Losing my hair and I'm 22 yrs old.



  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    I lost a load of my hair from meds. Its come back though

    My number 1 tip. The only thing I tried that actually helped.

    Coffee/ tea hair rinses. They really do work plus your hair looks unbelievably shiny and feels so soft! You'll notice a lot less hair in the hairbrush and your hair growing faster.

    It's so easy.

    Either tea or coffee works great, Most people prefer to use tea because it doesn't smell so strong.

    My favourite was mixing a cup of coffee with a cup of conditioner and leaving it in like a hair mask for 45 mins. (I also used it to darken blonde hair-temporary staining-gives very natural highlighted look to hair and lasts a few washes)

    Alternatively just brew a couple cups and allow to cool. Meanwhile wash, condition and towel-dry your hair. Then pour cooled strong tea or coffee through your hair 15 times and then shampoo and condition again.

    Google coffee rinse or tea rinse for exact recipes and good luck.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Are you on birth control? That's a side effect of many of them, including the pill and nuvaring.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Are you on any medications? Some, like birth control can make you lose hair. Or it could be stress related... only your doctor will be able to tell you for sure though.
  • lightjenna
    Just to pop in with .02 more cents, there is a condition called alopecia which usually presents in isolated "spots" (areata) and is directly related to stress. A more overall hair loss will, likely, be the result of hormonal or vitamin imbalance. Regardless of what the actual condition is, if it is possible for you, please go see a doctor.
  • carita26
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    There are several reasons that this could be happening... The one question that comes to mind is how many calories are you consuming? This happened to me a couple years back. The Dr's were pretty much useless and couldn't tell me why but i'm pretty sure I know it was because I wasn't eating enough, and stress. Biotin helps, they have certain shampoo's and conditioners as well. But i would start with your diet first.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I don't know what your diet is like, but hair loss can be due to lack of protein, you can also get some Biotin, over the counter. As far as hair loss during pregnancy, I had the exact opposite! My hair was strong and shiny and healthy during all my pregnancies. All else fails though, you may want to see a doctor about it. Good luck to you!
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
    I think you first need to get a diagnosis of what kind of hair loss you are having - each kind needs a different treatment

    If it is hair fall - check for dandruff, check your diet (drastic changes lead to hair loss). Also hair has a 5 year odd cycle, so if you lost hair 5 years ago for any reason, it could be repeating that now as fresh hair is replaced

    If it is alopecia aereata - you could suddenly find one bald patch on the scalp. that's scary but it will clear up over a period of time and some sort of topical steroid will help - check with the doctor

    if it is generalized thinning - that is, you don't see hair falling so much but maybe your parting is getting wider, and overall you can see scalp peeking through - that is androgenic alopecia - and that is a different ballgame. it's a form of male-pattern baldness that some women get where the hairs get miniaturized and become so thin as not to be visible and the only solution to that is minoxidil which will increase the thickness of these hairs, as long as you keep applying it. There is a medicine Finasteride but it isn't recommended for women who might get pregnant because of possible damage to the fetus.

    Biotin can help in all cases.