Do you have a thyroid problem?

if so, what is it? And what made you decide to get checked out? I'm getting mine checked tomorrow because I have such a huge family history of thyroid diseases


  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    have hypothyroidism and I'm on meds for the last 2 years. I have a family history. Feel free to add me and I'll tell you my story. :) Hope this helps.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    yep thyroid issue here i take meds daily
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    I was concerned cause I lost 40-50 lbs in one month... Got blood work done and bam, thyroid issues.... I was also really *****y, tired, and itchy skin (all signs of thyoid)

    Now on meds
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    Hashimoto's Thyroid (Autoimmune under active) Discovered when I was 19 due to a nodule on my thyroid gland my doctor felt. Curently on t3 and t4 meds daily and have gotten control over my weight through running and boot camp style strength training. Thyroid is not a fun disease whatsoever, but it is manageable through smart diet and healthy exercise :-) good luck with your tests!
  • melbaby925
    I've always had what the dr termed as "low normal" - and always was told exercise more, eat less.

    And then this January, got my physical results back and my numbers are off. As in WAY off - my TSH is less than half what it was the year before, my iron levels are low, my red blood cell variability is off and I've developed insomnia. So my dr just did a more extensive panel - waiting for the results, but a few people think that the iron anemia issue combined with thyroid seems to be Hashimoto's.

    I'm really REALLY hoping it's not and that I'm just out of balance. We'll see next week.

    Go get the panel done.
  • EfFemme
    EfFemme Posts: 5 Member
    Yup! Hashimotos... I feel like it's technically just Hypothyroid, as I don't really get the spurts of "over active thyroid" that comes with Hashimotos.

    I got tested after I caught myself bent over, head on desk, utterly exhausted in the middle of the day (I work in front of a GIANT ground level window in the front of a medical office-- kiiiind of inappropriate!). I also gained weight, my nails and hair got dry and flaky, I was T-I-R-E-D, and got sick all the time. I've been on meds for about 5 years, and while technically my blood work is in "normal range" I still have waves of utter fatigue.

    Switching to a gluten free diet TOTALLY helps, but I stink at sticking with it. Other than meds, has anyone found other things that help?
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    I have hypothyroidism with no family history... weird right??... I found out when I got checked after having an irregular period..
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    I have none, removed 14 years old. Been on same rx dosage all this time, doing fine!
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    Post-partum hypothyroid. No family history. I was soooooo tired all the time.
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    Interesting to hear all of this. Did you guys find it easier to lose weight with the meds?
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Went to the Endocrinologist for my blood sugar and she did some tests and then MRI of head. My pituitary is flattened and non-functioning, so she started supplementing me with Levothyroxine. Like waking up from a coma and each time they increased it, my Blood pressure dropped to a normal level now with minimal meds. I have never been a fan of meds, but I feel btter than I have in years and that little change has made a huge difference.

    It didn't really help my weight loss, so much as being out of the fog did. eliminating processed foods and gluten is what is doing it for me.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I have hyperthyroidism. Otherwise known as Grave's Disease (really could they have picked a worse name??) Eventually I will need my thyroid removed, but right now it's being controlled with meds.
  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 95 Member
    I have been on meds for 10 years for hypothyroid. When I need to get my levels checked and my meds increased I am so tired I can't sit down or I fall asleep. Also, I could claw off my skin it's so dry and itchy.
  • 0AmyMarie0
    I was just diagnosed last week, hashi's, hypo. Started taking armour thyroid and hoping it helps soon. Also waiting on results of my thyroid ultrasound. I gained 39 lbs in 18 months despite being active and eating healthy. Then the hypo symptoms took over, exhausted, hair loss, dry skin, dry nails, etc
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I have had "symptoms" forever but those sympotoms are so vague. I was a little tired, and I have been low energy for the past couple of years. Low energy for me is like high energy for anyone else. I was a little muted and less bubbly, but if you met me you would have never thought I was "down."

    I've always had dry skin and hair, so that wasn't a clue for me. I was a little cold sometimes, but again that could be anything.

    M doctor did some routine tests and I was deficient in iron, vitamin D and hypothyroid. I have been on synthroid/etc or about 1.5 years now. Just now trying to lose weight, I had gained around 20 pounds after being diagnosed.

    No clue when it started or the cause. My mom was never diagnosed, but it is suspected that she is as well, she has a few symptoms, but these are so vague you just think it is normal.

    I'd love to hear how you guys are coping.
  • pigwidgeon82
    pigwidgeon82 Posts: 79 Member
    i kept getting sick and gained weight and the dr decided to take out my tonsils. i got blood work so i could get approved for surgery and found out i have hashimoto's and am hypothyroid. i also have a goiter with several small nodules.

    i am currently on 125mcg of synthroid and take it daily. have been on medication for thyroid for about 4 years. still haven't been able to get the weight off, but am able to maintain. i think my problem is that i've been undermedicated and that has caused me to get discouraged from not seeing results. hope that changes soon. good luck to everyone.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    I'm hypo - been diagnosed for approx. 3 months. Currently I'm on Levothyroxine - a low dosage and I really don't feel much different or that it's helping - although I didn't know there was anything medically wrong with me before, so I don't have anything to compare to. I just thought my tiredness & fatigue was from being overweight and overscheduled - LOL

    I have this "gut" feeling that the dosage isn't high enough - because I'm stuck on a plateau - weightloss-wise. As hard as I've tried, the scale hasn't moved. I'd been doing so well and then BAM - brick wall.
    And my Dr. won't increase the meds yet, because she says it hasn't been six months yet, and it can take up to 6 months before the meds start making a difference.

    So I'm working hard at just maintaining my weight - trying not to re-gain what I've lost.
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    I'm hypo - been diagnosed for approx. 3 months. Currently I'm on Levothyroxine - a low dosage and I really don't feel much different or that it's helping - although I didn't know there was anything medically wrong with me before, so I don't have anything to compare to. I just thought my tiredness & fatigue was from being overweight and overscheduled - LOL

    I have this "gut" feeling that the dosage isn't high enough - because I'm stuck on a plateau - weightloss-wise. As hard as I've tried, the scale hasn't moved. I'd been doing so well and then BAM - brick wall.
    And my Dr. won't increase the meds yet, because she says it hasn't been six months yet, and it can take up to 6 months before the meds start making a difference.

    So I'm working hard at just maintaining my weight - trying not to re-gain what I've lost.
    I hear ya with just trying to maintain!I've been steadily gaining the past 3 months (I've put on 12lbs) despite meticulous tracking and regular exercise! That's part of why I'm gonna get tested tomorrow
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    I have a blood requisition to get my thyroid tested. I'm exhausted all the time, even when my iron levels are normal. I haven't gotten my period for about 6 months inexplicably, as well as having a near impossible time trying to lose weight (although probably more accurate to blame it on my own lack of discipline). I've gained almost 10 pounds in the last few months while tracking and exercising.

    Really interested to see what the results say. I have a family history of thyroid problems on my mother's side.
  • sblueyez
    sblueyez Posts: 156 Member
    I have hashimotos. My dad does as well. I've always thought I had it, since my teens. My labs always came back at the high range of "normal". Well I believe any TSH that isn't extremely close to 1, is abnormal. The lab companies disagreed so my doctor would never treat me because 4.5 wasn't bad enough. Finally the brain fog and memory problems started interfering with work and I really had to advocate for myself. The doctor finally started me on meds.

    Once your doctor gets your labs, ask for a copy. If your TSH is not close to 1, and if you are having other symptoms, don't be afraid to speak up about it. If the dr doesn't listen, it is time to find a new one.