Tell us about your worst ever slip up day...

What was your worst ever slip up day?

And how did you not turn a slip up into a give up?

I'm especially interested in hearing from people who have survived many slip ups and still persevered regardless.

I had my first major binge since Jan1 last night and I think I consumed probably 1200 cals over my daily limit. I feel pretty crappy this morning. I'd love to hear your stories about getting back on the wagon.


  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I have survived many slip-ups! One of those slip ups was a three week long binge tour of Uruguay lol I ate sooooo much at every meal, I ate sausage like every day, things fried in lard- check! I hadn't been to my home country in three and a half years and I tried to squeeze in every meal that I missed. I was walking a lot so thankfully I didn't gain a lot of weight (just two pounds) but my face and torso swelled up like crazy and I couldn't go a whole day without taking a nap. At the end of my trip I ended up getting incredibly sick to my stomach and could not leave the bathroom (sorry tmi). I learned a valuable lesson about moderation. Once you start down the road to a healthy life, your body becomes sensitive and responds to changes very quickly. It was saying, "what the hell are you doing to me?!" Mind you produce down there is so great that I was eating probably more than a head of lettuce every day, and plenty of other fruits and veggies, as well as drinking plenty of water. I have learned that unless I really want to make myself sick, there are certain things that I just can't handle anymore.
  • JasonGinMI
    JasonGinMI Posts: 40 Member
    I have had many slip ups. But I have ate a whole large pizza by myself before! That is no joke, I know....crazy.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    This isn't just one day, but something I do typically whenever I slip:

    When I want some junk, I can't choose just one kind. I want ALL kinds. If I'm in the supermarket and decide I'm gonna cheat a little, I can't pick between Zingers, chocolate milk, potato chips, dip and ice cream. So, what do I do? I get Zingers, chocolate milk, potato chips, dip AND ice cream. :) And I find a way to get it all in myself by the end of the day.

    Yeah, my cheat days are brutal.

    And like Jason said, I've been known to order a big-*kitten* pizza and shove it all in my face.

    I'd better shut up now. I just finished a healthy lunch, and this conversation is making me wanna walk to the convenience store next door for some Zingers and chocolate milk. And chips. And dip. And ice cream. ;)
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    My worst slip up was my birthday- I ate everything I wanted (and some things I didn't really). I've had slip ups since then. Usually when I have a binge day I spend the next day paying for it (my stomach hates me) so I started fasting the day after a binge and it really helps me regain my focus.

    Good luck and remember this is a lifestyle change, one day doesn't re-write everything.
  • ReeRich
    ReeRich Posts: 8 Member
    I've also had many...I think what helped was when I finally realized that I'm gonna have slip ups...n that its not a reason to give up...its ok to slip up...I'm not perfect....just start back when u do.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    My worst slip up day was two days ago. I have slip-up days all the time.

    They used to get to me a lot more than they do now. I can't do much with them anymore, since my appetite doesn't jive with pigging out. I usually end up sick, like I am today, thanks to Sunday's Superbowl Cookie Face-stuffing Extravaganza.
  • It's good to know others slip up and continue on their journey. My major slip ups are always because of cocktails. I hope a cocktail doesn't throw off my whole plan. :/
  • I have had many slip ups. But I have ate a whole large pizza by myself before! That is no joke, I know....crazy.

    Slipping up is my favorite form of cardio. When I binge, I can take down a box of pasta, several PB&J sandwiches, a carton of icecream, a box of cereal...I tend to crave textures and really like the chewing sensation. It's a compulsion and I try to record my feelings in the Notes section of my diary, so I can understand what my triggers are and then hopefully learn from them. I try not to beat myself up though. There are always reasons why I binge, so as long as I'm trying to understand myself, I see it as all part of the process toward having a healthy relationship with food.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    My worst was when my teenagers had a party...and all the food was upstairs with 5 adults...while the kids were mostly downstairs.

    Someone brought a whole crockpot of bacon-wrapped little smokies! Ugh!

    I still log my bad days...usually football Sundays when people bring treats I wouldn't keep in the house...and I often use the weekly calorie tracker on MFP on my I feel better knowing that in a whole week, I maybe only went over by 100...usually though I am under every day in anticipation of the weekend...that helps a lot! And at the worst, I count it as ONE DAY LOST...and get right back on it the next day....rather than let it stop me for months. :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Everybody has "slip ups". All you need to do is acknowledge it and move on. A slip up is a slip up. If you use that to fall off the wagon for an extended period of time, then it's a no longer a slip-up; it's an excuse.
  • I have had some pretty bad ones.... but my most recent.. omg I can't believe I'm about to admit to this:

    I ate 2 hamburgers.. not small hamburgers... REAL hamburgers in one day... and french fries and drank coke!! I felt REALLY bad about it afterward... the food was DEFINITELY not worth the guilt that came afterward!
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    My uncle and aunts baby shower... so... many... desserts... and I wanted them ALL.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    This isn't just one day, but something I do typically whenever I slip:

    When I want some junk, I can't choose just one kind. I want ALL kinds. If I'm in the supermarket and decide I'm gonna cheat a little, I can't pick between Zingers, chocolate milk, potato chips, dip and ice cream. So, what do I do? I get Zingers, chocolate milk, potato chips, dip AND ice cream. :) And I find a way to get it all in myself by the end of the day.

