Does getting your tubes tied cause weight gain?



  • Thank you to the others who have posted about their cycle problems after having their tubes tied. I was on the Mirena for 5 years after I had the twins and loved it. When I had my C-section with my 3rd child, I also had my tubes tied.

    Since then, I am on a 21 day cycle and yes, my period also lasts a full week. It's miserable.

    I'm glad to know that at least I'm not alone in this, even if it does suck.

    To the OP: I got down to my lowest weight since being in college after my tubes were tied. So even if it does affect weight loss because of cycle changes, I was able to overcome them.
  • I have a personal beef with Essure! Please do ALOT of reserch before having this done! It is still fairly new. Essure is part of the reason I had to have a hysterectomy just over a month of having it done! If it needs to be removed it has to cut out. Deffinatly choose your options carefully!
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    Getting your tubes tied is probably not the underlying reason most peoples periods would be out of whack. In most cases it would have more to do with stopping birth control. I had mine done 5 years ago and have had no side effects whatsoever except maybe the first few months while my body adjusted. My periods are if anything shorter and more regular since. Lasting 2-3 days tops and around 27-28 days in between.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I was on the pill from the time I was 19 until I was 20 when I got pregnant with my first, while on the pill LOL. I had periods that maxed 2 days of light spotting. Went back on the pill when I was 21 until I was 22 when I got off to try for my daughter. Same 2 day period. Had my tubes tied when I had my daughter at age 23 and have not had weight gain but personally, I have had: 4 day periods, some very heavy, pain while ovulating, horrible mood swings.

    Some people I know have had NO symptoms after it so I guess it just depends on the person.

    You could be suffering from PTLS...some docs don't believe in it...but there are alot of women that suffer from these same things and have their tubes re-versed and feel soo much better!

    Oh I am certain that I have PTLS, Ive been fighting with that for 3 years. Problem is, I don't have the $6500 for a reversal and my insurance won't cover it since its not considered medical. Ive asked around and NONE of the drs around here think its a real thing. I may have to save up a tax refund one year for it but we have other things that have more importance.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I had my tubes tied and that is actually when I started gaining weight. I always was around 125, I worked out, etc. and was fine. After my tubal I gained it slowly but surely. None of my workouts worked for me anymore so my workout habits and eating habits also went downhill. I was very depressed. Google Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. I regret that I had mine tied personally now because I am saving to get it reversed :)
  • no. eating too many calories causes weight gain. :-) (sorry if that sounds sarcastic - it's not meant to be)

    Would have to disagree, hormones play a huge part in weight loss. Calories are not the only factors to concider. Ask just about any woman who has had a hysterectomy or is in menapouse if her body responds differently to things it has in the past. This was deffinatly the case for me. Think about the people who have thyroid problems.......they have trouble losing weight because the hormones responsible for making your thyroid function properly are out of wack!
  • I think maybe yes.

    For me, for sure, it has really changed my body's routine.

    I used to have a 28-30 day cycle. Now it is 19 days.

    I used to have NO spotting before TOM.

    Now I have three days of spotting.

    I used to have 5-7 days of TOM.

    Now I have 7 days TOM + 3 days of spotting. ( My husband is NOT IMPRESSED ).

    This is what having mine tied seems to have done to me. Mine have gotten to be every 28 days but I spot for a week ahead of time and my cycle lasts 5-6 days at least. My husband is not impressed either. But you know what I told him to get the big V because I knew this kind of thing happens. So he cannot complain too much.

    That happened to me too when I had mine tied. Now I'm in peri so it's even worse!
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  • I didn't gain weight after I had my tubes tied, though I did and still do get horrible and I mean HORRIBLE period cramps since getting them tied. I used to have these horrible cramps when I was a teenager then I had my kid's and the cramps weren't bad. Got my tubes tied and yup they got worse than ever before.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Nope. I had mine done 5 years ago and didn't gain any weight from it. My body is actually way better now than it was when I was on birth control.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    There is no downtime after surgery, and it's not going to affect your body like hormonal birth control. I gained weight after I got my tubes tied because I stopped paying attention to my fitness - that's it.
  • theoddlittleduck
    theoddlittleduck Posts: 37 Member
    I think maybe yes.

    For me, for sure, it has really changed my body's routine.

    I used to have a 28-30 day cycle. Now it is 19 days.

    I used to have NO spotting before TOM.

    Now I have three days of spotting.

    I used to have 5-7 days of TOM.

    Now I have 7 days TOM + 3 days of spotting. ( My husband is NOT IMPRESSED ).

