Always too much sugar! Problem?

Just wondering if anyone can give me some advice. Although I am under on my calories, fat snd carbs every day (except cheat days!) I am always over on my sugar! Is this too much of a problem? I know I could do with more veg some days but For me (compared to old diet) I have completely overhauled my diet and today for instance I am over my sugar with having 1 apple, a mullet light yogurt and a highlights hot choc!! Will it make a difference to my weight loss? Feel free to look at my diary. Any advice appreciated.


  • ttck4eva
  • qkidney
    qkidney Posts: 258
  • kirstyg1980
    I've wondered this to and realised an apple and a banana can put you over and thats without anything else

    I have been told that MFP is set very low for each thing including sugar, but I am really trying to stay well under on sodium and would like to be under most days with sugar to but so hard going, especially when a muller light has so much in it

    I've swapped my muller lights for sugar free jelly, seems to be helping and I get my calcium through my porridge in the morning and glass of milk with my diner, might not stay under but I don't go over by that much now

    Have also read that if it's good sugars from fruit that it should be ok, but what I have done is limit myself to a banana as my only bit of fruit per day and eat much more veg
  • ttck4eva
    Thanks Kirsty I may have to stop the mullet lights too :-( I have such a sweet tooth do these help stop the cravings! Don't think I will be able to cut the nightly hot choc though it's my nightly treat for getting through the day! At 51 calls, 0 fat and 7g sugar I really need it to stay on track lol
  • kirstyg1980
    Thanks Kirsty I may have to stop the mullet lights too :-( I have such a sweet tooth do these help stop the cravings! Don't think I will be able to cut the nightly hot choc though it's my nightly treat for getting through the day! At 51 calls, 0 fat and 7g sugar I really need it to stay on track lol

    yeah, they do have nice enough tastes, i tend to stick to the strawberry and and raspberry for the sweetness taste factor and they are only 30 cals so you could have 2 in place of a muller light

    Last week I went up and down the yogurt isle in Morrisons picking up different kinds and the sugar in some OMG :o the unhealthy ones had something like 30g of sugar in one tiny little pot :o lol

    if you cut the muller light that should give you the sugar allowance for the chocolate

    Do you exercise - this gives you more sugar to eat during the day
  • zebedee44

    I have the same problem so thought I'd take a look at your diary - I can't see that you're even recording sugars, so how do you know you're over?!?

    What I did see is that you're way below your 1200 calories most days, that's really not good and will have far more effect on slowing your weight loss than a few extra grams of sugar.

    Read some of the threads on here that deal with eating all your calories.

    Good Luck! :happy:
  • ttck4eva
    I can't Do much exercise at the minute as had an operation last week. I have been walking a little and doing squats but I can't do any upper body or movements eg running
  • kirstyg1980
    I can't Do much exercise at the minute as had an operation last week. I have been walking a little and doing squats but I can't do any upper body or movements eg running

    once you can that will defo help in your allowances and also eat as close to your calorie limit as possible as the previous poster says your a good bit under
  • ttck4eva
    Hey,thanks for looking at diary. My sugar logs automatically it says target 25 and yestsrday I was at 34 . I am purposely under calories at the minute for 2 reasons. My bmr is only 1254 and I am in bed half the day at the minute due to operation last week. I have been able to do a few exercises last couple days but not much At all. Also I am doing as recommended on spike day thread saving some calories for spike day (tomorrow) where I have planned to be about 600 over :-)
  • zebedee44
    sorry to hear about your op. hope you're recovering :flowerforyou:

    personally, i'm not convinced about this spike day thing - i think your body gets used to too few calories - because that's what you're having the majority of days - then grabs everything you give it on your spike!

    just a thought :happy:
  • Jingram2b
    There are different types of sugar. Sugar that you find in fruits, like bananas and apples, are broken down by the body more slowly than table sugar or other processed sugars.

    From another board for its good explanation: "In short the reason why Fruit sugar is better for you than table sugar
    is that by eating table sugar (Sucrose) our bodies go out of sync with our sugar levels as the sugar is processed in the body extremely fast and in doing this the body informs the pancreas to pump out insulin. Someone with a weak pancreas will have a hard time doing this.

    Fructose (Fruit sugar) is broken down more slowly which allows the body more time to react to the sweetener that has been consumed. This puts less stress on the body and also the pancreas which is good news for diabetics as they too can have sweet tasting things but without the worry of a sudden sugar spike."

    Eating sugar from fruit also comes with various nutrients that your body wants and needs. Sugar from fruit will probably put you over MFP limits, but it's not the same as eating a donut.

    The differences are in how your body process it.