Diet pop!?!?!?! Whats your soda of preference!?!?



  • MistyLee74
    MistyLee74 Posts: 3 Member
    No artificial sweeteners for me. I've replaced regular cokes (read: any flavor soft drink. I'm from the South; everything is coke here) with La Croix - pink grapefruit is my fave.
  • I cant live w/o Diet Mt Dew and Sprite Zero... =)
  • I don't drink any soda... Just water... Alton Brown (Food Network) said that you shouldn't drink ANY kind of soda if you're trying to lose weight... Plus, the chemicals in it will kill ya!!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    don't touch the stuff!
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I cut way back on diet soda I use to drink it dailyx3 but now I have one a week! I love diet wild cherry pepsi and diet pepsi!! I do love Zevia too it is an all natural soda and very yummy!!!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    I don't drink any soda... Just water... Alton Brown (Food Network) said that you shouldn't drink ANY kind of soda if you're trying to lose weight... Plus, the chemicals in it will kill ya!!

    alll right!?!?!?
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    I cut them out years ago so I keep it simple now...water, coffee or beer :)
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    Um...the best diet soda ever was just invented.....Big Red Zero! Awesomeness in a 20 oz. bottle.
    Mixed with vodka of course.
    Oh and diet cherry 7up and Malibu is delicious!
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    I don't drink any soda... Just water... Alton Brown (Food Network) said that you shouldn't drink ANY kind of soda if you're trying to lose weight... Plus, the chemicals in it will kill ya!!

    How long does it take to kill ya? I've been it feeding to my husband for years and he's still kicking.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Um...the best diet soda ever was just invented.....Big Red Zero! Awesomeness in a 20 oz. bottle.
    Mixed with vodka of course.
    Oh and diet cherry 7up and Malibu is delicious!

    Oh Diet Cherry 7up and Malibu!!!! Genius!!!!! Thank you so much buttercup!:bigsmile:
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I don't drink any soda... Just water... Alton Brown (Food Network) said that you shouldn't drink ANY kind of soda if you're trying to lose weight... Plus, the chemicals in it will kill ya!!

    How long does it take to kill ya? I've been it feeding to my husband for years and he's still kicking.

    The "How long does it take to kill ya?" response actually reminded me of a food addicts response. The ones that say "Well, I can eat all these cheeseburgers because it hasn't hurt me yet?". It is just another excuse to keep ingesting these addictive chemicals in soda.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I love soda but I completely cut it out because there is NOTHING natural in it. The whole bottle is a bunch of chemicals mixed together in a lab. That is how I got myself to quit. Whenever I see a can or bottle I think, "Why would I want to ingest something that is chemicals that I could make in chemistry class." That made it easy lol.

    So did you cut out deoderants,hair dyes,make up ect ect cuz you know that all gets absorbed in your body as well lol

    Actually, I don't use hair dye, little to no makeup, and there is all natural deodorant. The chemicals you INGEST are the worst of all too because they go STRAIGHT to your bloodstream!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I love soda but I completely cut it out because there is NOTHING natural in it. The whole bottle is a bunch of chemicals mixed together in a lab. That is how I got myself to quit. Whenever I see a can or bottle I think, "Why would I want to ingest something that is chemicals that I could make in chemistry class." That made it easy lol.

    So did you cut out deoderants,hair dyes,make up ect ect cuz you know that all gets absorbed in your body as well lol

    Actually, I don't use hair dye, little to no makeup, and there is all natural deodorant. The chemicals you INGEST are the worst of all too because they go STRAIGHT to your bloodstream!

    yeah, but they taste good. so that's ok. also? cheeseburgers ... taste even better. so even ok-ier. and 18 pounds gone in 55 days, lower body fat by nearly 3 percent, better blood markers, blah, blah blah ... with diet dr pepper (no "." after the dr folks. honest.) usually once a day and random trips to burger king or taco bell. so I'm good. I'm healthier and I'm happy. better life through chemistry ... yeah!

    (also, diet cherry dr pepper rules. diet dew, I'm afraid, tastes about like what I would expect cat urine does. it really is too bad, since I love dew's non-diet brother.)
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    I don't drink any soda... Just water... Alton Brown (Food Network) said that you shouldn't drink ANY kind of soda if you're trying to lose weight... Plus, the chemicals in it will kill ya!!

    How long does it take to kill ya? I've been it feeding to my husband for years and he's still kicking.

    The "How long does it take to kill ya?" response actually reminded me of a food addicts response. The ones that say "Well, I can eat all these cheeseburgers because it hasn't hurt me yet?". It is just another excuse to keep ingesting these addictive chemicals in soda.

    I guess my sarcasm font is broken. :ohwell:

    And the only excuse I need to have cheeseburgers and soda is that I like it.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    If I HAVE to drink a diet soda... it had better be a cold Diet Dr. Pepper or Cherry Coke... anything else, I will just take a water... but I would rather have a regular soda if I'm going to splurge on one.
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I'm not a soda drinker anymore, but when I do, I totally drink the grapefruit Izze grapefruit soda. Sooo yummy! I do like soda water, though! :p
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    I'm not a soda drinker anymore, but when I do, I totally drink the grapefruit Izze grapefruit soda. Sooo yummy! I do like soda water, though! :p

    Ohhh that sounds good!
  • 1blueeyedbear
    1blueeyedbear Posts: 12 Member
    Since artificial sweeteners and I don't get along at all I avoid diet soda if at all possible. I'm trying my best to not drink ANY soda(down to about one 32 oz a week). If I feel the urge then it's usually Pepsi. If I need caffeine then it's ice tea for me.
  • I have been a diet coke lover for years, but have tried to cut back over the past few months. Got down to 2 cans a day and then suddenly switched to Diet Mt Dew..... so now I'm on 2 cans diet Mt Dew per day lol. I must have caffeine and hate coffee so I could never cut to less than 2 cans a day...

    Btw I have had diet cherry 7-up and it is really good!
  • My favorite type of pop is Cherry Coke; Regular