    Yeah, my cheat days are brutal.

    And like Jason said, I've been known to order a big-*kitten* pizza and shove it all in my face.

    I'd better shut up now. I just finished a healthy lunch, and this conversation is making me wanna walk to the convenience store next door for some Zingers and chocolate milk. And chips. And dip. And ice cream. ;)

    I do believe you and I are twins, well except you left out the Lance Vanilla Creme Sandwich cookies. My worst slip up was more like a train wreck. I went to the dollar store for something and discovered the dollar store had the 6 packs (6 packs of 6 pack) Vanilla Creme cookie sandwiches for $1. Well, I bought 4 packs. I live 8 minutes from the dollar store. By the time I got into my garage, I had ONE package (6pack) left and I was seriously contemplating going back around the block to finish it. Instead, I snuck in the house, hid it in the cabinet and waited for my husband to leave for work. Then I ate them. ALL of them. The next morning, I wanted to die my stomach was hurting so bad. I was jittery and cranky all day long.
  • My most recent was Friday night. I literally hadn't eaten anything all day (first mistake) and I didn't get home until about 6:30. Well, on my way home is a Sonic. I was starving, so I stopped and got a Super Sonic Cheeseburger. I felt disgusting after eating about 3/4 of it. I looked it up in the MFP database and the burger alone is over 1300 calories.

    I'm getting back on the wagon now. I just keep thinking how good I feel when I eat healthy and exercise. Also, my goal is June and if I keep at it I'll get there. Realizing my goal takes effort and I know what I need to do to get there.
  • Morebaby
    Morebaby Posts: 2 Member
    Since I started MFP, the last 3 days were bad, the worst being yesterday being over my cal by 1202. I feel bad about it but I started again today. I can't say I feel better but I think I will as I keep going. I just have to keep going. I think that is what will make the difference this time for me.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    A batch of pancakes, half a package of turkey bacon, an entire large pizza, a box of swiss cake rolls, a Jack in the box bacon ultimate cheeseburger, large curly fries, fried cheesesticks, a large bag of mini M&M's....I think that is it. Tons of Ruby Red Squirt.

    It made me happy, especially since I hadn't lost in a while but my body felt terrible. Got right back on the next day and started losing again.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I seem to slip up when there is something emotional going on. Chocolate ice cream is a weakness for me when I am feeling bad, stressed or emotionally spent. My last slip up was last night. For some reason I ate a bowl of chips and dip at 10 pm. I felt sick afterwards and went to bed with this yucky overfull tummy full of a junky stuffed feeling. I know it was because of stress. How I will combat it today - I ate a lighter breakfast and plan to eat a lot of veggies to fill up. I will also do some journaling to see if I can get to the bottom of why I felt the need to indulge. That usually helps me a lot.
  • My biggest slip up was Superbowl Sunday. I made sure I got a little exercise in for the day, but I still went way over my calories. One thing I try to watch is my sodium, and that was way over too.

    It's all a mind set really, we are all human and we are all going to slip up every now and then. Whether it's planned or not, the trick is to not give up and beat yourself up over it. Just make up for it the next day, work out a little harder, eat better, drink lots of water and most importantly don't make a habit of having slip up days or making excuses for yourself to eat junk food. For me this is very important because I tend to do just that, I am an emotional/stress eater.

    There are people who have a cheat day once a week, and I don't think this is a bad idea, but I think even on those days it's important to have a little balance.

    As for me, I could down a can of pringles, a pack of cookies, and still have room for some pizza...I love junk food!!

    One last thing is the fact as I don't think of myself as being on a diet. If you look at my food diary, you will see that I still enjoy nice things. I just watch my portions and make sure they fit within my daily calorie allowance. Some days I go a little over but I don't stress out about it. I would never be able to make a lifestyle change if that involved denying myself things that I love. I tried this in the past with certain diets and failed so now with the help of MFP, I am concentrating on eating healthier, moving more & the weight should come off without too much effort. I have been at it for almost a month, So far so good!
  • taylorbrown1792
    taylorbrown1792 Posts: 129 Member
    More like a slip up week? lol I lost my mind when I went to my in laws house to babysit -.- it just went from there on.
  • TNFirefly
    TNFirefly Posts: 169 Member
    2 dozen...and I do mean 24 total. Frosting stuffed donuts inside an hour. They were supposed to go in the freezer for occasional treats. Wow. Then when I got home, dinner was ready and I ate a full dinner. Unbelievable. That was years ago, but I think I am still wearing those donuts!