How does your job impact your weightloss/fitness goals?



  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    I work at Curves for Women, so that works out nicely because I can hop on the machines and work out whenever I get free time, and I get to attend Zumba classes for free four days each week :)
    Occasionally though, I work 8 hour shifts without a break, so it's hard for me sometimes to eat regularly enough on those days.
    ^she's my coworker! :smile:

    i tend to be hungrier throughout the day when we have to be at work at the crack of dawn.
    this job gives me a need to inspire the members. and they always ask for advice and ask what i'm eating
    (because i'm always eating on the clock lol don't worry, it's all delicious & nutritious stuff )

    edit: and also jump on the machines to work out whenever i want
  • paperbagprincess
    My career has sent my body thru a loop! Went to school for radio broadcasting and didnt think sitting on my butt for hrs would have that much of an affect on my body... but it did. I started off working mornings. Waking up at 3am wasn't ever pleasant. Because of this, I was tired ALL THE TIME. Didn't matter what time I woke up, or what time I went to bed. I did that job for a year at one station and 2 yrs at another.

    I switched from mornings to late nights. It was better but I was sad I could never do any after work functions. Most ppl are done work at 5. So running clinics, workout classes, and outdoor activities like baseball or ultimate frizbee were out for me. I also hated going to bed at 1am b/c it was all the more harder to wake up earlier. I'm not entirely a morning person (remember I hated 3am wake ups) but I do like to get my day started early (6am-7am).

    Now I work middays. 9am-3pm and it's a perfect shift. I wake up early for a run or workout, get home with enough time to make a great breakfast, lunch and shower to get ready for work. When I'm done work I have time to do even more like take my dog for walks, or any outdoor activities. Then I even have time to wind down and relax.... then go to bed at a reasonable hour. This summer I plan on finally signing up for baseball or Ultimate frizbee... and maybe getting my dog trained in agility since it's exercise for the both of us.

    Ppl say, "blaming work is just a bad excuse," and I beg to differ. I invite anyone to wake up every morning at 3am for work 5 days a wk and see how their body reacts and see if they have any energy to do any form of exercise.

    It's about finding what works well for you. If I had to continue working that 3am shift I would have left radio altogether. It's what I always wanted to do but once it got in the way of my health and the way I felt... I started to not enjoy it. Thankfully I was lucky enough to get into the shift that worked well for me.

    I hope everyone finds that job too! :)
  • photogmama
    photogmama Posts: 32 Member
    I am a photographer...while you might think I get to run around with my camera...mostly I am sitting at my computer doing business stuff like marketing and website design, place orders and editing photos!

    The busier I get...the more weight I have gained :( Trying to reverse that trend now.
  • Jeffri210
    Even though I work in administration at a school, and have what most consider a "desk job", I am up and try to stay physically actice when I can be.

    I work Monday - Friday from 8:00-4:30, and also go to school Monday - Thursday from 5:30-8:15. To be honest, come 8:15 and I am beat! It's hard for me to motivate myself to go to the gym, even if it's just walking on a treadmill, because by that time all I want to do is go to bed! I feel not only physically, but mentally drained. I have been doing better about going to the gym Friday, Saturday and Sunday to at least get 3 days of cardio in the week. I also started doing a light weight lifting session 3 times a week (Monday, Wed, Friday) that I got out of Women's Health magazine :) .

