looking for oatmeal recipes

BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
i have been reading that oatmeal is good to eat when trying to lose weight. so how do you make yours? i have regular old fashioned oats and steel cut oats. please share your recipes. thank you!


  • mrsparsons14
    Google: Steel oats with peaches and blueberries, it's a recipe by Danica's Daily, it is a Weight Watchers recipe but it is AMAZING and very filling.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm loving this recipe lately.

    I sub an extra apple instead of applesauce, and I leave out the nutmeg, just for taste. I use Coffeemate Cinnamon Vanilla creamer.

    It clocks in at 209 per serving!

  • Sydney0710
    Sydney0710 Posts: 61 Member
    I cook steel cut oats in a crock pot overnight. This way we can wake-up to a warm breakfast without having to cook in the morning. I usually put the leftovers in the fridge and we eat them over the next few days. If you haven't had steel cut oats, they have a chewer textures than quick or old fashion, so they hold-up better for leftovers.

    I usually add a little milk, cinnamon, vanilla, and sometimes fruit.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Apple Cinnamon
    - 1 Serving Old Fashioned Oats, 1 Serving Unsweetened Apple Sauce, Pinch Cinnamon or Apple Pie Spice

    Fill-you-up (a little extra protein & fiber in this one)
    - 1 Serving Old Fashioned Oats, 1 Serving Toasted Wheat Germ, any spices or 0 cal sweetener you like

    Chai Spice ( a little higher calorie)
    - Cook oats with milk & a little vanilla extract, season with a pinch of ginger, ground cloves, cinnamon, and ground cardamom, sweeten any way you like, though honey is pretty good
    - add toasted slivered almonds and/or raisins for texture
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    thanks everyone! im looking forward to trying these!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    The baked oatmeal with blueberries and banana recipe on skinny taste is AWESOME
  • roskosp33
    roskosp33 Posts: 2 Member
    I use Quaker whole oats. And make it a few different ways:

    *Uncooked in chocolate milk
    *Cooked in water with frozen blue berries
    *Cooked with honey
    *Cooked with butter and brown sugar

    I find that if I eat oatmeal in the morning I have sustained energy all day long, so I feel it is better to add flavor by adding sugar or butter and eat it then to not like it and skip it.
  • icewindfirex
    I use old fashioned.

    I'm not a huge oatmeal fan normally - but I AM a sweets fan.
    So I've been using oatmeal to get my sweet fixes ;)

    Basically oatmeal + water + pinch of salt + splenda/honey/sugar whatever + sugar/fat free pudding mix + vanilla to taste
    I mix in about two tablespoons, give or take (go by taste of the mix)
    And microwave!

    My favorites are currently butterscotch & chocolate. (The chocolate reminds me of brownie batter!)
  • linda2160
    linda2160 Posts: 1 Member
    One of my favorite is to add banana, low-fat peanut butter, chopped almonds, and agave syrup. I usually make 2 servings - use 1 cup of regular oatmeal to 2 cups of boiling water. Turn down and simmer until thickened. Then add sliced banana, about 1 T of peanut butter, about 1 T of chopped almonds, and 1 T of agave syrup. Stir until mixed and serve. Very good on a cold winter morning and filling.
  • PMargueritaHughes
    i don’t really like oatmeal, so if i am going to eat it, i need to sprinkle on some brown sugar or raw honey, and add enough fresh fruit to get a piece of fruit per spoonful. or, i put it in almost everything: i measure out 3/4 cup in the morning, then throughout the day, put some in eggs, in soup, on sandwiches, on salads, everything – and i can usually ‘get rid’ of it all!
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    I use old fashioned.

    I'm not a huge oatmeal fan normally - but I AM a sweets fan.
    So I've been using oatmeal to get my sweet fixes ;)

    Basically oatmeal + water + pinch of salt + splenda/honey/sugar whatever + sugar/fat free pudding mix + vanilla to taste
    I mix in about two tablespoons, give or take (go by taste of the mix)
    And microwave!

    My favorites are currently butterscotch & chocolate. (The chocolate reminds me of brownie batter!)

    Do you add extra calories for the pudding mix?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    search button. This has been covered a billion times.
  • icewindfirex
    I use old fashioned.

    I'm not a huge oatmeal fan normally - but I AM a sweets fan.
    So I've been using oatmeal to get my sweet fixes ;)

    Basically oatmeal + water + pinch of salt + splenda/honey/sugar whatever + sugar/fat free pudding mix + vanilla to taste
    I mix in about two tablespoons, give or take (go by taste of the mix)
    And microwave!

    My favorites are currently butterscotch & chocolate. (The chocolate reminds me of brownie batter!)

    Do you add extra calories for the pudding mix?

    It does add some extra calories - but very few. (way less than peanut butter and other items XD)
    I can't tell you exactly how many because I've never measured a package out in tablespoons, but 1/4 of a package of mix is 25 calories - and I don't use a fourth XD
  • brewman01
    brewman01 Posts: 44 Member
    For a different twist, cook steel cut oats then mix it all together with scrambled egg whites and one egg, Add a little seasoned salt. Sounds disgusting but tastes amazing. I make them up a week at a time and freeze them in small containers...they microwave well. I have also made oatcakes from thick paste lightly fried in olive oil.
  • Alsha1999
    Alsha1999 Posts: 46 Member
    Lastnight I made a new recipe. I am all about creating recipes to suit my tastebuds!

    3 cup unsweetened coconut almond milk
    6T Chia or flaxseeds
    1 cup oats
    2 Bananas, could easily reduce to lower the caloric intake.
    3T PB2 or 2 T cocoa
    1T Walnuts, almonds or cashews

    Serves 4, Before I ate I added 1/2 scoop BSN cinnamon roll protein powder. I have more recipes on my facebook page with calorie, carbs, protein, fat, sugar and fiber listed. LindyFit. Get Fit. Stay Fit. Live Fit. Page
  • Alsha1999
    Alsha1999 Posts: 46 Member
    I should add, you just mix and stick in fridge until breakfast. You eat it cold! No cooking needing.

    Lastnight I made a new recipe. I am all about creating recipes to suit my tastebuds!

    3 cup unsweetened coconut almond milk
    6T Chia or flaxseeds
    1 cup oats
    2 Bananas, could easily reduce to lower the caloric intake.
    3T PB2 or 2 T cocoa
    1T Walnuts, almonds or cashews

    Serves 4, Before I ate I added 1/2 scoop BSN cinnamon roll protein powder. I have more recipes on my facebook page with calorie, carbs, protein, fat, sugar and fiber listed. LindyFit. Get Fit. Stay Fit. Live Fit. Page
  • AngelEyes127
    Oatmeal with a couple tablespoons of dark chocolate chips. YUMMMY! :)
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I make my steel cut outs with vanilla soy milk & frozen mixed fruit.
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    3/4 c. old fashioned oats
    1.5 c. water
    2 egg whites (or one whole egg)
    Cook the oats and water together for a bit on the stove. Whip the egg whites or egg together with vanilla and add it to the oats once they start to become creamy. Turn up the burner a bit and cook for 3-4 more mins. This will keep you full longer and add awesome protein to your am nums.