody know what can be frozen and maybe saved for another party? i know the food wont be eaten and i dont want it to get thrown out... please any suggestions???

thank you!!!!

2. SHELTERS/SOUP KITCHENS DO NOT ACCEPT HOMEMADE FOOD - ONLY CANNED/SEALED/UNOPENED ETC FOOD. SO THIS ISN'T AN OPTION EITHER... granted i live in NYC and could find a homeless person to just give it to...seems a little weird to me....


  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    Take it to work and share it with your co-workers!
  • You could have sent it home with these boys. Do they live nearby so they could come and get those bad things out of your house?
  • isaacs06
    isaacs06 Posts: 75 Member
    donate to local charity that feeds homeless/hungry.
  • cast59
    cast59 Posts: 77 Member
    Obviously, you need to have another party!!!!!
    Call me.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    hmm ask them to come back and get the food?
    lol id toss bc i have to overcome the whole "dont throw out" thing, if i dont want it, it better go bc i dont wanna see it!
  • karah0011
    karah0011 Posts: 54 Member
    I had the same problem with my queso dip from yesterday. I ended up leaving it at my aunts house because I knew I would eat it all. I was pretty proud of myself!

    I agree...take it to work or school and let others finish it off!
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Freeze what you can (like the chilli and any other sweets.) If you have unopened packages of chips, etc. you can return them to the store. Otherwise I would toss it all!!
  • kvreeken
    kvreeken Posts: 137 Member
    GET IT OUT OF THE HOUSE STAT! Are there any starving animals in the neighborhood? :laugh:
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I like the freezing suggestion. I really think most anything can be frozen and kept for a matter of months (I haven't specifically tried freezing those things, but I don't see why it wouldn't work). The other suggestions are good too.
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    Tell those ladies they need to learn to be sneaky! :) I have been using all low-fat cheese, low fat sour cream, and 2% milk products in recipes. (I have other sneaks, but can't think of them...) My husband is eating those products just fine and he is
    none the wiser...:) As for your dilemma, I can only think that unless you want to eat it...toss it :( I know its a waste but I guess its
    either have another party (for fun! a game night, movie night, etc.) Its either eat it or that...hope someone else is more helpful!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Take it to work and sabotage your co-workers!

    There. Fixed it for you. :wink:
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Take it to work and share it with your co-workers!


    Chili does freeze very well, so that's one for you. I think wings probably would, too. Your coworkers will eat all your sweets and dips might be a loss.

    One quick tip for your roomies: The Boys don't know the difference between low-fat and full-fat unless you tell 'em. Trust me. Good night, I once fed an absolute carnivore tofu without him realizing it! He actually thought it was chicken. And he HATES tofu (or so he thinks ;) ).
  • Generally I keep some Gladware or other cheap food storage around so that when I make "special" food for guests I can send them home with leftovers.

    So I agree with the previous poster - take it to work, have people over again, share with a neighbor, something.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Take it to work and sabotage your co-workers!

    There. Fixed it for you. :wink:

    Ain't nobody gonna make you eat it if they bring it to work, honey. Just leave it for the others. I do. :)
  • Whenever I make food for a social occasion where we have people over that I dont want to keep in the house after they are gone I make sure I send all the leftovers home with our guests. They are always happy to take food home, and I dont end up throwing food out. If nothing else I just call one of our kids (24 yr olds) and they are always happy to come pick it up-lol!
  • some great ideas, but remember this: It is better to throw out food than to eat it just to keep from "wasting" it. If its food you don't need and are over-eating on then it really is already wasted anyway.

    Remember better to go to waste than to waist.

    with that said I am sure you can find someone to give it to.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Give it away, there were good suggestions about homeless/charity, or coworkers! Maybe even the boys lol
  • rhogro
    rhogro Posts: 12
    Take it to work - they'll eat anything!
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Obviously, you need to have another party!!!!!
    Call me.

    There's a good answer! :smile:
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    I don't know of many places that can take homemade foods to redistribute. Liability for poor food prep and care make it difficult to do.

    Some of the things you listed can be repurposed easily as well. For example, I often put hot wings on my salad to give it a kick, not to mention the protein. A little blue cheese dressing makes it well rounded (depending on your taste and calories for the day).

    For chili, I would take some carrots, celery, or even potatoes and saute them up and add them to the mix. It decreases the amount of calories per bite, and if you portion it and freeze it you have who knows how many meals there.

    I like to use guacamole instead of mayo on some sandwiches.

    Also - Track down those boys and take them a care package of the sweets! Major kudo points for you if you do.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    That's a big reason I made all our superbowl snacks healthier versions. We had a bit left over and I had a slice of pizza (150c) and 1/2 serving of taco dip (100c) with homemade w/w tortilla chips (90c) and that was lunch. That's it for the pizza now and just 1/2 a serving of taco dip left and some 100c packs of guacamole.

    Is there any way to salvage some of it? Guacamole can be a pretty healthy addition to salads and snacks and if you have wings left, can you strip the skin and use the meat to make wraps? Chili can be frozen. Any full fat dressings or dips should get pitched.

    Good luck getting rid of it all, the easiest option is to have those boys come get the food, i'm sure they'd be happy to have it! :)
  • not an option... i am a student and thats a lot of money spent on food that wont be thrown out... too wasteful.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    I HATE throwing food out! Really? There's no shelter or anyone else who'd want food? Throwing perfectly good food away is DISGUSTING!!!!

    I would take it to work or a shelter. Or call the boys. That's the best thing. Call the boys and have them "come visit" you ;)
  • I decided in the middle of the night that it's not my responsibility to eat all of the leftovers and to get back to my calorie counting today. I'm going to toss most of it, but take one dip to my gardening class on Friday and let them eat it:) This time I'm determined to lose the weight and those calories are not worth it!
  • lol ok athough I would throw out most of it, unopened bags of chips store for a futuer party, sweets can be frozen, if there is other food that can be made into healthy meals ie. chicken into soups or sandwhiches it's ok to keep. But really if it is unhealthy snack food it was purchased for the party, and really isnt GROCERY worthy in my opinion and should be tossed!

    Giving it away is another option, but you are just passing on your problem to another person who may also be struggling. File under "G"
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Take it to work and sabotage your co-workers!

    There. Fixed it for you. :wink:

    Yeah Right! ..... one of my co-workers brought in a chocolate cake (gone already) and a ginormous cookie. Not some crappy store bakery either ... this is/was the good stuff. Oh, well I'll do better tomorrow.
  • Also im pretty sure it was an excuse for my roommates to eat the full fat stuff.. i mean i guess it tastes better but its not like the lowfat/fat free stuff tastes any worse. also a lot of shelters wont take open things... they wont want our vat of guac in a pie tin...thank you for so many suggestions and so fast. I will try to take some to work tomorrow...
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Donate it to a homeless shelter or chuck it.

    Is tossing it wasteful? Perhaps. But if it were Halloween candy, you might just chuck it. Think of it the same way. It is all junk and it has no place in your regular diet.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    not an option... i am a student and thats a lot of money spent on food that wont be thrown out... too wasteful.

    Ok, so are you asking for permission to eat the junk?

    What is the difference if the boys had eaten last night or you throw it away? Either way, it's gone.

    If you must, repurpose the foods and eat them in smaller portions with healthier the wings on the salad idea.
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