Decided To Do A Juice Fast



  • meredithmccandless
    I saw the movie and it motivated me to buy a juicer. While, I didn't try the juice fast...I did decide to change a few very reasonable habits in my EVERYDAY

    1- drink one veggie juice per day
    2- drink one fruit smoothie a day
    3- take my multi-vitamin

    I also spend my free time cooking and researching nutrition and new recipes.

    I LOVE my Breville juicer and that movie is awesome...there's a lot more too out there if you look!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    Good luck! My parent's are almost done with a 30 day juice fast. My mother has no more arthritis pain and they both feel better, less aches and pains.

    Don't mind what naysayers say. Make an educated decision for YOURSELF.

    What kind of juicer did you get? I have a Breville and love it.

    Really? 30 days? Thats amazing! I just did 3 (and have done 7 before) and i think its BRILLIAN - but 30 days is out of this world!
  • toniRAD
    toniRAD Posts: 196 Member
    I think it's a great idea too!
    Then maybe after you're done you can start to add juices to your everyday diet. :)
  • Mikelan
    Mikelan Posts: 27 Member
    Back in September of 2011 I saw fat sick and nearly dead. I also saw that I was almost 300 pounds, had outrageous blood pressure without meds and was on a 5 year path to death. I started juicing for one month, I lost over 40 pounds. After the body detoxed in three days I felt so alive, I had an incredible amount of energy and I learned about eating right and that the gym is a great place let go of frustration. I have not juiced since October but I now eat a lot more fruits and veggies. I have lost over 70 pounds since I juice fasted. I did find that people were preaching to me "why would you do that to yourself?" "that is so unhealthy" and my thoughts were being 5'10 and almost 300 pounds thats unhealthy. It changed my life. I am no longer on blood pressure meds (last reading at DR.'s office was 118/78 compared to before meds of 192/154) my cholesterol is down over 100 points, and I no longer sit still, I am always on the go, never tired. If you want to friend me I can give you some great recipes, encouragement, and good advice on things that I did to make it taste better. JUICE ON!!!!
  • dwtouch4
    I got my juicer yesterday and will get supplies when I shop tomorrow.....

    Do you juice the whole pineapple? and all?..

    Well not at once, but yeah except for the leaves at the top. The juicer can easily handle the rind. It just throws it out the back.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I say this with care and kindness, please understand that. If I read correctly you recently tried to commit suicide by being pushed over the edge by an Internet person/forum. If that is correct, I would really re-think Internet social sites. People can be not so nice.

    Good luck and be well! :)

    Thanks...The suicide attempt was going to happen..It has been on my mind for ages.....The person was just the straw that broke the camels back.....When you get rejected over and over and over and over by people who you thought were friends and even family, it does take its toll on you....My family have rejected me all my life....

    I know this is off track but I'm going to say it....

    I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in October 2008....A hyster was all I needed to get rid of the cancer but it didn't get rid of HPV....The journey since then has been a long lonely one.....When I've cried it's been alone with no one to hold me...Months of this really took it's toll on me and the mental pain was just getting to much to bear....On the 9 March I'm having a biopsy to see if I still have HPV.....It's is gone that will be the best thing since sliced bread....But if it's still there my gyno said that there is one op that should fix it...A very major one...It's a reconstruction op....

    All I want is someone to care enough to be here for me.....Someone to hold me when I cry but there is no-one......

    I'm suffering from depression with was brought on by my total hyster......I am seeing a Psychologist once a month......My work has kept me sane....If I didn't have that I don't know where I would be....

    I've been really scared lately that my weight loss has, in some part, been a bi product of my depression....I'm scared that once I get through this that my weight will come back on.....But I will try not to let it....

    Also, I am no longer on any of those sites....Thanks for your concern...
    :cry: :cry:
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    Just watched FS&ND over the weekend, my juicer arrives tomorrow. lol:smile: DH and I were actually talking about getting one long before this; the purchase just happened to coincide with the movie watching. I checked out Reboot Your Life (, which is the companion site to the movie and was recommended the 10-day reboot. Of that, only four days or so are total juice days, the rest have solid foods as well (albeit of the healthy variety). We're totally looking forward to our juicing and good for you for making such bold strides towards improving yourself. Best of luck to ya! :happy:
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Just watched FS&ND over the weekend, my juicer arrives tomorrow. lol:smile: DH and I were actually talking about getting one long before this; the purchase just happened to coincide with the movie watching. I checked out Reboot Your Life (, which is the companion site to the movie and was recommended the 10-day reboot. Of that, only four days or so are total juice days, the rest have solid foods as well (albeit of the healthy variety). We're totally looking forward to our juicing and good for you for making such bold strides towards improving yourself. Best of luck to ya! :happy:

    I can't even get onto the site....I even changed from Chrome to Internet Explorer but still can't log in....
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    ...I checked out Reboot Your Life (, which is the companion site to the movie and was recommended the 10-day reboot. Of that, only four days or so are total juice days, the rest have solid foods as well (albeit of the healthy variety)...

