Shocking Lunch moment

So i have been away from home for 2 days, in meetings and hotels.

i went to grab some lunch today and was amazed as i went to grab a ham sandwich at a well known "natural, handmade" deli.

i saw the cal count on the wall poster as i was about to pay and stopped dead... 600 CALORIES!!!! i put it right back, checked the board again and found an italian meatball soup for 263 cals. The choice i would have preferred anyway!!

unreal isnt it.


  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    GOOD FOR YOU! Today I went with my girlfriend to McDonald's for lunch and as she sat next to me eating fries, 2 cheeseburgers & a large Coke I enjoyed my grilled chicken caesar salad with low fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing and an unsweet small tea. I honestly had no want or desire for the burgers. I can't believe myself that I was okay with the salad instead of the burgers. I love burgers haha!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    i LOVE burgers. Nom!

    i use some 100% beef ones here that i grill and use a tortilla wrap to make a burger with all the salad, mustard and pickles.

  • missjones93
    missjones93 Posts: 74 Member
    Those mcdonalds grilled chicken Caesar salads are awesomeeee.
  • JAM7791
    JAM7791 Posts: 47 Member
    Nicely done! I never drink coffee but needed some today. I like my coffee with lots of milk and we didn't have any in my office so I used hazelnut creamer tubs...5 of them...and right before my first sip I read that each one has THIRTY calories!noooooo thanks! I promptly dumped it out!
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    That's happened to me once or twice... or a hundred times!

    But, I can usually get away with high calorie things because I usually only eat half.

    Take the cheese off, scrape the mayo off, get rid of the top piece of bread, and take half the meat off.

    I am really anal, though...
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    A scare for me today too, went to log my hot chocolate from a vending machine thinking there'd be nothing much apart from chemicals only to find it was 90 calories! Only a really small cup too. No wonder I'm the size I am!
  • I think using myfitnesspal has been very educational for me because, like you, I have been utterly shocked at how many calories are in some of the things that I eat! I have a new level of consciousness now which is a great start to a new lifestyle. I feel better than when I was just trying to work out daily and eating whatever. Now I feel more control over my body and food choices!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    i only wish the blackberry App was better.

    im seriously considering ditching my phone and getting a new one.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Starbucks is one of my ultimate jaw-on-floor shockers

    Thank Christ for their nutritional values
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    Starbucks is one of my ultimate jaw-on-floor shockers

    Thank Christ for their nutritional values

    this was pret a manger.

  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Ah, there isn't one of them near me unless I venture into Newcastle centre

    They do nice Miso soup, and I think I have an avocado sandwich once, before I used MFP

    Not too good on the cappuccino though as I remember!
  • i only wish the blackberry App was better.

    im seriously considering ditching my phone and getting a new one.

    Glad I am not the only one who feels this way! The BB app leaves much to be desired.
  • thedrummer1978
    thedrummer1978 Posts: 31 Member
    I think using myfitnesspal has been very educational for me because, like you, I have been utterly shocked at how many calories are in some of the things that I eat! I have a new level of consciousness now which is a great start to a new lifestyle. I feel better than when I was just trying to work out daily and eating whatever. Now I feel more control over my body and food choices!

    I completely agree!!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    That's happened to me once or twice... or a hundred times!

    But, I can usually get away with high calorie things because I usually only eat half.

    Take the cheese off, scrape the mayo off, get rid of the top piece of bread, and take half the meat off.

    I am really anal, though...

    This just reminded me of Sally in When Harry Met Sally. :heart:
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    yes i had one of those, too, with my husband. we enjoyed this DELICIOUS salad at a sandwich shop; opting for the salad b/c we thought it would be a much better selection than all that bread & meat & cheese...salad was over 1,000 calories! yikes! :embarassed:
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    i only wish the blackberry App was better.

    im seriously considering ditching my phone and getting a new one.

    yes...this! It is soooo annoying on crackberry
  • Golden dragon buffet for lunch today - I don't even want to go there with the calorie count.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Starbucks is one of my ultimate jaw-on-floor shockers

    Thank Christ for their nutritional values

    I miss my grande mocha frap :( but I love Starbucks for being able to have a skinny vanilla latte for about 100ish in a grande or their new skinny caffe mocha for 100 in a grande as well I don't like drinking my calories but sometimes I need coffee!!!
  • tamnih20
    tamnih20 Posts: 47 Member
    I think using myfitnesspal has been very educational for me because, like you, I have been utterly shocked at how many calories are in some of the things that I eat! I have a new level of consciousness now which is a great start to a new lifestyle. I feel better than when I was just trying to work out daily and eating whatever. Now I feel more control over my body and food choices!

    I am the same way!! It has been a huge eye opener for me!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    My Android app does well but it's still easier to log on the computer.

    BTW T-Mobile is having a Valentines special with their phones... They had one last year, that was my baby's V-day gift to me :heart: