Losing weight to prepare for pregnancy



  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    This is definitely me! Although not the only reason. I'm getting married later this year and a baby will be our next step. I have seen quite few friends go from being quite thin, to carrying a lot of extra weight during and after pregnancy. I couldn't imagine starting off with weight to lose, then adding more to it. I'm also 28 already and don't want there to be any obstacles that i can control, preventing me from falling quickly. It's a great motivator :)
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    @1sassycox i stopped the pill in early january also, and i have been on it for almost as long as you. That is one big concern since i heard stopping can cause you to gain weight. I am exercising and eating within my parameters set on myfitnesspal but i am still worried that stopping the pill will hinder my goals.
  • Hey! TTC here too, having lost a baby a few months back, trying to get weight down to help PCOS. Add me if you want :) I just started on Sunday
  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    I was about 12-14lbs lighter with baby no.1, and put on sooo much weight after baby, and so far have lost about 18lbs, (about 181lbs now).
    and we've started ttc this month, and i did want to lose more but i dont want to wait too long. But definitiely hoping to continue to lose weight until we conceive (fingers crossed for us all!).

    So more than happy to be added.
  • I am losing weight for the total package... to look better, feel better, have more energy, fit in old clothes, and if we decide to try for another, id like to be fit for health reasons, as well as an easier weight loss after baby.... i think its an awesome idea... a lot of people want to have another before losing weight because they feel like they are already "big" and rather lose all the weight in the end.... that doesnt happen!!! im now fighting to lose the weight off my second child, who is now 17 months old!!! with the first baby i was spoiled, and the weight came off within months.... not so lucky this time! so yes, to answer your question, in a sense im doing it so if we decide to get pregnant one last time i will be healthy, but im not ONLY doing it for that reason :)
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    @curlyslim I dont think i can wait to conceive either! I have the baby itch so bad but i am motivated to lose as much as possible until May when we can start TTC. Good luck to you and everyone!
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    I hear ya!! My husband and I would like to try for another child this fall, but I have about 20lbs left to lose first. Add me if you'd like!!
  • k80fox
    k80fox Posts: 92
    Same situation here! It's nice to meet others in my shoes. I'll send you a friend request :)
  • aminakhan1980
    aminakhan1980 Posts: 105 Member
    I think it's great what you ladies are doing. I wish I had done that with my pregnancies. Not only will you feel better during your pregnancy, but being fit will help tremendously when your pushing your little ones out! I gain my weight AFTER my pregnancies because I am home with a baby all day and eating, and too sleep deprived to workout. If I ever have another one, I will have to watch out for that!
  • AngelJordan
    AngelJordan Posts: 46 Member
    I am to. Just lost our baby on the 3rd of January. My profile name is actually named after him =) We've been wanting to conceive for ages. My dream would be to be nice and slim and have a big baby bump. :love:
    But i also just want to have the baby! I'm trying to use the loosing weight factor and being a healthy weight as a motive to loose it, to make an easier pregnancy.
  • kdrew1
    kdrew1 Posts: 36 Member
    I love that your stories are mirror images of my own! I am fairly new to MFP and am also trying to lose weight to get my body ready to get pregnant. My husband & I have been married for almost 5 years; together for 10 and we want to start trying in the next 6 months. My weight was the highest its ever been at 200 lbs. I have so far lost 7 pounds and am looking to get down to 150. My mom always told me that losing weight is so much easier when you are younger so, at 28 I think I am ready to finally get the pounds off and get healthy.
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    I am sorry for the losses so many have endured. I am so afraid and excited for conception at the same time. I want to be the healthiest possible to reduce all risks of pregnancy and child birth. Best of lcuk to all of you and may those little ones lost rest forever peacefully. We are strong and can do this, we do not have to do it alone.
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    I'm right here with you! Sadly we miscarried at 8 weeks earlier this year. I was at my all time heaviest when I got pregnant and tried to turn the sad into a positive and said that I'd try to get in the BEST shape of my life first. 22 pounds later, I feel really good! I have a long road ahead - still 78 to go as I decided to get to a kick *kitten* goal weight of 145 (I'm 5'7") which is my dream weight. I want not only to be fit and have a healthy pregnancy but I want to be a role model for my future children ESPECIALLY if I have a girl. I want her to love and respect her body, not fight it.
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    @kdrew1 i started tjis topic thinking no one would be out there that feels the way i do and have the same goals. I am blown away that this topic took off. Everyone can add me and we can do this together. May the future generation be our motivation!
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    I am at my heaviest ( well 2 pounds lighter now :) and i am toughing it out to be ready for pregnancy. My ideal weight is 101 to 140 lbs for my height (5'1") and i a pushing for a svelte 120! Right in the middle! I have a bum leg and i am permanently diabled (can't run, jump, or bend/straighten my right leg) so it is very difficult for me to exercise like a normal person. I modify everything to still feel a burn without harming my leg further. I was actually able to withstand 10 entire minutes on the elliptical for the first time in over6 years since my surgery (i had a tumor removed from my right tibia) being overweight is already bad for my bum leg, the additional weight of pregnancy will be even worse and thus my motivation to lose before i gain!
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    I've been there! I was 230 in 2008 and got down to 140 by 2010 and was able to get pregnant Dec 2010! Feel free to add me for support.
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    Oh, and I just have 15 more pounds to go! So close :) It'll be a 30 pound loss total. I've heard a healthy pregnancy is 25-30 pound gain....

    That's average, because then it's mainly water weight. My daughter was 9lbs 2.3oz herself, I lost 15 pounds total while in the hospital having her and then I lost another 30lbs almost instantly afterward. LOL.
  • I am sort of in the same boat; however after losing a lot of weight from 2009-2010 I was ready to conceive and found out after months of trying that my husband has fertility issues. We will begin IVF at the end of Feb and my doctor has advised that we start at this time. In the meantime I have changed my eating habits and am being watched by my doctor to get my BMI down. I think it is wonderful that pregnancy is a great motivator for losing weight. I wish everyone the best of luck!
  • It's so great to find other women who relate. People always look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them I am trying to lose weight first.
    "You want to lose weight and have a baby, only to get pregnant, gain weight and try to lose it again?" :huh:

    I would like to lose 80-100 lbs before we TTC. I have PCOS and right now my body is in no shape to endure childbirth. We would like to try asap but in reality that probably wont be for another year or two.
  • I seriously thought i was the only person on this planet that was set on loosing weight before getting pregnant. It is seriously AMAZING to have found that I am NOT crazy! YAY! lol. I had my first son 09/25/09 & I only gained about 40 lbs with that pregnacy but I was overweight to begin with. I was miserable and hated every single moment of being pregnant....besides the ultrasounds and feeling and seeing him move in my belly. I am hoping that by loosing the weight I want to and getting down to 130lbs will help me feel healthier and enjoy my next pregnancy. I have lost like 51 lbs (since July 2011) & I have another 70 lbs to go. Hoping it doesn't take to long because my son is already 2 1/2 and I don't want them so far apart.
