After a Stress Fracture...

After it heals, how much discomfort is normal?

Background: Hurt my ankle running on December 26, limped around and rested a week, and had it checked at an urgent care January 2nd. Xrays were inconclusive, but the doctor treated it as if it was a stress fracture of the fibula, put me in an active ankle brace, and told me no running for 3-4 weeks, then to slowly go back into it. If it bothered me more, come back and have it checked. No followup appointments scheduled.

Well, after a little over 4 week, a week ago, I started C25K again, going a bit over 2 miles, and while the ankle doesn't "hurt," I'd describe it as "an awareness of weakness, instability and sensitivity in that area." Some sensitivity in the first two or three strides when running intervals, then fine. It's not anywhere near how it felt when I went to the doctor... it might even be from altering my stride a bit with the brace on. No need to limp. I wear my ankle brace while exercising, but I don't feel I need it for normal activity, unless I'm gong to do a lot of walking. The only time it would get to where I'd say "that kinda hurts," is walking down steps.

I've (*knock on wood*) never had a broken bone before, so I have no clue what's normal. I'd really rather not go back to the doctor for him to just say, "That's normal." But I also don't want to eff it up more if that's not normal.


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I can't really give you a timeline, but it's likely due to weakness from the limited mobility.Splints/casts/braces keep those muscles from getting the exercise the need to stay strong. Just keep doing your awesome, and it should ease to where you don't notice it anymore in a few weeks. That's my thought, based on my experience with two broken legs. Good Luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I stress fractured one of my metatarsals last June. The Dr. told me I could start running again after about four weeks since the x-ray showed it healing. I started running again towards the end of July and it still hurt a lot. It didn't really stop hurting while running until around mid September. So, for me it was probably aroud 12 weeks before the pain was gone.
  • upwiththesun
    healing will take time. I know this must be torture for you.

    I had a sprain that took over 8 weeks to heal, if not more. (I did not care for it properly, kept running on it, figured I could run the pain away)

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    It sounds fairly normal, I had a stress fracture in the top of my foot last year while training for a half marathon - doc said it was from increasing distance too quickly. The only thing I would suggest is taking it slow, don't jump right back in too quick, its important to let it heal completely.

    And on another note I actually broke a bone in my hand almost 4 years and still to this day there are things I do sometimes where is doesn't necessarily hurt but it doesn't feel normal either.