Apple cider Vinegar before meals

Hey everyone, I am just wondering if anyone has taken the apple cider vinegar before meals to help with weight loss and if it helped ??? I know there is capsules and the liquid ... which one works better ???


  • I've heard it helps digestion...
  • livinafitlife
    livinafitlife Posts: 37 Member
    I have the liquid but I HIGHLY suggest taking the tablet! I am ordering some from amazon. I do 2-3 tbls and it is hard to get down as is. I hate mixing it with apple juice because adding the calories. Some people mix it with water but in the long run drinking it can affect your teeth some unless you brush with baking soda right after. It believe it is easier to take the pills. Beside it would also be easier to carry on the go.
  • sheilanelson
    sheilanelson Posts: 11 Member
    so has it helped you alot ? I heard it works well with losing belly fat ???
  • kay_bear52
    kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
    I was on the Thrive diet for a while and they promote taking the Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar before every meal. I actually have a tiny shot glass on the counter and just down it each morning and every evening. I have not seen where it helps promote it as I am not having much luck on the weight loss but you never know
  • livinafitlife
    livinafitlife Posts: 37 Member
    Oh sorry! lol I have seen changes. It has to be ACV because right now I have not been working out. Just watching what I eat. It is worth giving a try! My friend also does it and she says that she sees results as well but we have been drinking it together for the past maybe 3 weeks twice a day 3 tablespoons each time.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    so has it helped you alot ? I heard it works well with losing belly fat ???

    This is a myth. Nothing you consume will get rid of fat in specific areas. You can't even spot reduce with exercise.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Oh sorry! lol I have seen changes. It has to be ACV because right now I have not been working out. Just watching what I eat. It is worth giving a try! My friend also does it and she says that she sees results as well but we have been drinking it together for the past maybe 3 weeks twice a day 3 tablespoons each time.

    Just because you are losing weight without exercising does not mean ACV is the reason. You are watching what you eat. Having a calorie deficit is the only thing that matters in weight loss.
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    I tried it for a different health problem but didn't lose any weight. It probably works like pickles and kills appetite. If you do try it get the vinegar with "mother" in it. I know, weird, right? Google it
  • so has it helped you alot ? I heard it works well with losing belly fat ???

    I heard eating the right kinds of foods and exercise can help you to lose all kinds of weight :flowerforyou:
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    It does help your body detox. I top my salads with a tablespoon of ACV and tablespoon balsalmic vinegarette. Also instead of mixing with apple juice, I just add it to 8oz. or more of cold water. Not to bad. Also only get the organic kind, like Braggs. It costs more but the taste is completely different.
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    OOOOh! Its also acidic, awful for teeth.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    so has it helped you alot ? I heard it works well with losing belly fat ???

    I heard eating the right kinds of foods and exercise can help you to lose all kinds of weight :flowerforyou:

    Nah. I just rub apple cider vinegar all over my trouble spots.
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    I've been taking 1 tablespoon (I put it in a shot glass and shoot it down with water as a chase) Bragg's Raw Unfiltered - ORGANIC - Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mother) every morning before breaky. Only raw organic apple cider vinegar has the “mother of vinegar” that makes the vinegar so beneficial. The “mother” is made up living nutrients and bacteria. You can actually see it settled in the bottom of the bottle like sediment. Personally, I started taking ACV for other health benefits (not weight-loss).
    The benefits are:
    *1 tablespoon of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in 4 ounces of purified water after a meal has been used as a natural remedy for heartburn and as a replacement for toxic heartburn medications.
    *Raw Apple Cider Vinegar may help improve bowel irregularity, thereby removing toxins from the body at a faster rate.
    *Helps clear up skin conditions and blemishes giving a smoother texture and complexion.
    *Raw Apple Cider vinegar may also help with joint pain and stiffness.
    *Apple Cider Vinegar helps to break down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them. For this reason, many diets include ACV in their regimen.
    *On a small scale, ACV was studied by researchers at Arizona State University. The preliminary study was published in the Diabetes Care journal. It reported that ACV helps reduce levels of glucose.

    Hope this helps. The website I got the above information from is:
  • BuffLoveWinning
    BuffLoveWinning Posts: 68 Member
    I take acv with my green vibrance drink because it gets rid of the bitter... Who knows tho, andi heard if you believe in itit will work...doesn't matter what. Tons of placebo tests to prove it too. But cider does have MANY cures too I use it to spray my dog before dog park outing it detracts fleas, cleaning, digestion- this Is part of the TONE ITUPplan at I sort of participate. :-/ , but it also has a ton of other purposes. Check em out just google away...
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    so has it helped you alot ? I heard it works well with losing belly fat ???

    I heard eating the right kinds of foods and exercise can help you to lose all kinds of weight :flowerforyou:

    Nah. I just rub apple cider vinegar all over my trouble spots.


    That's how I got abs.....
  • Hey, I gargle with the stuff- beats the *snot* outta strep for me. I gargle, then swallow.
    As far as battling belly fat???

    I tried it, and then stopped. Lost belly fat before, during and after. Doubt it had anything to do with ACV, but it's harmless, so why not?

    Seriously, I believe my *success* is due to avoiding HighFructoseCornSyrup-
    KNOW that's also debatable- but I figure it this way: It's NOT something I NEED to consume, and why NOT avoid it- given the choice?

    It is known to cause STORAGE of belly fat, and after I started looking at the things I generally consume, it was a main part of my daily life...No more.

    end of story.
  • sheilanelson
    sheilanelson Posts: 11 Member
    Yes I also eat right and exercise daily .... :) Thanks for that info though !!!
  • so has it helped you alot ? I heard it works well with losing belly fat ???

    I heard eating the right kinds of foods and exercise can help you to lose all kinds of weight :flowerforyou:

    Nah. I just rub apple cider vinegar all over my trouble spots.

  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    It does help your body detox.
    Detox? The body does an excellent job of "cleansing" itself. Just treat it right and it will treat you right. There is no "cleanse" as effective as simply eating well.

    "The best way to 'detox' the body is simply to let your body do its job. Unless you have a medical problem, your body takes care of itself quite nicely, experts say.

    "The liver and kidneys are nature's best-kept secret, because they are the weapons to eliminate toxins from your body," says Gerbstadt. "If you are concerned about certain substances in your diet, it is easier and safer to simply eliminate [those substances] rather than engage in unhealthy detox plans."
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Hey everyone, I am just wondering if anyone has taken the apple cider vinegar before meals to help with weight loss and if it helped ??? I know there is capsules and the liquid ... which one works better ???

    Works better for what?