    Hrm, that sounds like how my cycle normally is when not on a Mirena (not q19 days though, more like 27). TOM that lasts forever....
  • You ARE a bit too young to consider this option IMO. I don't think a doctor will do it unless there is a medical reason you can't have children.
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Keep in mind that this is a very small pool of opinions, and all anecdotal.

    Have you tried Google to investigate the topic?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    You ARE a bit too young to consider this option IMO. I don't think a doctor will do it unless there is a medical reason you can't have children.

    Why would a doctor perform a sterilization on someone that can't have children?

    Many people know at a very young age that they either don't want any or any more children. The whole, "you'll want them someday" is load of baloney and exactly the kind of thinking that keeps women from being able to get procedures like tubal ligation, thus potentially preventing unwanted pregnancies....

    I knew at 15 years old that I didn't want to have children. Had my tubes tied at 23, and have never once regretted the decision.
  • KatieConery
    KatieConery Posts: 18 Member
    I think maybe yes.

    For me, for sure, it has really changed my body's routine.

    I used to have a 28-30 day cycle. Now it is 19 days.

    I used to have NO spotting before TOM.

    Now I have three days of spotting.

    I used to have 5-7 days of TOM.

    Now I have 7 days TOM + 3 days of spotting. ( My husband is NOT IMPRESSED ).

    My body is the exact same way. I had my tubes tied after my c-sec with twins. Not sure if its from the twins or a combo of both but it threw my whole cycle out of wack. It has been 5 years and there are months I don't have my period and some months its in the beginning and end. I have always watched what I ate but since the procedure I gain and lose. Nothing but a roller coaster.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    You ARE a bit too young to consider this option IMO. I don't think a doctor will do it unless there is a medical reason you can't have children.

    I was 23 when I had mine done.. My dr didn't say anything about being too young. I was on my 2nd baby and knew I didn't want anymore.
  • scorpiomfs
    scorpiomfs Posts: 167 Member
    I had a tubal 18 years ago. same day i had my daughter vaginally. I was up and about in no time. only downside was heavy long periods . it did n ot cause me to gain weight.
  • I wonder if a lot of women think having their tubes tied makes them gain weight simply because women tend to get their tubes tied when they are older, usually in their 30s, having decided they are done having kids? I think it's coincidental. I was already gaining weight before my third and fourth children. I had my last one at 31 and got my tubes tied three months later.

    As for the wacky cycles after a tubal ligation, it could again be age-related (early menopause) or breastfeeding related (if you are doing so). Mine were way off for about two years after my tubal but I was also breastfeeding 12-year-old daughter started menstruating right before I got my tubal so I think her pheromones threw off mine (google that if you wonder what I'm talking about)! Now it's three years later and I'm done breastfeeding, my older daughter's cycles have evened out a bit, and my cycles are back to normal. And I am losing weight! :)
  • You ARE a bit too young to consider this option IMO. I don't think a doctor will do it unless there is a medical reason you can't have children.

    Why would a doctor perform a sterilization on someone that can't have children?

    Many people know at a very young age that they either don't want any or any more children. The whole, "you'll want them someday" is load of baloney and exactly the kind of thinking that keeps women from being able to get procedures like tubal ligation, thus potentially preventing unwanted pregnancies....

    I knew at 15 years old that I didn't want to have children. Had my tubes tied at 23, and have never once regretted the decision.

    My doctor wouldn't....what I meant was that if she CAN get preggo but if being pregnant would put her life in danger for some reason. I'm not trying to start up trouble, I'm just giving my opinion and what the doctor told me when I asked at 23. It turns out, 8 years later I DID want another child. He has changed my life! ♥ I don't think I want more, but I'm using Peraguard just in case I change my mind again.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I wonder if a lot of women think having their tubes tied makes them gain weight simply because women tend to get their tubes tied when they are older, usually in their 30s, having decided they are done having kids? I think it's coincidental. I was already gaining weight before my third and fourth children. I had my last one at 31 and got my tubes tied three months later.

    As for the wacky cycles after a tubal ligation, it could again be age-related (early menopause) or breastfeeding related (if you are doing so). Mine were way off for about two years after my tubal but I was also breastfeeding 12-year-old daughter started menstruating right before I got my tubal so I think her pheromones threw off mine (google that if you wonder what I'm talking about)! Now it's three years later and I'm done breastfeeding, my older daughter's cycles have evened out a bit, and my cycles are back to normal. And I am losing weight! :)

    I wish there was a reason for mine to be wonky LOL. I never breastfed, Im only 27 so nowhere near menopause and my daughter is only 4 so I don't have to worry about her throwing me off yet.