Trying to stay motivated....

wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
edited November 2024 in Motivation and Support
I need help. I do well eating during the week but fail on the weekends. I try to stay motivated to work out every day but I haven't been consistent. I need a good butt kicking every day. I don't want to fail this time! Help!


  • eoney
    eoney Posts: 35
    With the exercise--at least for me anyway--just like the way I can run great one day and feel like my legs are full of cement a couple days later (with no real reason that I can see), there are some days I feel motivated to exercise and some days that it's a real struggle. But just like the "blah" running days, I take it step by step, minute by minute and just knock it out. The best way that I've found to combat that is to tell myself that I'll just do 15 minutes on the treadmill or only 10 minutes of my abs routine or just twice around the really is true that, sometimes, just getting started is the biggest hurdle. Or maybe this a clear sign you need to revamp your routine?

    For the eating, I have long since had the same problem. Feels like all my hard work during the week is only so that I don't REgain from the damage I do on the weekends. That's when it really becomes a matter of making this a lifestyle change and not just a diet. Otherwise, it's this never ending cycle of feeling deprived when you're being good and feeling like a failure when you're not being so good. But just like the exercise, I really think it's a matter slowing down and just dealing with the craving or the urge to make an unhealthy decision one hour (minute...second...) at a time. Remember a craving isn't a command, and then talk yourself off the ledge (or, for me, the enormous bowl of cheese filled pasta). I've even gone as far to write myself letters from "Motivated Liz" AND from "Guilt-ridden Liz"...I seal them and open them when I think I'm just going to give in and enjoy that ice cream right out of the gallon container! Or, when all else fails, I tell myself I'll give in right after I post to 3 or 4 posts on here. Distraction and killing time are two really great tools to combat this...usually I find myself getting motivated by other MFP members or the weak moment has just simply passed.

    No matter what you choose to do, keep in mind that, the next morning, you can say you beat it...and you WILL get stronger each time you beat the urge to make unhealthy choices!
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    Thank you so much for that.
  • QueenJenna
    QueenJenna Posts: 34 Member
    I am also having issues staying motivated this week... And, this is only my third week! I decided to use the Nutrisystem method/food to make it easier. It is weekends off, which I thought was great because that was always my biggest downfall before. You still modify what you eat, but you can have a little something extra. After two weekends, I decided to add weekends into my plan. A little less thinking should help avoid the "what are we gonna eat, let's just hit the drive thru" blues we have on weekends. The problem I have been running into, eating the reccomended calories. Which is surprising as there are 1300 less than before I started. From Monday to Tuesday, I gained 3 lbs and this morning another 1 lb. Then I read the article about your body going into starvation mode.... that can't be happening already? Now that I am aware, fully, that this can happen, I will try even harder to fulfill my calories...
  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    I've found the only way I can prevent undoing all my week long hard work is to keep busy. A walk around the neighbor hood (or 2), do a little cleaning, work on some hobbys/crafts take a trip into town (not during a meal time, it's too easy to go through the drive thru lol!).
  • sunfyrejade
    sunfyrejade Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh in Saturday morning so I have to stay on track friday night but then give myself saturday off after I've weighed in. I still track everything that I eat but I'm not as careful about what I eat, then sunday I tell myself I have to stick with it to prepare for the week by being on target because if I slide on sunday I will slide through monday and so on....

    I made a deal with myself and it has helped me through the weekends and not struggle as much by feeling deprived.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Weekends are harder, but just think how happy you will be Monday morning when you step on the scale and how proud of yourself you'll be. Exercise if you want to eat more, make sure you get out on a walk during the day. I often do this, then the option is there to eat more if I like. Disatracting yourself is a good technique too. Log everything, because when I get to a point where I've eaten most of my exercise calories I think right, enough is enough! Snap out of it! X
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    People can offer you encouragement and inspiration but true motivation is all internal.
    We either have that drive or need to find a way to ignite it.

    To light that fire, be honest, and answer for yourself:
    Why do I want to be healthy and fit? Discover the real answer, and attach great pleasure to that as you set your goals.
    Feel and experience that joy when you think of being healthy and fit.

    And then ask yourself why do you NOT want to be fat?
    Connect with that reason burning pain that you can really feel every time you think about being fat.

    This is the key to internal motivation.
    Few people can actually do this which is why most people fail in their efforts over and over.
    Take the time to do this, and you'll touch off a powder keg of determination and drive.
    Sure, you may have challenges; we all do, but you'll keep punching and reach your goals.

    All Is Possible!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    find something fun to do
    i use my daughters wii
    and her bicycle when the weather is nice
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I need help. I do well eating during the week but fail on the weekends. I try to stay motivated to work out every day but I haven't been consistent. I need a good butt kicking every day. I don't want to fail this time! Help!

    "Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." — Stephen R. Covey

    We can help, but you really have to dig deep find that fire and add some wood to get it burning hot. You can do this, look inside of yourself. Do you want this? Do you want this no matter what. If so push yourself, push yourself harder than you have ever before. YOU can do this, it just starts with YOU.. GO FOR IT!
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