5 Things I'm thinking today



  • BeachGirl6871
    BeachGirl6871 Posts: 24 Member
    1. Zumba is working muscles that I haven't felt for a long time.
    2. Why is my 15 yr old daughter such a brat in the mornings?
    3. I'm looking forward to receiving my new computer but feeling guilty I spent so much on it. Husband said "yeah get it"... I'm thinking now what does he want?
    4. Why am I such a food junkie?
    5. Why did I ever think "it's just 5lbs"... now I'm 38 lbs heavier...
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    1) This weight loss journey is such a long, slow process!
    2) What shall I make for dinner today?
    3) Will my family eat it?!
    4) Haven't rung my parents for a while. Must do that tonight!
    5) I need to get off MFP and get on with some work!
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    1. I'm tired of being cold.
    2. This film I'm watching is really dramatic(Red Cliff)
    3. I have Parents "evening" when I pick my daughter up from school.
    4. It's contact day today & I hate her alco mum, who chose to see her daughter for 1hr every fortnight :(
    5. Need a poo.

  • phindilee
    phindilee Posts: 64 Member
    1 I want to go home
    2 I have no idea what am having for dinner
    3 Will I find time to exercise today
    4 I cant stop thinking about bread and peanut butter
    5 I need a new hair do
  • Kattaway
    1) My night off sucked, it's hard working nights cause when you are off, there is nothing to do!
    2) Why was I excessively hungry tonight?
    3) My fiance loves me just the way I am and this weight loss is for me!!!
    4) Could I add a cheat meal in every 2 weeks without totally blowing it????
    5) Why do the dogs run to the table every time I walk in? They always think I have FOOD! How sad is that? :(
  • OooLaurenooO
    OooLaurenooO Posts: 227 Member
    1. Oh Morag, shut the ffffff*** up! (women at work always moaning)
    2. Canny wait to get home to my boyfriend.
    3. Canny wait to make Turkey meatballs for dinner tonight.
    4. Should i go the gym tonight.
    5. Wonder where my boyfriend will take me for my birthday. (i took him Newvastle for the footy)
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    1. I'm so grateful its gym rest day, my legs ache
    2. Chinese food lunch day YAY!.
    3. I must find time to get Valentine gifts for my sweet little nieces
    4. How am I going to stick to healthy eating and exercise while visiting my Dad in Florida
    5. Are we really only getting 1-3 inches of snow today?
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    1. Last night's discussion about my boyfriend and his ex-fiancee- Questioning if he's still not over her, and if I'm a rebound
    2. Why I have NOTHING to do at work - 3rd day in a row...I'm so glad I have Friday off..
    3. How much my car is going to cost to get serviced (oil change, tires rotated etc)
    4. How tonight's dinner with said boyfriend and dad/dad's gf is going to go
    5. As much as I am looking forward to seeing the boyfriend tonight, I really wish I had ZUMBA tonight...like not my own class, but ability to take someone else's - just as a way to clear my head...
  • Chinita00
    1. Been out of work for 3 days now for being sick
    2. Sick and not working out grrrrr
    3. Husband do not quit your day job you suck as a NURSE
    4. Praying the playdate scheduled for this evening does not show-up!!!
    5. I need to find a new P..PH
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    1. Need to file taxes
    2. Finally a night which included more than 3 hours of sleep (Sadly it wasn't uninterrupted sleep)
    3. It really felt good to run again yesterday.
    4. Should I go back to school?
    5. I think I've cooked chicken breast in every way imaginable.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    1. Slow and steady wins the race.
    2. Starvation is not the answer.
    3. I know I'm forgetting something................................................
    4. My house needs a deep clean.
    5. I know I'm forgetting something................................................
  • SmallerBecky
    1. I'm actually starting to look forward to moving into the house that my husband grew up in after the summer and all the things we can do to it before we move in! This was a lonnnng thought this morning, and I decided I will write a blog about it at some point.
    2. What's making the neighbors' dogs howl like that? A cougar, perhaps? (Haha, while running out to the garage to warm up the van)
    3. If I get back to school this year, I will probably have a good job lined up by the time Cassidy starts Kindergarten.
    4. Why can't I ever trust my feelings?
    5. He is Sympathy and I am Empathy.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    1. I did not get enough sleep last night.. can't wait to go to bed tonight.
    2. I have a doctor's appt today. I hate going to the doctor because it throws my schedule off for the day.
    3. I'm lucky I have the ability to see a doctor.
    4. I can't wait to eat my lunch. Is it lunch time yet?
    5. Lifting makes me so sore and tired, even after I've been doing it for almost 5 mos. Will I ever not be sore? Is it a good thing?
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    1. Will it have snowed or will it be sunny today (what the hell is with the weather at the moment?!)

    2. Should I actually bother getting dressed today if I'm not planning on leaving the house.

    3. What shall I have for lunch?

    4. This chicken looks nice that mum cooked but do I trust her after my bout of food poisoning last week from her cooking

    5. I'd like a PA to sort out my car tax, insurance, breakdown etc.
  • Krissy_b777
    1. I really wish I could have stayed home with my husband this morning and ...(clears throat) :love: :bigsmile:

    2. I really hope my husband enjoyed his Birthday yesterday, he has been partying since Saturday.:wink:

    3. I am getting back on track today after all the Birthday food and drinks I consumed yesterday. :drinker:

    4. When is my FitBit Tracker coming in the mail? (anxious) :happy:

    5. Focusing on eating healthy and getting in as much exercise as I can today. :smile:
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    1. I had a horrible sleep
    2. How am I ever going to get out of debt
    3. My contacts are dry, I want lasic
    4. This weather is depressing
    4. Try not to eat too many cookies
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    1. I am so over this job and place.
    2. Coke Zero is my friend right now.
    3. My best friend having a baby last night made me realize that I would like one...someday.
    4. I MUST run tonight.
    5. I should really go grocery shopping so I have more in my fridge than a cheesestick and a bell pepper.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    1) How my fiance was lazy this morning and didn't help me and ruined my morning.
    2) I'm super cold.
    3) I hope the new Crockpot recipe I made this morning turns out good.
    4) I want it to be lunch time already because I'm so looking forward to the food doghouse-fiance is bringing me to make up for the morning.
    5) I don't want to be at work today. My bed sounds better.
  • deejay7806
    deejay7806 Posts: 165 Member
    1, yesssss car passed m.o.t

    2, really good 2 catch up n have coffe wiv old friend

    3, hmmmm nice to c sun shinnin ...altho still chilly out

    4, hopin 2 morrows weigh in will b goooooooood

    5, really ought to b doin sum housework...but mfp is much more fun heheheheh !!!!!!!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    1. You don't always have to be a beast.
    2. I had fun doing crafts with Ellie
    3. I wish people didn't have my phone number, especially the mother-in-law. I will listen, but sometimes don't enjoy it.
    4. I wish people had a little more faith in me instead of putting me down. I'm quite successful, they just can't accept it.
    5. I'm happy that I'm not the alone when it comes to this weight loss thing. I've got a pretty awesome support system going.