can you meet your partner on MFP?



  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    I always find it amusing when people say " be careful ... He could be a serial killer " ! I have plenty of friends who not only met, but got married and are very happy with the person they met online. My question to the negative old schoolers is ....

    Is it that much safer meeting Joe Blow at a local bar ???? Whether you meet at church, work, bar, Internet, through a friend or even in a hospital ... ( little humor there ) .... The bottom line is happiness !

    Do whatever makes you happy ... Live a little ... Take chances .... Never rely on advice of people who don't even know you !

    The worst part about fear ... Is never knowing what you missed out on !

    PS .... Yes, I have met a great guy right here on MFP ! :wink:
  • Hoover8it
    Hoover8it Posts: 107 Member
    Same here except mine lives across the street. We have been together just over a year. It made the move into his place easy:)
  • Sweet deal, have fun!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I met my Dutch boyfriend through the Internet (I'm British). Fast forward 2.5 years and here I am in Holland - so there can be happy endings!

    However, I've also met some royal asshats through the internet, so do be careful and take everything they tell you with a pinch of salt to begin with - the internet makes it VERY easy for people to lie about all sorts of stuff.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I met my husband on Prodigy way back in the day. 1995 back when there were bulletin boards and hardly any interwebz! We're married almost 16 years. 'magine that ☺

    Ahhhh so cute that he showed up on this thread. Good luck to you both and I hope you have a great time!!!

    Bevy, always the hopeful romantic!
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    Oh NO! Never trust a guy you meet over the Internets! Run, run run... :devil: :explode:
  • Accidently tripped over the man that would be my husband in a chat room 13 years ago. I lived in Maine and he in Illinois. We have been married almost 12 years. It happens but be very careful.
  • im sure we will both let you all know how it goes :)
    hopefully well !! ahh im excited haha
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I met my boyfriend of a year and a half online, he's the sweetest guy I've ever known!
    I think it sounds worth meeting him. Jjust meet in a public place and let a friend or family member know exactly when and where and possibly for arrange for them to be a short distance away. It's not about not trusting him or whatever it's just caution and the smart mature thing to do.
    There's nothing wrong with being safe when meeting someone for the first time. =] good luck and I hope it works out for you two.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,268 Member
    I don't know whether to be concerned or jealous. lol I can do a bit of both.

    Be careful and have a good time!
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    For all of you concerned about my negativity... I was being sarcastic. (eyes rolling) LOL

    I'm a great guy and I think meeting people online is very practical.

    Not only that, but I'd be totally thrilled to meet an MFP friend!
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Accidently tripped over the man that would be my husband in a chat room 13 years ago. I lived in Maine and he in Illinois. We have been married almost 12 years. It happens but be very careful. husband and I first chatted in an AOL chat room 11 years ago. Been married 3 years in October.
  • Jamie is the sweetest guy and one of the closest friends I have here on MFP. Better be good to him!!!!
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I met my husband in a chatroom back in October of 1993 right after I started college. We got married in 1995 and July will be married 17 years! At first I didn't want to meet him, but agreed because he had a motorcycle. I knew by December of that year that I wanted to marry him.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    Love can come from anywhere :heart:
    I met mine on Myspace 5 years ago.

    Do be careful though!
  • i loved reading all these stories, and suggestions
    nice to know people care!

    hes not a creep, a beautiful person :)
    and im a very lucky girl.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    Oh NO! Never trust a guy you meet over the Internets! Run, run run... :devil: :explode:

    HaHaHa love it!
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    I have heard quite a few success stories here on MFP. I have at least 4 friends who have all met their sweeties here on MFP. I met mine here also. We have had several visits so far. She has met my parents. I am meeting hers next month. I am moving to where she lives in Ohio in July and we are planning a life together. So yes you can find your mate here.
    But as everyone has said just be cautious. You never know. Hope it all goes well for you.

  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    the great thing about meeting in a place like this is that you get to talk! which means before you meet you already have a base to work off of.

    Obviously we have not met one another yet, but we have been extremely honest with one another, once we meet that will be the tell all and then, We will let you all know how it went :)
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    This is really sweet, Jamie's so nice, you will definitely be safe. A month isn't a long time to know someone. So it's great that you are not taking it too serious just yet! Let us know how u go!