Rack-a-frack-a #@#$

hickory Posts: 42
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss

My family KNOWS I'm trying to lose weight and watch my calories.

My family has been commenting (rudely) on my size for 3 years.

My family KNOWS my ONE weakness is chocolate - which is why there is NONE in my house.


My MOTHER brought over a package of hershey's bars.

My MOTHER-IN-LAW baked chocolate cupcakes and brought them over.

WTH?!?! I have NO willpower with chocolate and already ate a candy bar. :grumble: :angry: :sad:


  • rbeglen
    rbeglen Posts: 37

    Does your mother in law hate you?? :smile:
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Either send them back or dump them in the trash. Either way, tell them nicely while you appreciate the gesture, you are really focusing on losing some weight and would appreciate them not bringing things like this over. If they must, a nice fruit salad would greatly be appreciated.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Either send them back or dump them in the trash. Either way, tell them nicely while you appreciate the gesture, you are really focusing on losing some weight and would appreciate them not bringing things like this over. If they must, a nice fruit salad would greatly be appreciated.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    AWWWWW MAN! Sorry to hear about that! :grumble:
  • nhoffman08
    nhoffman08 Posts: 28
    Moderation is key...a chocolate bar isn't bad, just account for it and work out a bit longer today.

    Then....politely ask them to refrain from bringing sweets. I understand they may be doing it for the kids, but, there are other ways and things to bring the kids that won't add unnecessary sugar to their diet (and yours). Maybe a crafty thing or even a lollipop, just for the kids and no extra for you to be tempted by. I always have to tell my mom not to bring dessert or candy. She doesn't take offense and sometimes will bring just enough for them.
  • beckythebunny122
    beckythebunny122 Posts: 55 Member
    I, too, have bad control.

    Get the chocolate away from you! Some people throw it away, but I feel guilty about that. There are some teenagers next door who love it when I bring such things over, but I try not to do it too often. Or I take it back where it came from (and let my mother eat it!)

    If you can't get it out of the house, then (since I'm REALLY short this works), put it away and up high (behind something you never use on a top shelf is good, better if it's something heavy and awkward to move - I have a giant ugly blue glass bowl that I can hardly lift that works wonders)

    If you have to get out a step stool to get it, you won't eat it as much.

    Once it's away, don't think about it. It doesn't exist.

    Tell your husband when he gets home that it's there and to get rid of it or hide it better for you. I never ask what he does with it, so it works pretty well.
  • Olivia120
    Olivia120 Posts: 5
    Give them away. Someone will love you for it and you will feel better once they are gone:wink:
  • Seriously?!

    My family KNOWS I'm trying to lose weight and watch my calories.

    My family has been commenting (rudely) on my size for 3 years.

    My family KNOWS my ONE weakness is chocolate - which is why there is NONE in my house.


    My MOTHER brought over a package of hershey's bars.

    My MOTHER-IN-LAW baked chocolate cupcakes and brought them over.

    WTH?!?! I have NO willpower with chocolate and already ate a candy bar. :grumble: :angry: :sad:

    Don't let them beat you! You just put the power in their hands. People want to see others fail and it sucks. Don't fall into their trap. Put them in the trash if you can't eat them in moderation. Or just give them away!
    Good luck
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    I live 10 min from Hershey ,PA and you can smell the chocolate in the air ! Its hard to avoid those sweets but remember if you have a bad day you can always get back on track .
    What state are you in hickory?
  • rinalynn
    rinalynn Posts: 87
    I feel for you, I have completely eliminated all junk food from my house my boys are eating healthier, well my wonderful husband has been bringing home bags of junk food, chips soda candy you name everyday he comes home he brings something and not just one bag it is a couple. It is really upseting. I have been good and not touched any of it but it does weigh on you. I did come out and ask him if he was trying to sabotage me. Stay strong you can do it!!!! :smile:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    get them out of the house fast! even if it is the trash.
    yes, there are starving people all over the country and in the world--but your candy bars and cupcakes aren't gonna help them.
    if you feel bad--go make a $ donation to secondharvest or some other such org.

    but get it out of your house--so you can have success!! :heart:
  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    I live 10 min from Hershey ,PA and you can smell the chocolate in the air ! Its hard to avoid those sweets but remember if you have a bad day you can always get back on track .
    What state are you in hickory?

