You know those days when you are just HUNGRY....

Today is one of THOSE days for me.

im hungry. hungry hungry hungry.

having plenty of protein for my evening meal, then some protein pancakes afterwards.



  • lyoung0216
    Have you tried filling up on liquids such as tea or water?
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    i drink loads through the day yes.... i also just stood up and felt like i was going to faint, i went all dizzy and my legs felt odd.

    not sure what that was all about!
  • lyoung0216
    If you feel hungry, I would suggest trying to fill up on good for you snacks that are low cal if you are close to your limit ( like veggies ) I like dipping my veggies in hummus, bell pepper and celery sticks are good fillers since they provide fiber and water. But since you feel weak, maybe you need a little bit of healthy fats in your diet? Try nuts or avocados. Look for monounsaturated fats.
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    i drink loads through the day yes.... i also just stood up and felt like i was going to faint, i went all dizzy and my legs felt odd.

    not sure what that was all about!

    EAT SOMETHING! It's okay if you go over your calorie goal 100-200 calories. Your body is clearly trying to tell you something isn't working. Eat a good healthy snack with some protein and I bet you'll feel better.

    Also, if you're restricting yourself to 1200 cals/day you may be borderline starving yourself. Search 1200 in the message boards and read up on it. There are different opinions out there, but I know that I did it for a week and I was about to eat my desk. I'm on 1440 now which isn't much more, and I feel SO much better (and I'm losing weight better surprisingly enough).
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I'm having one of those days! I think it's because I upped my exercise routine this weekend and it's catching up to me!

    Find good snack with healthy oils in them. Walnuts are a good source, but they pack a pretty large calorie punch. I like to throw them on salad. I'd say eat more protein! My doctor tells me to do that if I'm hungry - but I am on a high protein diet as well.

    My friend keeps offering me pizza, and wow does it smell good...
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Usually the days leading up to TOM, and it seems that tea triggers my hunger, too. I added tea to my diet thinking it would be a healthy, warm beverage for me during the winter but unfortunately tea seriously stimulates my appetite. I didn't realize until 1-2 months later. I've eliminated tea, and my appetite is normal now. Is there something that could be triggering your hunger that you can control?
  • chefanie85
    I'm the same way today!! I added strength training this weekend...I was thinking maybe I would have to up my calories so I don't drop weight too quickly.

    I started having oatmeal for breakfast, that has helped me hold off on snacking during the mornings. I'll work out when I get home so I can make up for having such an awful lunch.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Protein doesn't make me feel full.
    The number one thing that makes me feel full is fiber (lots of veggies).
    The runner up is fat (walnuts are SO filling).

    My doctor said that a lot of people think it is the protein that fills them up, but--since many (animal) protein sources also contain fat--it's really the fat that is making you feel satiated.

    Just something to consider.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    This Wednesday will be five weeks since I've been counting calories so take this for what it's worth...

    If I'm hungry I eat. There's been 2 or 3 days where I've gone over my calories by 300 - 500 calories because I was hungry. Looking back it was probably because I was ovulating and the week before my period so my body probably did need the "extra" calories (don't forget we're eating at a deficit already). There's also been days where I've been under my calories by the same amount or more because I just wasn't hungry, again I don't think there's anything wrong with that. As long as the food I'm eating is actually nutritious food and not junk food I don't think there's anything wrong with listening to your body. So far it's all been balancing out. So like everyone else, I think you should eat. :)
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    When I feel HUNGRY I EAT! Like on Thursday, I wasn't able to satisfy my hunger, so I got a huge sub for lunch. I ate the WHOLE thing and I felt so much better! lol
  • nkenga
    nkenga Posts: 46
    I find that when I eat way over my allotted calories one day, I will get a LOT hungrier a LOT more easily the next day. Something to consider.
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Im soooo having one of those day too today!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Fill up on quick-soups, some are only 50 cal, keeps you full for ages. Porridge does too x
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    i drink loads through the day yes.... i also just stood up and felt like i was going to faint, i went all dizzy and my legs felt odd.

    not sure what that was all about!

    Sounds like low blood sugar to me. You should consider eating something, particularly if you just exercised. Fresh fruit helps me if my blood sugar drops too low.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    That was yesterday...I literally could have eaten the entire day! I had to really force myself to get out of the house and away from the fridge! haha
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    I'm really hingry today too! !
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Same problem, I have walked over to the cupboards at least 3 times in the last half hour and keep telling my self I will be having dinner in a few hours, I just had a tangerine at 2pm and didn't feel I could finish it but now I'm hungry again, what the heck?? Just gonna drink my water and hold out an hour or 2 more.
  • shellybean826
    i drink loads through the day yes.... i also just stood up and felt like i was going to faint, i went all dizzy and my legs felt odd.

    not sure what that was all about!

    oh be very careful ..i get that all the time too ...go get your blood pressure checked ..they checked mine and it was 82/40 ..they are now doing tests to see what is going on with me ....and have you guys ever heard of nooodles ??? they are calorie free, net carb free, and basically everything free ..i eat them whenever i just cant get away from the hunger ...go to
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    I felt that way on Friday - so I decided to get myself a huge McD's meal, and eat the whole thing. (I haven't eaten there in ages - I've been really good - but the protein sounded good.)

    I didn't go over my day's calories by a huge amount - less than 500 - but I woke up to a *pound and a half LOSS* on the scale the next morning.

    I guess sometimes you've just gotta eat!
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Not just me then?!?! I'm STARVING I could eat a scabby horse and then chase down its rider. I know mine is because I've been tied up (not literally) most of the afternoon without snacks and on a small dinner. I'm actually a bit shakey for it now