1200 Calories...how?



  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    I find that if I try to follow the south beach principles (protein and veggies at every meal, low carbs) I am at my best. I always eat 2-3 egg whites for breakfast with at least a cup of veggies. Sometimes I have a piece of fruit mid morning if I need a snack. Lunch is when I eat carbs since I work out in the morning or at lunch (some days both). It's usually leftovers that I keep in the freezer - pasta, stir fry, etc, but I make sure to get at least a cup of veggies and some protein with lunch. I also find that I eat much less in the evenings if I have an afternoon snack around 3 pm - 4 oz of non fat greek yogurt, with 1 tbsp sugar free jam, and 1/4 cup cocoa pebbles curbs my afternoon cookie cravings.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Also, I do have medical issues which is why I checked with 3 doctors before I did this. I don't count exercise calories either. I haven't eaten fast food in 5 months nor any white , like bread, rice, potatoes, pizza. It is working. As far as Starvation Mode, the DOCTOR says it is only if you eat 300 calories for many , many months. We have a lot of extra, our body is not gonna start eating our organs.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Have a look at my diary for ideas. I try stick to 1200 a day, sometimes I go slightly under. Do more exercise to allow yourself more calories

  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    I'm on 1200... for now :) Feel free to take a peek at my diary :) It's hard at first, but I'm a month into it and I don't feel it anymore.
  • I typically eat a yogurt for breakfast and a soup or salad for lunch. This keeps me at 400 calories.

    In between breakfast and dinner I either have mini-pretzels or a cup of fruit so I get to eat 5 times. This way I'm only at around 600 before dinner and can have a big dinner.

    Also, if you work out for even a half an hour you'll get back around 200 calories and they go a long way if you're craving a late night snack.

    Good luck!!!!
  • SDakotaLady
    SDakotaLady Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories also. Exercise is really the key for me. I try to do 60 minutes of cardio (usually walking on the treadmill at a very brisk pace and moderate incline) five times a week, and on those days I do the cardio, I am consistently under the number of calories I can eat when the day is done. When I don't do the cardio, it's hard to stay at 1200. I've modified my snacks also. Now snacks for me are vegetables and hummus, almonds, fruit. And I do pay attention to getting at least my 8 glasses of water a day, although I'm not certain if that makes a big difference or not.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have days where I eat 1200 or less calories, but I've never been able to do that ongoing. That is why I only gain weight when I stop exericing. For me, weight gain/loss is all about exercise.
  • dixieprincess79
    dixieprincess79 Posts: 3 Member
    I just looked at your food diary. I will give you an example of a day of eating for myself. 1 c. Raisin Bran with a 1/2 cup (or less) of organic milk. Sometimes a thin bagel toasted to go with it. Lunch is Salad or a vegetable and sometimes a SMALL portion of left overs from the night before. Today's lunch will be my other half of my steak and chicken fajita dinner (1 tortilla) from Chile's. If I am still hungry after that I will either fix me some vegetables or fruit to snack on or I will make a smoothie with 3 tablespoons of yogurt, half a cup of frozen strawberries and a cup or two of milk to thin it out. That ends up getting split between myself and my 3 boys so I take in half a cup of it. It always help knock that faint hunger feeling off. Dinners I make homemade chili or bake chicken breast. Something lean no fat on it. I serve it with one starch and at least 2 vegetables. I do mine within proper portions and my starch is the smallest portioned item on my plate if I serve myself a starch at all. Sometimes I replace the starch on my plate with a salad to go with the other two vegetables and lean meat. I will sometimes eat a yogurt before I settle in to watch a movie for the evening if I am craving something sweet. I noticed your portions are more on some things and a lot of sugar and carbs. Carbs and sugar causes your body to feel hungry more, because your body is burning the carbs and sugar (which form glucose) more than it will the fat. Your body needs protein and lean fats to feel full and fueled. It will also help your energy level get boosted.
  • dmcw19
    dmcw19 Posts: 129

    I am on 1200 too and find that doing a shake for breakfast and lunch helps me. They are balanced, which means you don't have to worry about too many carbs, proteins or fats. I really like it because it is easy to make and I don't have to make packing up for the day a major ordeal. I have found that I get more excited about cooking or getting a great healthy dinner made because I am looking forward to a meal at the end of the day. I hope the company that I use for shakes exists forever because I love the taste and I would have a hard time doing it only with planned meals.

  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I think it also depends on how you are mentally with food lots struggle as they comfort eat its not always proper hunger as you are hungry its mental hunger if anyone and theres lots here who comfort eat you'll know the difference.I know when I first start a healthly plan I am cutting my calories alot so it takes a whilke to get used to the much lower calories as siad maybe set your cals higher what have you got for loss? 05lbs a week 1lbs 1.5lbs 2 lbs? Trial and error on eating exercise calories as I read here alot x
  • carlageek
    carlageek Posts: 32 Member
    I was having a lot of trouble hitting even 1300 calories. I ended up changing my target to 1/2 pound loss per week instead of 1 pound loss per week so I'd have a few hundred more calories to play with.