    i don't think I could handle smelling it all day!!! lol

    I'm in Wisconsin - in a rural, farm area - I smell manure all day. :laugh:
  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    OK. I couldn't bring myself to pitch them - but I had my 9 (almost 10) year old son stash them somewhere and he can't tell me where. :laugh:
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I used to work for a chocolatier in Fort Wayne. Believe me, if you have to smell it or make it 8+ hours a day you get really sick of it.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    OK. I couldn't bring myself to pitch them - but I had my 9 (almost 10) year old son stash them somewhere and he can't tell me where. :laugh:

    Good thinking! But when he's bouncing off the walls from a caffeine and sugar rush remember you told him NOT to tell you where it is!:laugh:
  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    OK. I couldn't bring myself to pitch them - but I had my 9 (almost 10) year old son stash them somewhere and he can't tell me where. :laugh:

    Good thinking! But when he's bouncing off the walls from a caffeine and sugar rush remember you told him NOT to tell you where it is!:laugh:

    LOL! :laugh: That's why I picked him - he's the kid who wouldn't sneak some. My 5 and 2 year old? The chocolate would be gone in 5 minutes! :wink:
  • brewwerks2
    brewwerks2 Posts: 34
    Remember this is about taking care of you. don't be afraid to speak up and tell them it is not what you need and it hurts your progress. if they brought those things as a gifts, you can tell them you appreciate the gesture, but remind them these are not good for you. I know my mother is very food focused, and gifts, rewards, etc are usually brought in this form.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I feel for you, I have completely eliminated all junk food from my house my boys are eating healthier, well my wonderful husband has been bringing home bags of junk food, chips soda candy you name everyday he comes home he brings something and not just one bag it is a couple. It is really upseting. I have been good and not touched any of it but it does weigh on you. I did come out and ask him if he was trying to sabotage me. Stay strong you can do it!!!! :smile:

    Is he trying to lose weight to? Because if not, he's probably bringing it in for him since you don't anymore.

    HUSBANDS ARE NOT BAD PEOPLE!!! :flowerforyou:

    Seriously, I am married to a great lady who just never gains weight. I mean, she can eat McDonalds everyday and lose a pound. When I made this decision for myself, she tried to stop eating the junk (in front of me at least) but she likes it to much. I told her to get what ever she wants, not to worry about me. I have a major carb (cookies, cake, donuts) addiction, and now I feed my kid a donut if he wants one.

    Bottom line is don't get upset by other people (THE HUSBANDS) bringing stuff into the house, its not to hurt you (hopefully). You all have the will power inside you to say no if that's what you really want. :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    OK. I couldn't bring myself to pitch them - but I had my 9 (almost 10) year old son stash them somewhere and he can't tell me where. :laugh:

    Good thinking! But when he's bouncing off the walls from a caffeine and sugar rush remember you told him NOT to tell you where it is!:laugh:

    LOL! :laugh: That's why I picked him - he's the kid who wouldn't sneak some. My 5 and 2 year old? The chocolate would be gone in 5 minutes! :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    Step AWAY from the chocolate. One candy bar doesn't constitute blowing your whole day, so log it and re-claim your day. I really don't understand WHY people do that when they know that we're really trying to get healthy. I listened to a group of gals (they work together) in my Boot Camp say that someone had brought in cookies and left them - - and no one ever does that as a rule. I told them, "just be the bigger person and say no thanks." I don't get it.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    My aunt does this to me all the time. She has good hearted intentions and believes in mainstream medicine and doctors more than I do...........

    But, she will make a fruit salad and add sugar to it.............when I tell her I don't eat sugar any longer unless it is natural from veggies and fruits, she tells me "just take more medicine for your diabetes and you will be fine."

    Ummm, what part of I don't want to be on medication for the rest of my life don't you understand??? i have had to tell her just like that. I can no longer eat sugar, it is not healthy for me.
  • rinalynn
    rinalynn Posts: 87

    Is he trying to lose weight to? Because if not, he's probably bringing it in for him since you don't anymore.

    HUSBANDS ARE NOT BAD PEOPLE!!! :flowerforyou:

    I know husbands aren't bad people:smile: he should get into shape due to health issues he's not extremely over weight but it would help get him off of some of his meds. it just seems that everytime I am on my way to being fit he starts bringing all of these bad foods into the house. Or when we are in the car he will say "don't you think we shoud have some icecream?" It is just a bit frustrating is all. This time I am not giving in I am on a mission to be fit by 40!!:drinker:
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    No chocolate bar or cookie in the whole world tastes as good as the feeling of being the weight that you want to be....
  • Did you enjoy the chocolate? If it is than it's worth it. It's over , time to move on.
    If you still feel bad about, do some cardio workout.
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