Feeling hungry... need to stop eating

i'm having a bad hungry day today, my usual breakfast and snack havent filled me up. I'm already at 600 calories for the day, how do i stop myself eating?!


  • if you are willing to show your food diary we could probably give you more sound suggestions
  • elsie4480
    elsie4480 Posts: 1 Member
    Well, what I like to do is complain about all the skinny people that get to eat whatever they want. Lol! Mind over matter my friend. My co-workers had a pot-luck and I had to sit there and stare at cookies and queso. I was very bitter. Then I got out my little greek yogurt and sucked it up. I had a bad cheat day on Sunday. All I wanted to do was eat. So this week I was determined to do it right. I just pack my lunch bag full of things that are no more than 200 calories and snack all the time. You can do it!
  • lol complaining about skinny people works for me - I sit next to 2 of them! i'm going down the road of drinking water and will make myself a cup of tea too... thanks guys for replying :)