New and looking for support <3

Hi all!
I am a 25 years old girl looking for people with the same goals :) About a year ago I used the app to help me stay accountable to myself and dropped about 20 lbs pounds! Since then I have gained all it back Booo! So I am back on it :) I am looking for people that have common goals and we can help each other accomplish those goals together AND KEEP IT OFF :)

This is my actual first time hopping on the the actual site! I like it so far ...Once I figure how to navigate through it I'm sure I will like it much better!

Anyway hope to hear from you and make a helpful support system!



  • vinadity98
    vinadity98 Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah, the site is awesome and my favorite part is being able to scan my food products with my iphone:smile: Just added you as a friend, we can do it:)
  • rlbwalker
    rlbwalker Posts: 10 Member
    Wow. You are an inspiration. Cheers to you for not giving up completely and getting back on the band wagon! I also have the goal to lose weight by incorporating a change in my diet that will be my lifestyle for the rest of my life. So that I can keep the weight off. Exercise is also in there.
  • mommybobry
    My name is Melissa and I'm new to this. I have two boys and trying to loose weight too. I lost also and gained it back. I hope I can help u and u can help me.I'm.26 and have 3 weddings to attend and really want to look my best.
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! Best wishes to you in achieving and maintaining your fitness goals!.
  • lipscoma
    I am brand spanking new myself. I am trying to lose at least 30 pounds by May 1st. I am 23 years old and I'm telling you the day I went to college (18 years old) I was 150 pounds... after laziness, birth control and fast food kicked in at the age of 23, I was 235 pounds. Recently, I have lost about 27 pounds (over a course of 4 months) due to a gym membership at Gold's Gym. However, due to my hectic schedule I haven't been able to go as much... I use to go 4 days a week and at least 1 1/2 hours each day... now, HA HA HA!!! I start back today with my all time favorite ZUMBA!!! I will be more than happy to be your support as well as have you be mine especially since we are within the same age and goal range! Nice to meet you!!!
  • bunsofsteele77
    Hey! I just joined MFP and discovered the online community a few weeks ago. I would love more friends! The more support and motivation the better! I've lost 3 lbs so far and would love to lose at least 11 more lbs. Best of luck to everyone!
  • lulla
    lulla Posts: 8
    Oh wow! I didn't know you could do that! So much to learn!
  • Meyagi_53
    same here, new to this, and looking for some friends to give me that push... im lazyyyy BUT I have finally pushed myself to do it... wish me luck, and add me please.
  • lulla
    lulla Posts: 8
    My name is Melissa and I'm new to this. I have two boys and trying to loose weight too. I lost also and gained it back. I hope I can help u and u can help me.I'm.26 and have 3 weddings to attend and really want to look my best.

    So funny! I am in two wedding and I am the chunkiest bridesmaid in both! Ugh! So I went a little crazy and ordered my dresses in a size smaller so I have no choice to loose weight or wear a dress that doesn't zip! Eeek! We can do it together!
  • lulla
    lulla Posts: 8
    I am brand spanking new myself. I am trying to lose at least 30 pounds by May 1st. I am 23 years old and I'm telling you the day I went to college (18 years old) I was 150 pounds... after laziness, birth control and fast food kicked in at the age of 23, I was 235 pounds. Recently, I have lost about 27 pounds (over a course of 4 months) due to a gym membership at Gold's Gym. However, due to my hectic schedule I haven't been able to go as much... I use to go 4 days a week and at least 1 1/2 hours each day... now, HA HA HA!!! I start back today with my all time favorite ZUMBA!!! I will be more than happy to be your support as well as have you be mine especially since we are within the same age and goal range! Nice to meet you!!!

    Def doll! I am sooo bad at getting my butt to the gym! But wow 27 lbs in 4 months sounds amazing girlie! Hopefully I can have the same results! That would be amazing! Lets definitely keep in contact!
  • Gharri
    Gharri Posts: 4 Member
    Lulla - I'm like you. I lost 15 pounds two years ago and today it's all back on. At the age of 45 it takes serious effort to lose just one pound. I know I can do it and so can you! It's a matter of changing your life style and sticking with eating right and exercising regularlly. We've all heard it, now we just need to live by it. In your 20's is the time to take control so you can teach your children. Retrain your brain. :-) Best of luck to you!
  • lulla
    lulla Posts: 8
    Lulla - I'm like you. I lost 15 pounds two years ago and today it's all back on. At the age of 45 it takes serious effort to lose just one pound. I know I can do it and so can you! It's a matter of changing your life style and sticking with eating right and exercising regularlly. We've all heard it, now we just need to live by it. In your 20's is the time to take control so you can teach your children. Retrain your brain. :-) Best of luck to you!

    It sucks when you step back on that scale and you are back at square 1! But this time I am going for more support and hopefully that will help me! Thanks for your uplifting words too!
  • joyoflife1
    I'll support you. Lets get it!!!!
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    same here, new to this, and looking for some friends to give me that push... im lazyyyy BUT I have finally pushed myself to do it... wish me luck, and add me please.

    thanks for the add, i am as well like you said the big L word, but i need to get off my Butt too
  • vpleblanc
    vpleblanc Posts: 7 Member
    I'm fairly new and still trying to get on track, much less STAY on! I welcome friends so add me if you'd like. Good luck to all!!
  • yiona
    yiona Posts: 3
    Hey, this is the first time I have logged onto this site but have had the app for a year on my phone. Seem to have lost all motivation recently so thought this might help! Maybe we can motivate each other:smile:
  • ZHawk1123
    I joined a year ago, lost 30 pounds and gained it all back by the end of the year. I too am trying to shed the weight once and for all and keep it off.

    Looks like we are in the same boat. I'm definitely here if you are looking for some support.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm also 25 and I have about 16lb to get to a healthy BMI and 35lb to get to my goal weight (I know Body Fat is more important than BMI but my fertility clinic work on BMI so I have to abide by their rules for a while).

    I started on Jan 2nd and lost 22lb so far, love it.

    If anyone is looking for friends then please send me a request.
  • nikkiespo
    I just joined 10 days ago, I have already lost 5 lbs, but I have a lot more to go! I am 30 years old and would like to get back down to the weight I was in high school... More friends would be much appreciated!!!
  • lulla
    lulla Posts: 8
    I just joined 10 days ago, I have already lost 5 lbs, but I have a lot more to go! I am 30 years old and would like to get back down to the weight I was in high school... More friends would be much appreciated!!!

    Wow look at you go! Congrats!