What do you do when you are sick?

I was just wondering how long people let themselves recover before getting back to exercising. I am a teacher and school is finally out but the last two weeks were horrible on my body I didn't eat right (graduation parties left and right it seemed every day someone was trying to feed me something decadent and unfortunately my will power sucks) and I didn't have time to exercise (73 research papers to grade in 7 days). Now after abusing my body for two weeks I have a horrendous head cold that is kicking my butt (I didn't even get out of bed until 1pm yesterday). Know that school is out I really want to start running everyday how long do I let this cold keep me down?? I can't even breath just sitting still much less running outside for 60 minutes. Some advice would be helpful. Should I try walking or just rest until it is over. I have worked so hard to get back in shape I don't want to start over again.
So what do you do when you are sick how long do you wait to recover?


  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    I know how you feel, I threw up in the middle of my workout last night. Several times after that as well, I think I may have food poisoning:mad: . Usually if I just have a cold I'll go for a nice slow run for a half hour or 45 minutes and work up a good sweat. That usually nixes the cold. I've also read that going to a sauna will help you get rid of the cold.
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    I find that exercise usually helps with headcolds, at least temporarily. Start with something light like a good walk or yoga, maybe a bike ride, and see how that feels. For me, I won't exercise if I have a fever, a migraine, or stomach issues, but other than that, I try and work through it.
  • mdb120776
    mdb120776 Posts: 34 Member
    You should wait until your cold is over.
    People get sick becasue their immune system is done. Their immune system is down because you do not get enough rest.
    Fully recover and eat right and let you body catch up.
  • zibbity
    zibbity Posts: 126 Member
    That's funny because I was going to post about a similar situation. Last week I had tonsillitis and strep throat. I was out of work half of Monday, all of Tues and Wed. I decided to let my body rest for about a week before getting back in the gym.

    This past Tuesday, I attempted to get back to my work out. After about half of the weight training I normally do, and 8 mins of cardio, I had to stop. I was about to pass out. I felt fine that day and felt I was ready, but clearly my body wasn't, and I was still on antibiotics.

    With all of that said, I think you should definitely wait until your cold has run its course, and then give yourself another few days after you start feeling better. I know it sucks and you want to get back on track as soon as possible, but listen to your body. You don't want to make yourself sick again you know? Feel better!
  • PureAndHealthy
    What I did when I last had a cold was get as much sleep as I could but go for a 20 minute walk or so in the afternoon. Don't push your body right now... it has enough on it with fighting a virus and all... but a little movement won't hurt ya. Oh and all the more reason to eat very healthy! Lots of fluids too! :drinker:
  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions I am going to the Dr's today as I think I have something that needs antibiotics at this point. I will try walking a little this weekend I think that will help
  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    So went to the doctors and I have a sinus infection that needs antibiotics does this change anything??
  • LydiaJay
    LydiaJay Posts: 30 Member
    You should wait until your cold is over.
    People get sick becasue their immune system is done. Their immune system is down because you do not get enough rest.
    Fully recover and eat right and let you body catch up.

    This advise is perfect for me.... thank you!!

    I caught a small cold about 3 weeks ago, then I got caught in a thunderstorm and was wet right through, which brought on an ear and eye infection. My mum then fell ill so I had to travel all day by train to get back to the Southcoast of England (from Amsterdam) to be with her - she almost died of pneumonia but is all fine and well again now. That whole week of emotional stress and fatty home cooking, I put on 1 kg and did hardly any excercise. :(

    When my mum came out of hospital I came home and now, only 1 week later, I am rested again and have the energy to excercise, although the cold is still there..but with calorie counting I still managed to lose another kg without the excercise.

    So I agree with mdb120776...listen to your body and get as much rest as possible. :happy: