Calories per day......



  • Angelhurt
    well sorry for commenting! it just seemed that if she's eating them all back and not losing then maybe don't eat all of them back...i don't..i don't worry if i go over my daily goal a bit but i don't eat them all back...doesn't make sense really!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    One more thing, i notice you are extremely high with your carbs, i would recommend changing your macro's to 40/40/20 (C/P/F) until you get closer to your ideal weight and then slowly increase carbs.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    With only 16 lbs to go your weekly loss goal should be set at 0.5 or 1lb/week at most. Try changing your goal this will give you more calories. You can also throw in a bit more exercise as when you exercise you need to eat more, and MFP will add the cals in for you.

    this. as you get closer to your goal, you should INCREASE your calories, as you body will find it easier to lose weight. slower, yes, but easier.
  • hlhrkh
    Eat pickles, broccoli, celery raw without the dip and eat a lot of it and make sure you are drinking plenty of fluid. The foods I listed are considered negative caloric intake which means you actually burn the calories from the food to digest them so they don't technically count against you.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Eat pickles, broccoli, celery raw without the dip and eat a lot of it and make sure you are drinking plenty of fluid. The foods I listed are considered negative caloric intake which means you actually burn the calories from the food to digest them so they don't technically count against you.

    Couple of issues here with the - cal thing. MFP already accounts for digestion in your caloric intake, so they are not neg cals as the burned part is already taken into account. Not to mention pickles are full of sodium and will most likely lead to water retention (scale go up or stay the same even if you lost fat)
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    I am on my second time using mfp to lose weight because i gave up first go round cause i didn't lose anything with the calorie limit they had. I found what people are calling the olivia method on here and changed to using that and in just over a month have dropped almost 12 pounds. I don't always eat the best but changing the method used to track it all helped me feel better and like i could do it. just my 2 cents there.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Eat pickles, broccoli, celery raw without the dip and eat a lot of it and make sure you are drinking plenty of fluid. The foods I listed are considered negative caloric intake which means you actually burn the calories from the food to digest them so they don't technically count against you.

    Broccoli and Celery have calories in them so they do count and pickles are loaded with sodium, so they count as well. I will say, the calories are very little (30 for broccoli and 16 for celery per serving) so you can load up on them with minimal affect, but they count none the less.
  • shellyt1
    shellyt1 Posts: 119
  • lisaeksteen
    lisaeksteen Posts: 1 Member
    good thing i found this...i joined MFP last year sometime, i don't really keep to the diary cz i REALLY dnt understand much of it. how does it BMR is 1547..I don't exercise at the moment but i want to start spinning again 3 times a week. which will burn (according to MFP 420 cal). I am jst wondering how accurate the calories in the foods are? I take 2 meal replacement shakes a day..and then in between when i get hungry i eat..just finnished a whole can of baked beans. I cant eat big breakfasts, i actually get very nauseous if i eat solids early morning. and lunch times i also have a meal replacement cz it's just easier. I am very busy at work and i find that it's better for me to take a shake than nothing at all.

    If MFP says i should take in 1200 cal a day and i burn an additional 420 cal 3 days a week - it's now telling me I ate too little??? how does it work? must i eat back that 420 cal on the days i exercise?
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Protein and fiber! Cut back your fruit intake and add more vegetables. Eat only high quality calorie sources - lean meats, veggies, high fiber grains. Allow yourself no more than 1 cheat a week. Stay focused! Drink extra water. My doctor says to eat more protein early in the day to curb hunger later in the day. I find adding benefiber to my plan really helps keep me full.
    I did not look at your food diary, but these are healthy tips in general. I hope this helps!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    good thing i found this...i joined MFP last year sometime, i don't really keep to the diary cz i REALLY dnt understand much of it. how does it BMR is 1547..I don't exercise at the moment but i want to start spinning again 3 times a week. which will burn (according to MFP 420 cal). I am jst wondering how accurate the calories in the foods are? I take 2 meal replacement shakes a day..and then in between when i get hungry i eat..just finnished a whole can of baked beans. I cant eat big breakfasts, i actually get very nauseous if i eat solids early morning. and lunch times i also have a meal replacement cz it's just easier. I am very busy at work and i find that it's better for me to take a shake than nothing at all.

    If MFP says i should take in 1200 cal a day and i burn an additional 420 cal 3 days a week - it's now telling me I ate too little??? how does it work? must i eat back that 420 cal on the days i exercise?

    Yes you have to eat those back as you will lose your goal amount of weight eating 1200 cals with no exercise. If you burn 420, your body would react like you only at 780 (1200-420) and didn't exercise, and 780 is not enough fuel to function on.

    That being said, MFP usually over-estimates caloric burn. I would suggest you only eat back 75ish% of the cals burned so if MFP says 420, eat back around 315 or so.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    well sorry for commenting! it just seemed that if she's eating them all back and not losing then maybe don't eat all of them back...i don't..i don't worry if i go over my daily goal a bit but i don't eat them all back...doesn't make sense really!

    ^ yup

    I do suspect that many of the exercise calories burnt guides are on the high end. Particularly so where the source is a manufacturer of an exercise machine. I agree with the above, I'd try eating back just 50% of the cals and adjust up or down based on observation
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm inside my last few pounds. I'm currently set up to lose 1/2 lb a week. MFP set me originally at 1220 calories a day. I was starving like you, and about every 2-3 days, I was binge eating. I started tweaking my daily calories by 20 per day until I felt I hit a sweet spot I could handle. I'm up to 1260 per day. It still isn't quite there, but it's close enough I only feel deprived about once a week now, and I can keep any binging to a reasonable level.

    Also, I agree with other posters that your meals look pretty slim on substance. I'd toss in some additional lean meats or nuts and more veggies for filler through all your meals. I'm not a salad fan, but I can usually choke down some mixed spring greens which help top me off. And if you need to, you might map out your day in the morning. This could help you stay on track. I usually log everything in the A.M., and if I plan on grabbing something extra, I can plan around it. I feel more accountable when I have all the information in front of me.

    If you are exercising, plan to eat back on average about 50% of your workout calories depending on how you feel. I've had days where I exercised and just wasn't that hungry, so I didn't eat any of them, but I've also had days where I've felt every one of them leaving my body. As long as you listen to your body, you'll be fine.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    I'm inside my last few pounds. I'm currently set up to lose 1/2 lb a week. MFP set me originally at 1220 calories a day. I was starving like you, and about every 2-3 days, I was binge eating. I started tweaking my daily calories by 20 per day until I felt I hit a sweet spot I could handle. I'm up to 1260 per day. It still isn't quite there, but it's close enough I only feel deprived about once a week now, and I can keep any binging to a reasonable level.

    ^ I think this is a post that everyone looking for answers needs to read. MFP sets out some guidance for you based on statistical norms and averages. It's really important that you observe what happens to you, as an individual and you adjust your approach accordingly.

    crazycat80 (cool name) recognised that the caloric level suggested for her wasn't right. It was uncomfortable and ultimately impossible for her to stick to so she listened to the feedback her body and mind we giving her and adjusted her approach.

    The most effective diet there is, is the one you can stick to.