Looking for mfp friends!

Hi everyone! I registered a week ago and now I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated to eat well and exercise. I'm a 23-year-old student from Belgium and not too long ago, eating was almost like a hobby to me. Now I'm trying to break the habit. So is there anyone who has the same problem and who would like to join me in this?


  • ajalcazar
    ajalcazar Posts: 76 Member
    I too am a full time student who had this problem and just started MFP 3 days ago. Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm an 18 year old student studying in France and ever since I've got here the pounds are piling on. I'm new to here too (: you can add me.
  • J'habit en Belge 2 ans. Avenue du Kraainem! <--How'd I do? That is about the extent of my French, forgive me for it is bad. :) Welcome aboard.

    We start today!
  • Kat5688
    Kat5688 Posts: 27 Member
    Haha, my French is terrible but luckily we're not here for that :) Nice to meet you!
  • Hey I'm also a student, add me too if you like
  • I'd love to help out with support! Please feel free to add me. :) Welcome to MFP!
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    We all need support! Go ahead and add me if you want some extra help. :)
  • Welcome and also happy to help with support :)
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 312 Member
    I"m Tim from Seattle - started logging last week as a whim and am now addicted to it. I have been an athlete basically my whole life - but the change in job situation, addittion of two amazing kids and aging has made me realize I need to take some steps to ensure my health and well being. I started working out very seriously again in Jan 2011 and have been very consistently training 4-5 days a week since then. The diet, however. has been a different story. Being married to an AMAZING cook (she's 1/2 italian and 1/2 spanish), has always made me happy to eat plenty and often! The positive changes to my body in the last year are still there, although I know now - that after a week of MFP - if I would've started this last year, it would've been meant many more tangible results! I love food and drink and I ALWAYS will. Seeing your totals GOOD or BAD for what they truly are is undeniably helpful. I have never made decisions about food or drink based on nutritional value/calories etc. BUT, now in only a weeks' time that has changed. Blah blah blah - last thing before I step off the soapbox- Give yourself the honest chance. Good or bad. try it for 20 days. you can do anything for 20 days.
    Good luck all -
  • ive just re-started, feel free to add me :)
  • mamanpourtjs
    mamanpourtjs Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Sabrina, mom of 3, 26ish years old (LOL) and I too need support! Feel free to add me! :o)