    No sense in being in a rush if it leads to a miserably restrictive plan I have trouble sticking to!
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I am on 1200 and am staying pretty full. I eat lots of protein (am usually over) I try to eat before I get hungry so that I stay full. I also drink lots of water. I try to snack on things that are not very calorie dense so I can have a good meal. I usually eat oatmeal at breakfast and then 1 or 2 snacks before lunch because I start work at 7:30 but don't have lunch until 1:00 or 1:30. I avoid carby foods like rice & pasta becuase they way high in calories and don't keep me feeling full.
  • When I was doing 1200 calories, eating a cup of Greek yogurt with granola and banana for breakfast, and a handful of almonds as a snack would keep me full longer. You want thick nutritious stuff in your body.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I was having a lot of trouble hitting even 1300 calories. I ended up changing my target to 1/2 pound loss per week instead of 1 pound loss per week so I'd have a few hundred more calories to play with.

    No sense in being in a rush if it leads to a miserably restrictive plan I have trouble sticking to!

    wow youve ;ost 116lbs is that using mfp how long did it take? WEll done
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm on a 1200 calories/day program. My staples are eggs, peanut butter, almonds, and tuna. Feel free to add me as a friend and or peek at my diary, it's open
  • epurucker82
    epurucker82 Posts: 46 Member
    I notice that if I have a protein shake to start my day...it hold's me longer. I try to cut carbs after three...but even if I have a salad or a protein shake for dinner there are a couple carbs. Whatcha gonna do??? right! I also sometimes have to eat back some exersice calories...when you have a hard weight training session you just need some extra calories on those days. :wink:
  • brittanyla077
    brittanyla077 Posts: 79 Member
    I changed my settings so I have more calories than the 1200 I was given. I'm on 1380 now + I add my exercise (approx 200 a day). This is the only way I can do this.

    I like this...you don't have to go full force at first or all the time...I wrote down the difference in calories between loosing half pound,pound,and two pounds a week if I go a little over one day its OK as long as I'm under the other mark...you can change things to fit you
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I'm on 1200 cals a day and so far have stuck to it very well (8lbs lost in 4 weeks, woop!) I will admit that it is much harder on the days that I don't exercise though!

    Some things that have helped me:

    1) Switching from Special K for breakfast to porridge. Porridge keeps me much fuller for longer than 30 paltry grams of that cardboard-flavoured rabbit food I was eating before, and tastes much better! I find that I don't start to feel hungry until about noon now, whereas before I usually had a mid-morning snack to keep the tummy rumbles away!

    2) Drinking herbal tea instead of 'normal' tea with milk. Saves 15 cals per cup and counts towards your water target.

    3) Cutting down the portion size of my evening meal and not going back for seconds! (It is OK to leave some for tomorrow!). If I am still hungry after my evening meal, and if I have the calories left, I eat a Muller Rice pot - they are delicious and really filling so stop me snacking in the evenings.

    Good luck!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Anyone out there on the 1200 calorie goal for the day? What are you eating? I am and I'm struggling to stay full and at 1200 cal. I'm all about the high-fiber / lots of veggies / fruits / lean protein options, but I wanted to get some new suggestions!

    Feel free to peek at my diary, although I've been less than angelic the past few days!

    Opaque I am on 1200 calories per day and because it is not a great amount, everything I eat has to be good foods, that means no junk - at all. I make sure I have lost of protein and fruit and I do not snack between, this will mean I am hungry by mealtimes and will gladly eat all my lunch or dinner. I always ensure the mealtimes are spread out too.

    Some people cannot face no treats or the odd take-away, but for me personally, I find I can remain focussed providing I do not break my diet. I have found, in the past, to my expense that "just the one" chocolate bar or "just this one bag of crisps won't hurt" attitude was actually to my detriment, because no matter how hard I tried, it was never "just the one", or if it was, the next day was a new day and "just the one" always seemed to creep into it somehow until in the end I was full-blast, off the wagon (again!) and gaining weight.

    It is about focus and ensuring you feed your body foods that will do it nothing but good. I hasten to add that I have drank alcohol on the odd night out, but it is not everyday, only on those designated nights out and I always, always make sure, the calories are accounted for.

    I steadfastedly maintain that it can be done on 1200 calories per day and no, I do not go into any starvation mode whilst on it both this time and anytime I have done the same thing before. (I put weight back on, by the way, because I went back to eating crap after I had reached my goal and it is the maintaining aspect of weight control that I have to master).
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Egg whites - boiled, omlette, dry-fried, any which way, they are my saviour!

    Those and cooked fine green beans to pad almost all my meals out.

    PS> I am on the 1200 a day too - it's hard and I usually go over but that's ok as long as exercising keeps the calories within goal.