    I can't even get onto the site....I even changed from Chrome to Internet Explorer but still can't log in....
    I think they might just have alot of traffic on the site. I was having a heck of a time getting on yesterday (kept stalling) but today it was working fine. In the meantime, here's a link I found that looked pretty cool

    It still has lots of solid foods but the recipes look fab and I like the premise behind it. Maybe you'll like it too.:smile:
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    If trying this gets you excited about incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet, than good for you! I've done juice fasts before, and I've always felt great after. For me it wasn't about losing weight. I just felt sluggish and felt that my diet was bringing me down. For my last fast, I was eating about 75% raw before I started and I had gradually eliminated coffee from my diet about 2 months prior. I don't do juice now because we bought a Vitamix and I hated wasting all that good fiber, so I have green smoothies instead (at least 2 x a day) and I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables with all my meals. One word of advice, you may feel better about it going into it slowly. Get off caffeine first if you're a big coffee or soda drinker, and maybe start of with a couple of juices a day incorporated into your meals a week or two before you do your fast. It will probably make the whole experience a lot easier for you. Be kind to yourself and enjoy. :flowerforyou:
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    If trying this gets you excited about incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet, than good for you! I've done juice fasts before, and I've always felt great after. For me it wasn't about losing weight. I just felt sluggish and felt that my diet was bringing me down. For my last fast, I was eating about 75% raw before I started and I had gradually eliminated coffee from my diet about 2 months prior. I don't do juice now because we bought a Vitamix and I hated wasting all that good fiber, so I have green smoothies instead (at least 2 x a day) and I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables with all my meals. One word of advice, you may feel better about it going into it slowly. Get off caffeine first if you're a big coffee or soda drinker, and maybe start of with a couple of juices a day incorporated into your meals a week or two before you do your fast. It will probably make the whole experience a lot easier for you. Be kind to yourself and enjoy. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for this info.....I'm not a coffee drinker but I do drink coke zero.....Will cut this down before I do the fast......
    I am starting to had juice to my diet starting tomorrow with breakfast....I got some carrots, apples and celery for my first ever juice.....I'm thinking of freezing the pulp and use it in smoothies.....

    I was wondering how you go about adding the juice cals to your diary?....Do you do it before you juice?....
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    ...I checked out Reboot Your Life (, which is the companion site to the movie and was recommended the 10-day reboot. Of that, only four days or so are total juice days, the rest have solid foods as well (albeit of the healthy variety)...

    I can't even get onto the site....I even changed from Chrome to Internet Explorer but still can't log in....
    I think they might just have alot of traffic on the site. I was having a heck of a time getting on yesterday (kept stalling) but today it was working fine. In the meantime, here's a link I found that looked pretty cool

    It still has lots of solid foods but the recipes look fab and I like the premise behind it. Maybe you'll like it too.:smile:

    Just tried to log in....Ended up with a bar across the screen saying: Associate Facebook Login....What happens here??
  • melrose09
    I used to do a fast every few months, but only the first 2 days were actual fasting with just lemon/cayenne water, the rest of the week was SUPER clean eating. I was a hippy back then :) but now that I work out a lot more, I can't imagine doing it. Plus, with my hyperactive munchkin keeping me busy I need lots 'o' fuel. Is the juice like thick and gloppy. Ew! I have a hard time with pulp OJ. But, it's only 5 days...IMO i honestly don't see the harm in it as long as you are taking it very easy. Not going to work is a great idea. I wouldn't do the fast very often, but having a cup of the juice once a day or so as part of your lifestyle is a great, easy way to get some important nutrients! . Good luck! I'd love to know how it turns out for you
  • shan_0517
    shan_0517 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm interested in this as well. Thanks for all the good feedback
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Actually juicing is a major win!

    Any kind of FASTING actually is not.

    Here's some info to read (and please read it):
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Juicing is a major WIN? Juicing IS fasting.

    Do yourselves a favor and just eat right and exercise. THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    My Mr. & I tried it once. Even though I was able to stand it better than he did, neither of us lasted very long. I think it was 3 or 4 days tops. Missed eating! Plus the amount of fruits & veggies I had to juice were insane! Too expensive! So glad I didn't buy a juicer as a friend gave me theirs. Juicing to enjoy a glass of juice is one thing, but I can't live like that.

    I agree that it shouldn't be done for very long. Also, instead of making my Mr. want healthier foods it made him not want fruits & veggies! Took a long time after that to get him to eat them again!