    Food wise, I do very well! It is tempting to accept cupcakes from the kids who have birthday, but I do very well at saying no :)
  • jadesta55
    i love my job and blessed to have a job where im not sitting down at all! extra calories gone but the only downfall that i have is going crazy on the lunch breaks..
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I sit at a desk almost all day, so I don't get as much natural movement throughout the day as I would like. I also work from 8-5 and sit in traffic for an hour on both ends of that, making the actual time that I have to work out, grocery shop and cook, relax, etc. pretty limited during the week. I have to dig DEEP for motivation to go to the gym on a weeknight.
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    work sucks... I could be so hot if I didn't work.
  • andreacord
    School impacted me majorly in my last year of high school and first semester. I'm only part time this semester so it's a hell of a lot easier. I don't have any gripes with my previous job because I worked at the front desk at the gym and if nobody was around I could take my lunch/snack to the desk and eat or work out in my free time. However, I'm choosing to become a flight attendant next year so that's going to be a pretty tricky balancing act. Going to have to eat healthy as possible and squeeze in exercise where I can, so hoping I get to goal by then so I can focus on maintaining.
  • tashie90
    tashie90 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm an lna I work 3-11 shift I get up around 830 work out, clean my house take care of my daughter, eat breakfast, then lunch at 12:30-1:00 I go to work which I would love to see how many calories I burn since I'm walking bending lifting for 8 hours a day, I take my break around 6:30 or atleast try, the past few days it's been at 8 or 9 but I'm still working so I get to burn more calories after I eat, so I think I have it pretty good for trying to diet and exercise :)
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom/ registered daycare provider so I am home and have access to the fridge 24/7, but with the kids around I tend not to munch as much as I would if I was just home with my own kids since I have to feed the kids healthy and if they see you eating they want some too!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I am a sales rep at a retail store and I stand pretty much all day, but I don't get to walk a lot. Most of the time I am standing in the same place or leaning. Before this I was a waitress and I always was thinner and had an easier time losing weight because I was constantly walking.
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    I am a direct care provider for intellectually disabled adults. Although I'm in a home setting, I do have to run around a lot to doctor's appointments, meetings, different trainings, etc. I do shifts from 5am to 10pm sometimes. Although some mornings I get out at around 10am after a 5am shift so I get my workout in there. It just gets a bit difficult sometimes when I'm exhausted from the 5am shifts which end at 10pm, to go back at 5am the next day.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 278 Member
    Work makes the dieting harder and easyer... harder because toast is just there all the time to nibble on.... easyer because I'm running around loads and I don't have the snack and candy stash near by!
  • youuluvashh
    youuluvashh Posts: 247 Member
    I think my job really helps me with my goals. I am free to take breaks and my lunch whenever so I can workout at that time if I want. It also helps me with my nutrition. On the weekends I almost never eat breakfast or lunch for that matter. At work I pretty much eat breakfast snacks and lunch on time, it helps me stay consistant! I also drink sooooo much water when im at work.......

    So beside the occasional donuts and sweets (which is easy for me to resist because im not much of a sweet person) I would say my job GREATLY impacts my goals in a good way :)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I feel mine does...increased stress and now I commute vs taking train and later hours so I have definitely changed since my job moved!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    This is probably why I am struggling to lose the last 7-10 lbs. I work straight nights, which is super hard on the body. I sleep during the day and at night I am up. It gets so hard to know when to eat and my circadian schedule is all thrown off. I sleep from 630am-2pm most days and then im hungry but I can't eat that early and still have a dinner with my hubby at 5or so. I love night shifts otherwise but the eating and getting enough quality sleep does me in!
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    I sit on my butt in front of a computer 8-9 hours a day, that's not good for me either... I just try to set up a ton of reminders for the things that I may forget... like to eat or take a break (and go for a walk).

    That's me right there. I get busy with work and forget to eat or take a break. I need to work on that. And I def need to get up and move around more. Some days are better than other, but today is going to be one of those slow days ... LOL
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    I'm a tax accountant and on non-tax season days, I sit on my butt 8-9 hours a day. During the busy tax season, I'm at my desk from 10-12 hours/day. It doesn't help that I work within walking distances to over 50 restaurants. This tax season, I asked my boss to leave at 530 everyday so that I can get to my spin class. I'm finally getting used to the daily exercising routine and I don't want to mess it up. So I told him that I will work every Saturday until April. I think it's a good trade-off since I don't really do much on Saturdays anyway (except hydrate and prep for my Sundays mountain biking ride).
  • Miss♥Ivi
    I work a desk job at a recording studio 8.5hrs a day. It blows. We have a fully stocked kitchen in the middle of my office and a chef (I LOVE her, she's like my second mom) that cooks breakfast and lunch for us each day. This is both good and bad. Good because I'm not having junk food or fast food during lunch (the only other alternative in the area I work in) and bad because there are plenty of goodies ALL over the kitchen I have to dodge like her cinnamon rolls, fresh baked breads, and cookies! Luckily for me, my sweet tooth is easy to control but my deep desire for bread is incredible. Smh!

    Sometimes she makes things that aren't exactly ideal for someone watching their calories and weight BUT she tries really hard to cater to my diet. She doesn't have to but she does and I appreciate it greatly.

    This is one of her spreads for lunch.


  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    From a food standpoint no it doesn't interfere.
    We have two refrigerators and a microwave so I can bring my own food for lunch and don't have to get fast food (we also have a grocery store close by that has premade salads and fruit salads).
    From a workout point yes it can.
    I work 8ish to 530-6ish and by the time I get home it's 630/645 so working out sometimes is a challenge at night. Dinner, homework, chores, etc. seem to eat up alot of my evenings.
    I try and get up a few days a week at 515am so I can work out before work, but I need to get better at that.
    I fit in what I can and usually get in workouts Saturday and Sunday that are longer than normal because I have extra time.
    A new yoga studio is opening very close to my house and they have a couple of evening classes so I may just go straight there those nights and then go home to start the rest of the routine ; )