What do I do??

Hi guys,

I'm new to the site and I'm a little puzzled. I have access to a gym, but I dont know what to do. I dont know what exercises I should do for my body. And when I went there, they just gave me a pamphlet and sent me on my way.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Do they have classes you could sign up for? Or a personal trainer of some sort you could talk to to get you started?
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Like AmyRhubarb said: Join a fitness class at the Gym. The teacher will guide you.
  • mrswardy88
    mrswardy88 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in a bit of a pickle. My gym doesnt have daycare for my munchkins, so i'm trying to go early in the morning before my husband goes to work. Thier classes dont start that early.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Most gyms insist on inductions (for health and safety reasons) on the gym equipment itself - you'll need to speak to them and they'll be able to point you in the right direction for a routine from there. I'm sure you'll find the staff helpful especially at quiet times.

    I know the issues of little uns and working out - I've added a few things to do at home - 30 Day Shred DVD, dumbbells and an exercise bike are all helping a lot.

    Good luck.
  • If possible with your family's schedule, talk with your husband to see if there is an evening that you could participate in one of the classes. Discuss the importance of your participation and see if something can be worked out.
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    A good gym will give you an instructor to show you how equipment works, at least once. And then you can ask them questions later. The absolute best use of my money ever was getting a personal trainer. Which I only did after two years of going to the gym, unfortunately. But after several sessions with a trainer I knew what to do on my own.
  • snowchj
    snowchj Posts: 45 Member
    The next time you're ready to go to the gym, I recommend you stop, turn around, and head back to your computer. Once there, I want you to open up your purse, dig out your credit card, and place it beside the computer. Then--and this is most important of all--I want you to head on over to Amazon and, using the credit card, purchase a copy of this book...


    Starting Strength is the most respected book for novice strength training currently in existence. Read the whole thing, cover to cover.

    Now you can go back to the gym. Once you're there, instead of grinding away at the elliptical or otherwise wasting time, you will be there to train.

    Repeat for six months, then arm-wrestle your husband.
  • Our gym, and I think most gyms do this, give you a free one hour training session that involves an assessment and a brief "tutorial" of the gym and they are more than willing to help you if you have a question about something. They would much rather take the 2 minutes to explain an exercise/machine to you than to have you injure yourself or break their stuff! :) I know it's can be a little intimidating and you don't want to be the "newb" but in a few weeks, you'll have stuff figured out and you'll be kickin' butt! :) Also, a lot of machines have a little diagram that shows you what muscles they target and how to use the machine, but it might be a good idea to still double check with a trainer to make sure you're using the right settings for your height/size. I am really short and there are a few machines that just don't adjust to a comfortable position for me, so the my friend (who is a trainer at my gym) has found some alternative for those exercises that don't involve the machines. I'm new to the machine world, but not to working out. I guess, in a VERY long and round about way...just ask :) If they are a half way decent trainer and person they will be glad to help